Ch 5 : The Mysterious Fairy - part 3

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'So ye really didn't know where ye were going, did ya?'

'Yeah- I mean, it was quite the hassle- but in the end, we pulled through.' Muñoz concluded her story.

'You must've appreciated your roommate a lot. You speak very fondly of her.' Abrish reached for a piece of bread next to me. 'Which reminds me, we haven't heard your story yet.' She gave me a nod.

Chi immediately leaned forward over the table. 'You have a story?'

'Say, haven't you knocked enough over for one day?'

'Sorry LeGrimm...' She backed up a little. 'Story?', she repeated, now in a youthful wonder.

'Hmm?' I put my cup back down. 'I'm afraid it's not much of a story, but I'd be willing to tell it- or try, at least.'

Muñoz slightly pushed her chair back on its hind feet, using her elbows to balance it against the table. 'That's all right. You're free to share as much, or little, as you want.'

I sighed and attempted to relax my shoulders. My eyes seemed fixated on the cup in front of me, following the little bits of tea leaves twirling around.

'I uhm...' I started, but my voice failed to carry any sound. I took a deep breath, tried again, and again to no avail. I noticed how my arms had tensed up and how I was turning inward as my vision became hazy. I tried to swallow, but even that proved to be difficult.

It wasn't until I felt a hand on my shoulder and startled that I was able to avert my eyes from the cup. It was Muñoz'.

'You don't have to share anything if you don't want to, y'know?'

'What if we help her a bit?' Abrish asked. I nodded absently, and a silence fell while everyone was thinking, only for a short period.

'Ey, eh- yer source is strange.'

'How- how so?'

Iklím smirked. 'I mean, ye said ye were Silvean, right? I don'no much about it, but what ye did out there ain't no flower Magic.'

I shook my head. 'Hm, no. But I'm not Silvean. I came from Silvea, all right, but that's not where I was born.'

'Oh, that's right, you came from Bythrith, didn't you?' Abrish asked.

I giggled. 'No, no. I uhm... I actually come from Terra, originally.'

'Is that even possible?'

'LeGrimm here also came from Terra.' Chi stated proudly. She was met with a silent stare over the edge of a book when LeGrimm heard her name.

'I didn't know there were fairies still on Terra?'

'There aren't.' LeGrimm put her book down in front of her. 'I was said to be the only one.'

'Is that how you two know each other?' Muñoz inquired.

'We don't-' LeGrimm stopped and hushed her voice a little before she continued. 'We don't know each other, that was simply a misunderstanding.'


'Now, if you'll excuse me.' LeGrimm stood up. Her chair made an awful squeaking sound as it scraped over the floor and almost fell over. 'I'd like to finish my reading- in my room.'

As soon as she'd left, Iklím looked back at us and raised her eyebrows. 'What was that all about?'

Muñoz let the legs of her chair down again. She shoved it a little closer to the table. 'Terra.' she stated as if that name alone would answer Iklím's question. 'She doesn't like to talk about it.'

'Why's that?'

'I wish I could tell you, Abrish. All I know is that she was brought up there by her uncle. He seems like an unpleasant guy, from what I can tell, but I don't know much more than that. She usually avoids the subject altogether.'


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