Chapter 13

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After saying his excuse to Harper and Calvin, Zak came back running to their cottage house " please be there, please be there" he muttered as he increased his pace. They need to talk, he doesn't know how to fix this.

He barged in the front door and immediately went to Darryl's room door, he started knocking it furiously wanting to get the brunnete's attention. After a few seconds of knocking he doesn't hear a response from the inside.

" Darryl I know your in there, just please come out... We'll talk about this just come out" Zak begged however Darryl didn't said a word or response, it's as if the room is empty. He bit his nails as he paced back and forth in the small hallway.

He then thought of an idea, he took out his phone and called Darryl's number. It started ringing and with that he heard a ring tone inside the room as well as a muffled voice " fudge". And after hearing that the ring tone stopped it's possible that Darryl silent it.

Zak then got the hint that maybe the brunette doesn't wanna come out because of his aggressive tone, they won't really accomplish anything if they have unstable emotions when talking. And so Zak started breathing in and out to calm down, after a few seconds he started knocking but this time much gentler.

" Darryl, sorry for being aggressive a moment ago, right now I'm much calmer so open the door and let's talk. We need calcification mk." Zak said in a hush calming tone.

Darryl didn't respond one bit, rather just got off bed as Zak could hear and unlocked his room door and returned to sitting at the edge of the bed. Zak got the hint to go in, and when he did it was dark, he turned on the lights and gave out a calming pheromones to ease down the tension.

Darryl seems to enjoy the scent as the brunette's scent turned from a bit sour to sweet again. Darryl patted the space on the bed signalling Zak to sit down beside him. Zak obeyed and they just sat there silent, that is when Zak opened his mouth and talked.

" I'm sorry for making the horrible decision, and suggestion" Zak blurted out.

Darryl nodded and replied " good that you came to your senses, considering what you suggested was a low blow horrible Idea, using a child as an excuse isn't good, and arranging our marriage to cancel our parents plan is also bad"

Zak bit down his bottom lip agreeing, Darryl sighed contently seeing Zak realizing everything. Zak then added " but... Uhm you didn't answer my question".

Darryl titled his head to the side and made a thinking face " what question?" He asked.

Zak frowned " well ya know, the one where I asked you if you've also caught feelings".

Darryl smiled " well what I said that I don't have the responsibility to answer it, is well kind of me thinking like no final answer, yes that's it".

Zak looked up at Darryl with sad eyes " so do you mean you're rejecting my feelings?".

Darryl cupped Zak's cheeks and answered " well no, caz I didn't really said a yes or a no to the question, I just said I'm just finding out or just a bit of time thinking".

Darryl then sighed looking to the wall infront of him " you said love is weird, it can be formed quickly or slowly, however I would add that even if it forms quick or slow, love is only pure when two lovers know one another."

Darryl looked at Zak in the eye " so after hearing that, do we really know each other? Or we just know one another's names?".

Zak look sadden hearing that and nodded, he started picking on his nails agreeing to the statement, Darryl giggled seeing Zak, he looks like he got rejected by his high school crush.

" Hey hey, don't be so sad I didn't said you won't have a chance, I just said we need to know each other and find out if your feelings are truly love or just you finding comfort from me" Darryl cooed.

Zak only chuckled and replied " yeah I guess your right, how about we extend for a few more days. Ya know to find out what we truly feel we haven't visited many of the places here yet, I'll hire a tourist guide".

" Sounds good" Darryl said.

They stayed quiet for a few minutes, enjoying the peaceful quietness. Zak laid his head on Darryl's shoulder, the brunette didn't mind though.

The peaceful silence lastly for a few minutes before Zak said something " you really just stormed out of that wedding".

Darryl remembered everything and got a bit worried " did I ruined the moment for Harper and Calvin?" He said a bit worried.

Zak chuckled " not really, well Harper just got worried and asked I just gave them an excuse that were tired so yeah nothing to worry about".

That sent an immediate relief to Darryl, and with that Darryl said " Zak?".

"Yeah?" Zak replied

" Can you remove your head from my shoulder it's kinda heavy" Darryl said.

Zak only chuckled and obeyed, they made eye contact for a few seconds, Zak's brown eyes meets the brunette's green ones it stayed that way until Zak started inching closer and closer.

Zak even closed his eyes, I think we all know what Zak's wants. Zak was ready to kiss Darryl however Darryl giggled and placed a hand on Zak's lips stopping him.

Darryl said " let's uh, figure out our situation first before doing that".

Zak groaned but nodded " I just wanted a little kiss".

Darryl rolled his eyes " but you aren't gonna get it, so deal with it. Plus I'm kinda tired I should refreshed up before bed." Darryl said standing up and going to the bathroom.

While Zak laid down on Darryl's bed rethinking on why eh did that, a few seconds later Zak left Darryl's room going into his. He got comfortable clothes to change to and went to the bathroom after Darryl finished.

After that they just slept in their rooms.


Word count...1028

I hope you enjoyed the chapter, and please don't forget to vote if you did.

Don't forget to eat, sleep, and drink water; you deserve it. [I said you deserve it]

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