Chapter 8

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Zak just finished showering they've arrived a few minutes ago from the mall, he exited the bathroom drying his hair with a towel. He was about to enter his room when he heard humming noises from the living room so he came to check it out.

He walked away from his room door as he walked to the living, he was in for a cute site, Darryl laying down while using his phone while wearing the oversized hoodie he bought. Zak chuckled " I may have bought it 2 size bigger" Zak thought seeing Darryl.

Darryl looks so fully engulfed with the huge fabric, but it suits him. Zak sat next Darryl who now took away his attention from his phone " oh your back" the brunette said.

" Thanks for the hoodie, it's really bigger than my oversized hoodies but I kinda like it" Darryl said using his phone once again.

Zak replied " yeah didn't thought of how small you really are, but you look nice in it".

" I'll be in my room, I feel sleepy" Darryl yawned and left the room.

Zak haft smile, the brunnete's scent still lingers in the room it may be weird but now it's much more enticing for Zak. But probably it's just him getting used to it, he laid down in the couch as he started using his phone.

He went through YouTube, and nothing was really catching his attention to watch something and so his mind wondered around. " Darryl and me doesn't really know each other all that much, but for sure his pretty smart with a good personality, kind but very pushy at times and well lastly cute adorable face... Uh huh". Zak cringed rethinking on why he thought about that.

He sighed as he went back to YouTube, he heard a few commotions outside so he opened the window, the commotion was just employees setting up the restobar. Zak thought about it and thought to go there with Darryl later tonight.

Maybe him and the brunette could talk and know each other more.

Time Skip

The time now is 7:12 pm Darryl and Zak are currently leaving their room as they're going to the bar, they walked the stone path and Zak said something that made Darryl smile " your scent is kinda growing on me, it smells really nice a sweet strawberry".

" Yours isn't too bad as well, kinda strong but bearable blueberry scent calming and comforting at times" Darryl said his response

Zak looked at Darryl in a surprise manner " you find my scent comforting?".

Darryl smiled " well of course, why won't I".

That short conversation really made the mood delightful, they entered the bar and the atmosphere immediately changed to a jumpy one with the music playing.

They squeeze through the crowd that's dancing to get to the bar counter where the bar tender is, they sat down on the stool they sat next to each other. Zak got himself and Darryl a drink, and they started drinking it with Darryl only taking small sips.

" Sooo... Seems nice" Darryl awkwardly said looking around the vicinity.

Before Zak can reply though someone talked to them, a male alpha seemly friendly " hello you two, I'm Calvin".

Darryl and Zak smiled at him with them replying their names " I'm Darryl"
" And I'm Zak".

" Ahh I see, well if you don't remember me I was with you two at the scuba diving session. And well... My fiance Harper thought you two looked kind of cute if you two would have been a couple, and yeah I could see it"

Zak chuckled and well Darryl blushed a bit" well that would be too bad since were just friends isn't that right Darryl?" Zak put his hand in the brunette' shoulder.

Calvin only luaghed " well ok.. actually my fiance is over the one with the yellow dress, we rented this bar for the moment as were having a bachelorette party for Harper and I's wedding which is 2 days from now."

Darryl made a surprised face " oh wow, well congrats then. Well is it ok that me and Zak are here we can leave if it's not ok". Calvin only luaghed " not at all you two can stay, actually you two should come to the wedding Harper would be delighted." The venue and reception is just in the beach front of this resort, and oh the outfits is just a beachy vibe one no need to wear suits".

Darryl and Zak looked at each other and nodded " ok we'll come, thanks for the invite" Darryl said.

" Ok I'll expect you two to be there, I'll go and inform Harper. And lastly the drinks are on me so drink till you drop woooo!" Calvin said as he walked away.

Darryl and Zak laughed towards that, it's not that loud in the bar counter so it wasn't that hard to hear a conversation.

" So Darryl why did you ran away" Zak asked drinking his drink, Darryl contemplated to answer but sighed " fine I'll tell you, I was arranged to marry some bozo that I don't even know, can't really have a say in it, as well can't cancel it unless I have someone to marry".

Zak awkwardly replied " sucks to suck I guess well just our bad luck with that caz same situation here".

" Yeah the night I ran away that was the night my parents told me about the arrangement, like literally an hour before you hit me with your car" Darryl giggled remembering how they met.

Zak smiled " well for me it was a week before I ran away that they told me about it. But I'm glad I ran away a week late".

" And why is that?" Darryl curiously asked.

Zak smiled at Darryl " well caz I met you, that well as of the moment were getting to know each other".

Darryl agreed on that, they got more and more alcohol not even knowing how many glasses they've consumed. But as Calvin said drink till you drop so the two are really doing that.

Darryl as of the moment is wasted messy hair, blurry vision with a mind that just blank and unstable. Darryl giggled his very dizzy.

Zak chuckled along side Darryl. His as well wasted with his mind not rendering a single thing, he creased one of Darryl's cheeks, and smiled towards him " thanks... For ma..king me feel not so... Lo... lonely" Zak said slurring his words.


Word count...1075

I hope you enjoyed the chapter, and please don't forget to vote if you did.

Don't forget to eat, sleep, and drink water; you deserve it. [I said you deserve it]

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