Chapter 25/END

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Months passed by, with that only a few days from now and it's Darryl's due date. Darryl's parents took out 2 weeks of vacation from their shared company, they wanna take care of their son during the last few days of pregnancy. Zak isn't at home most of the day, he now has work at his parents company, he needs experience before he could inherite the company.

Zak's just doing some paperwork in his office, it's pretty much still morning right now. He yawned his once stack of paperwork now seeming to diminish. After a few seconds of focusing someone knocked at his door, he shot up " come in". With that person came in.

It's his mom " Oh mom it's just you, anything that you may need?" Zak asked, looking back into his computer. " Nope, not really" She replied sitting down, she looked towards Zak " so how's Darryl?".

Zak chuckled remembering him " his well uhm, mostly groaning, his in bed rest. It's only a few days before his due date actually" Zak said.

" Well that's normal, I heard the baby is a little big.... Considering his a male omega isn't it a bit dangerous?" Audrey said worriedness laced within every word.

Zak bit his bottom lip, he let out a worried some sigh and nodded looking at his mother. " It is, I've just been calming down myself honestly. The baby's growth shot up around 7 months within pregnancy so it was unexpected."

" I mean male omega's pregnancy is already risky at it is....however adding those factors into accountability the chances of-" Audrey didn't finished as Zak shot her a glare, his nervous.

" Mom! There's no possibility for that. We're going to a hospital with highly trained doctors so those chances are low they assured me" Zak interrupted. Audrey looked more concerned after seeing his son's behavior, his worried for the possibility of Darryl and the baby not making it. There's always a possibility as not every delivery is successful.

Audrey said " I'm just stating possibility ok, yes your going to a hospital with highly trained doctors. However the chances are still not with a 100 percent success rate."

Zak looked down into his desk, shaking his head in defeat. He just doesn't wanna imagine a world without Darryl, I don't think he'll handle it. " I know I know. I'm just sugar coating everything caz I don't know how I'll feel if Darryl ya know" Zak explained.

Audrey looked at Zak in a comforting way she stood up and hugged him. " I know I know, I'm just saying the possibilities so you won't get hurt that bad" She said while patting Zak's back.

Zak sighed within the hug, he closed his eyes releasing a sigh " yeah I know".

" Ok but anyways, 3 days before his due date take a few days off. Sometimes it happens much earlier than expected ok, also whoes taking care of Darryl at this moment?" Audrey explained before asking and pulling away from the hug, Zak smiled hearing the topic change " oh uhm, his parents are in our house taking care of him. His well taken care of, like his getting treated like a king honestly" Zak chuckled at the end.

" As he should, as his pregnant no lifting heavy things nor moving too much" Audrey replied. After a second later as Audrey's about to leave. Zak phone rang making her stop within her tracks " oh whoes that?" She looked back.

Zak shrugged getting his phone, seeing it's Howard Darryl's father whoes calling, he accepted the call. " Hey Uhm Zak, at this moment were going to the hospital Darryl going into labor earlier than expected.... Were almost there calm down dear " Howard ended the call, the last part was probably Agnes panicking.

Zak immediately left his chair getting out his office room, Audrey followed him " where are you going? Did something bad happened looked like an urgent call" Audrey asked to his son, race walking in heels is indeed painful.

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