Chapter 17

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1 week has now passed, during those days Darryl and Zak hasn't talked to each other. Well that's due to the fact Darryl hasn't left the house, his been regretting his decision of leaving Zak. He hates that fact he had been so selfish, not stopping himself from leaving, he kept on hearing inside his head on how broken Zak's voice was.

Darryl as well deactivated his socials, he doesn't wanna be bothered by anyone, he barely touched his phone during the week. Mostly his been staring into his room walls or even just his ceiling. He doesn't even bother on calling Zak, Zak's must be mad at him at that moment. Darryl couldn't blame Zak if he doesn't forgive him, what he did was totally an implausive and selfish act.

And well let's go back into the present, Darryl's parents have told him that they're meeting the person whoes arranged for him together with his family. Darryl didn't react much about the announcement as he can actually reject the proposal after the week living with the person. In his mind at the moment though is just Zak, the person who had done a lot of efforts just for Darryl to find out what his heart truly wants, but I guess a week and mere few days wasn't enough to awaken those feelings. But I guess the week after his arrival was the one, the one where he realized his feelings, being alone does help you think.

At the very moment, Darryl is with his parents in the car. Their going to the restaurant where his gonna find out the man arranged for him, during the car ride Darryl didn't talked much, just a simple yes and no answering his parents questions. Darryl's just looking into the window out in a daze, Agnes Darryl's mom got concerned about her son's behavior " Darryl you ok? We could cancel this dinner if you don't feel like it".

Darryl only looked at her and smiled " no, I'm ok mom let's just get this over with".

Agnes then nodded, she doesn't wanna bother her son further, Howard Darryl's Dad only lightly squeezed his wife's shoulder and giving her a comforting smile. The drive to the restaurant took atleast 25 minutes, they were the one who got there first and so they just said their name for their reservation, and they were guided to their table having 6 chairs.

It's a pretty fancy restaurant, however Darryl didn't care much looking at the decors. Darryl and his family just got seated and waited for the other family, Agnes tried comforting Darryl by telling him how wonderful the guy was, Darryl didn't like it of course, sounds too made up. While that's happening Howard ordered the food.

After a few minutes the family arrived, with Darryl using his phone. " Oh sorry for the wait, had a late meeting in the office"  Howard the dad of the other family announced.

Agnes patted Darryl's shoulder signalling him to stand up, and so he did greeting the other family. His smile faltered quickly seeing Zak, they had a few seconds of eye contact before Zak looked away. Darryl thinned his lips seeing Zak in such an upset state.

" Darryl, this is Zak the person whose arranged for you. Had trouble with Darryl sorry for the minor inconvenience" Agnes luaghed.

Audrey Zak's Mom only laughed as well " nothing to be sorry about, had trouble with Zak as well."

Zak didn't let out any pheromones signifying his upsetness, the food arrived shortly after. And mostly it was just the parents who were talking, with Darryl and Zak not even saying a word. It's just very puzzling for the two seeing they were the one set for each other.

A little bit yes it made Darryl a bit happy knowing it's Zak whoes set for him. However considering what he did it's more likely Zak doesn't wanna agree with it.

" Boys why aren't the two of you talking" Audrey said.

Darryl only smiled at her, with Zak rolling his eyes at his mother " don't give me that attitude, were in public, sorry about that Agnes" Audrey apologized.

Zak replied " why wouldn't I, I'm infront of this selfish deceiving bitch called Darryl".

Darryl's parents went silent, they suspect the two have already met, well with this type of words coming out from Zak the meet up wasn't that good.

" Hey watch your mouth, as well as your behavior you. You two are gonna be living in one house. Don't worry the house is good looking it's just for a week or so- " Audrey explained to her son.

Zak only retorted " I may have agreed on those terms, however after seeing this bitch I've changed my mind" Zak went back to eating.

Darryl only looked down, guiltiness swarming him like fire devour an object. Agnes interfered " Darryl what happened between the two of you, don't try lieng you aren't very good at that".

Darryl looked up, it's feels like his vocal cords are tangled. He really tried to say but he just released a squeak. That only received a snort from Zak, however that only intrigued the two parents.

Darryl gulped and deeply sighed " It's just that we-". Darryl didn't finished when Zak gave him a death stare " don't you dare spill one detail, you don't deserve to say anything about that trip after what you've done."

Howard connected the dots " did Zak went to Hawaii as well?".

Audrey and Lawrence looked at each other and nodded. Agnes let out a deep sigh " I guess now we know where they met, however it's not our duty to know what happened rather it's for two to know and make up if they could".

" As if" Zak muttered, they continued on with the dinner with Darryl and Zak just eating quietly. With their parents just talking more details about what's gonna happen, they can't finalize anything yet they still need Darryl and Zak to agree to everything, which they will only know after a week or more if they need it.

While eating Darryl didn't dare looking up, even when he ate it felt like his throat is gonna push it back up. Darryl could feel Zak's burning stare, a look of anger.

The dinner lasted for a few minutes more, and when they finished the food they asked for the bill and paid they stayed there for a few more minutes. Their parents stood up first and Darryl tried standing up as well. But Agnes stopped Darryl from standing, with Audrey stopping Zak from standing up as well

" You two should talk for a little bit, we'll be waiting outside" Lawrence said.

Zak released a groan with Darryl feeling like shrinking in his seat. Their parents left, leaving the two in silence, Zak tried everything to not look at Darryl, with Darryl kept on fidgeting his fingers.

" What I did, was selfish, I've regretted it. I've been swarmed with guilt ever since that plane left Hawaii" Darryl said looking at Zak.

Zak felt anger rushing through him. but he kept his voice down " And you think that would make me feel good? Like what do you fucking expect I'll think of : Oh no Darryl feels guilty and regret and he didn't even tried contacting me, and also deactivated his socials. So how the fuck would I contact you huh you son of a bitch" Zak said with anger in every word. His heart started to pulsing quite loudly.

" You left me, just like that you didn't even know much I've cried that day" Zak's voice broke ending the sentence.

Darryl's nose has started to sting, and warm up his at the verge of crying " I know and I'm sorry" Darryl's voice crooked

" Ok" Zak replied

Darryl looked up confused " so you forgive me?"

Zak only luaghed sarcastically" no" he spat out.

" But I said sorry and you replied it with an ok" Darryl said tears starting to come out his eyes.

Zak only looked at him blankly starting to stand up " I may have said ok, however not all sorries are accepted" Zak walked off leaving Darryl in tears. It took a few seconds for Darryl gather himself and stand up, he walked out of the restaurant with tears dripping down his face, having quiet sniffles every now and then.


Word count...1394

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