Chapter 24

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It's morning once again, the next day to be exact and Darryl woke up smiling. Him and Zak are finally together, it just feel surreal he couldn't be more happier. He got off his bed and got out his room, he saw Zak's room door is a bit open so he went towards it. He looked around seeing the room is empty, no one is seemly downstairs so probably Zak went somewhere.

" I'll make breakfast" Darryl muttered going downstairs, he went to the kitchen and gathered the ingredients on making french toast. He preheated the pan on medium before cracking the 2 eggs into a bowl, putting some cinnamon and milk into it, afterwards mixing it before soaking the slice of bread in the mixture.

After doing all that, he started cooking. He cooked atleast 6 french toast, he got two plates and put 3 on each one, sprinkling some powdered sugar and drizzling some syrup. He set them in the counter and that's when he felt nauseous, it can really happen daily so pretty annoying. He went to the sink and started vomiting gagging a few times, he sighed rinsing his mouth. He heard the door open he said not bothering looking back" oh just got another morning sickness" he finished wiping his mouth with his wrist.

" What do you mean by morning sickness?" Audrey Zak's mom questioned. Darryl froze instantly, he looked towards her with a heart that's pounding in panic, he couldn't reply properly " oh uhm... I threw up caz.... Ehm yeah I may had eaten too much last night" he lied.

Audrey wasn't convince " Zak come here for a moment, as well with you Dear". Darryl started to panic more seeing the two entering, that's probably why Zak wasn't here. He probably went to his parents and when he returned they wanted to come with.

" Yes mom" Zak said.

" What does Darryl mean by he has another morning sickness? Don't even try lieng" Audrey replied knowing already but needs confirmation.

Zak looked at Darryl with a face of distressed, their parents are gonna know anyways. So they'll just have to tell them " you see mom..... Ok Darryl's pregnant, there you now know".

Zak parents stayed silent, mostly from shock. " How when? How did that happened like last time we checked you two were fighting which was a week ago or something." Lawrence said frantically from the sudden news, his happy alright just surprised.

Audrey gathered herself together, she started looking so happy, excited and jumpy " Oh.... Uhm how old is my soon to be grand baby?" Zak's mom asked with gleaming eyes. Zak chuckled and was about to answer but his mom stopped him " no wait, Honey ring Darryl's parents. We'll discuss this with them so hold that words of yours."

Lawrence nodded and took out his phone. Some time later Darryl's parents arrived, they looked a bit out of breath, probably left in an urgent. Darryl, Zak and Zak's parents are seated in the dinner table. Darryl's currently eating caz Zak's mother told him so, she doesn't want Darryl to miss a single meal.

" So what's with the urgent call, and why do you guys look like your having an open forum." Agnes chuckled setting her bag in the couch, Howard came inside soon after.

" So why did we needed to go here? Any problems about the two?" Howard asked eyeing Darryl, Darryl looked at his Dad with an innocent look signalling he didn't do anything. Lawrence didn't tell them the news yet.

Audrey couldn't handle herself " ok before we say it, sit down in the dinner table with us". They both sighed and went towards them sitting beside each other.

Darryl put his head down, only looking at his food. He could feel the tension, why is he scared though, his parents are gonna be so happy. He could feel the burning stare of Zak's parents, he let out a quiet groan, his gonna be the one whose gonna announce it.

He looked up and groaned " ok, I'm pregnant there. You guys happy".

Darryl's parents kept quiet, same reaction as Zak's parents a few minutes ago. Howard could only say a short question " How did that happen?".

Audrey luaghed " I know, I have the same question, now you two explain". With that Darryl nudged Zak, Zak made an ow noise and glared at him " ok ok.. Basically back in Hawaii the two of us made a mistake".

" How come?" Agnes replied, now listening.

Zak sighed and replied " we'll me and Darryl drank so much, that we got drunk that we lost our senses and well we had sex.... We regreted it at first of course we had a lot of fights but right now we're happy it happened."

Darryl agreed on the last part, however blushed furiously hearing the word sex. " Aww my little baby is now all grown up, and is gonna be a mama" Agnes said in awe looking at her son.

Darryl just glared at her, not wanting the baby tone she's using. Zak parents just stood up and hugged him " I can't believe you're gonna be a dad. It's not gonna be easy but you'll get the hang of it" Lawrence patted Zak's back .

They talked for what felt like forever, Darryl just wants his parents to leave already, his getting a head ache on how much information they are trying to stuffed in his brain. Same goes to Zak, the parenting talk lasted so long.

And after what felt like 5 hours, but it was just 2. Their parents left with a look of happiness in their faces. Because not only did Darryl and Zak made up, their as well getting a grand baby. Really got two really good news in one day.

And as of the moment, Darryl and Zak are just laying in Darryl's bed , exhausted. Darryl sighed closing his eyes, him and Zak are cuddling right now. Really relieves both of their head aches.

" Well that was a bit stressful" Darryl said. Zak chuckled " couldn't agree more, didn't expect it all to be out within a few days."

Darryl nodded " yup, but it's good now we don't have anything to hide. Would be akward when we see them and we have a secret were hiding from them".

" Yup" Zak replied putting his face in Darryl's nape, his spooning Darryl at the moment.

Darryl got confused " uh Zak what are you-" his eyes widened, Zak started sucking his nape, probably leaving a mark. " Ekkk" Darryl released, Zak smirked continuing what his doing.

" I kinda want to do what we did in Hawaii." Zak breathlessly said near Darryl's ear sending shivers down Darryl's spine. It made Darryl's ear red, Zak bit it gently making Darryl gulped.

Zak turned Darryl with one swift motion to face him " so wanna have some fun?" Zak asked with a lip bite. Darryl blushed furiously, he doesn't wanna admit it, but he wants it. Zak took that little reaction as a small yes, as he went attacking Darryl's neck littering it with small affectionate kisses.

" Ekk you bad potato" Darryl exclaimed as Zak sucked on his sensitive spot. with that they continued what they are doing escalating things up. And we all know what happens from there.


Word count...1214

I hope you enjoyed the chapter, and please don't forget to vote if you did.

The final chapter would be updated either tomorrow or the day after, hopefully this chapter wasn't too bad. Likewise, have a good day.

Don't forget to eat, sleep, and drink water; you deserve it. [I said you deserve it]

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