Ch 1 : Myth or Reality? - part 3

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'Aren't you eating?' My uncle asked.

No wonder, I was fooling around with my spoon in my soup, repeating the same circle over and over and fishing up vegetables, just to drop them in again a few seconds after. I didn't even realize I had been given a question.

'Is something on your mind, dear?' Added my aunt, upon which I startled, dropping my spoon in the soup and quickly shaking my head afterwards. This lead to my uncle asking:

'You're not getting sick, are you?'

'No, I'm just thinking about tomorrow. It's going to be quite the change without An 'round here.' I admitted.

From all the times I had tried before, I knew I couldn't keep any secrets from my aunt and uncle. They would keep asking me questions until I'd go crazy. So now, whenever I got asked what was troubling me, I just went with the truth- or something close to.

'I know it's going to be different, but it'll still be you, me and my parents.' Hazel said, trying to cheer me up a little. She took another sip of her soup. She would always drink the last bit after eating all the vegetables first.

Despite her attempt to help me, I was still feeling rather empty. I couldn't help but feel drained, like a part of me was already gone, or was soon to be gone. I took a look around the table and noticed that Anthea wasn't saying anything, or even eating, either.

I guess my uncle detected our lowering in spirit, too, because he stood up and gave both of us a big hug. 'You know what? I'll start up the energy reserve this evening so you can contact your friend tomorrow.''

'Really?' I asked in amazement

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'Really?' I asked in amazement. I couldn't be bothered to wait for a reply, added 'Thank you!' with a brilliant smile, suddenly all lifted up at the thought of talking to Alex again, and rose from my seat. I didn't get to do this much, we simply didn't have enough energy to do so, living in the middle of nowhere like we were. Hence my excitement.

The energy reserves weren't used all that often overall though, as we didn't use that much electricity at home in general. And all the energy we did use, was solely collected by our own doing. Think of it as green energy, of some sorts.

It was only at some rare times that my uncle activated whatever energy my cousin and I had collected with our own small solar leaves ourselves.

This was such a day.

Juniper nodded. 'Now, off you two go, let me take care of those reserves.'

I took Anthea's hand and pulled her off her chair.

'Not so fast!' She uttered laughing. 'I know you're excited about contacting Alex again tomorrow, Ehrynn, but I'd rather not trip over the stairs.'

A smile appeared on my uncle's face as he beheld our little coze.

'Can I go play as well?' Hazel wanted to know.

Her mother gave her a kiss on her forehead. 'Of course you can go, but don't stay up for too long, Hazie.'

Hazel stood up and ran to the stairs. 'You promised you wouldn't call me Hazie anymore.' A grin appeared on her face right before she turned around and took the last few steps up.

Astra and Juniper frowned at each other before they ended up laughing.

'She's growing up so fast.' Stated Juniper.

'A little too fast, sometimes.'


Anthea and I had been listening from up in our room until Hazel joined us.

'She'll never stop calling me Hazie.' She sighed and let herself fall on the bed.

Her sister gave her a comforting pat on the back and gently put her arm around her.

'Trust me, Hazel, there will be a time when you'll miss the nickname mom gave you.'

'I doubt that.' Hazel mocked, crossing her arms whilst trying to look as upset as possible.

Her attempt was rather futile, the only thing Anthea needed to do to make her little sister smile again was a bit of tickling. After that, Anthea hugged her tightly and the three of us burst into laughter.


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