Ch 5 : The Mysterious Fairy - part 5

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'All right- I won't let you get away with it any longer.'

LeGrimm nearly dropped her book when she heard someone enter her room, before she saw Chi standing in front of her bed with a piece of cloth draped over her arm. Her face turned from a startled, wide-eyed look to a defeated grin. 'Okay, okay... You've got me.' She put her book down on the edge of the bed and spread her arms. 'Promise me it won't take long?'

'Promise!' Her roommate hopped on the bed and took a ribbon decorated with evenly spaced stripes that was laying around on her nightstand. 'I've just got to make sure the measurements I took last time are still accurate. I don't want your dress to fall weirdly.'

'Remind me again what was wrong with last cycle's dress?'

'Nothing was wrong with it, per se. But it's been an entire cycle since I made that one- and back then I didn't know you as well as I do now. I want to make you a new one, one that really suits you. Does that make any sense?'

'It doesn't, really.' LeGrimm sighed, but when she noticed the disappointed look on Chi's face, she added: 'But if it means that much to you, you can go ahead.'

Her expression changed almost instantly. Exclaiming 'Great!' she hopped off the bed and started looking through a pile of paper that was lying on her desk. 'I already made you a couple of sketches. Look, I think this will really suit you, but I might still change it up a little, at least around here. Do you have any preferences? Oh- and can I add a pair of gloves to the mix or do those irritate you? I'd love to match them with the colour of your dress. You do like purple, don't you?'

'How 'bout you take my measurements first and we discuss the details later?'

'Oh... Yeah, you might be right about that. I do actually have to make it in time for the fest.'

'Speaking of- Won't the fest be at the end of the next moon cycle? That won't be for another few weeks.'

Chi put a finger on her lower lip, and then lifted it in the air. 'I mean, yes, but making these dresses takes time- a lot of it. And I've got to make three of them, if I can get Muñoz to finally come in to measure. Or-' She put her hand on LeGrimm's waist. 'Turn around a bit, please. - Or do you think I could make dresses for the new younglings as well?'

LeGrimm rolled her eyes, but smiled simultaneously, amused at the excitement of her roommate. 'You could certainly ask.'

Chi smiled. 'I might just do that! On the subject, you took quite some time with that Frostthorn girl- did you find her to be... interesting?'

In a rather futile attempt to hide the fact that she was blushing twenty shades of red, LeGrimm turned her head away from the young Chi. 'Interesting? I- don't know what you mean.'

'Y'h, 'nt'r'st'ng.' Chi mumbled, the pins in her mouth making it difficult for her to speak clearly. She took them out and very carefully placed them on her ribbon, leaving LeGrimm in suspense. 'Followers did mention you might find some fairy interesting, didn't she? Was the story she told you interesting?'

LeGrimm sighed inaudibly- and whilst doing so, let her shoulders down a bit- which in turn made Chi look up from her work.

'You should hold still if you don't want me to sting you with these.'

'Sorry...' She replied hastily. She remained quiet while Chi wrapped up her twisting and tweaking.

'All right.' Chi rubbed her hands together. 'You're done... for today. I'll take it off one last time now.'

'Great fey.' LeGrimm let out a heavy sigh as she finally relaxed her muscles, immediately twitching as she felt the sting of a pin poking her.

' LeGrimm let out a heavy sigh as she finally relaxed her muscles, immediately twitching as she felt the sting of a pin poking her

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She tried again, more carefully this time, to move- and they were able to remove the ribbon in no time.

When she had finally made herself comfortable on her bed, with a book in hand again, she glanced over at the young fairy she shared her room with, who was busily dwindling around and putting her pins and sketches back where they belonged.

'It was.'

'What was?'

'An interesting story.' She smiled halfly. 'It was, well, an interesting story. Say, Chi?'


'In the story she told me, she was rescued by a fairy, a fairy she believed to be me. Remember when I told you that- uhm... that nothing quite felt right here at the Academy...?'

Chi looked up from the notes she'd just taken and met LeGrimm's glance. 'Of course I do? Why?'

LeGrimm stayed quiet for a while, tracing the edge of her book with her finger. 'That Frostthorn girl, y'know? She's the most out of place of all.'

'What do you mean?' Chi let go of her pins, causing a few to clatter on the ground and get lost in the carpet.

With a turn of LeGrimm's hand, the pins came flying up again, back into Chi's open hand, which closed itself almost immediately after the fact. 'I mean- she just doesn't feel right. You're- welcome, by the way. Hold on to them this time.' She gave a slight nod and a glance at what she meant.

Chi looked down at her closed hand. 'Oh- Thank you.'

'I don't know how to say this, but I feel like she doesn't belong here.' LeGrimm looked at Chi's perplexed face for a moment, then added: 'Forget I said anything, it's likely nothing.' and she flicked her light out.


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