Chapter 16

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The time now has barely passed by 3 am. And Zak woke up to his door closing, he sat up and looked around, he didn't saw anyone with him in the room, possibly whomever it was just took a peak. Zak thinned his lips and snuggled back into his bed " it's probably just Darryl" Zak assures himself putting a smile into his face.

Sleepiness soon took over him and he fell asleep not long after, and his hunch was indeed true though as Darryl's currently outside his room, reading just reading the dm he received a few hours ago, the one Zak alerted him to check. Darryl bit on his lips reading it one more time " I guess it's for the best" Darryl sighed carrying his suitcase to the front door, unlocking it and left the cottage of course he indeed locked it.

The dm was from Darryl mother, Darryl didn't question on how she found his secret Instagram. The dm was

" Darryl, I know you're in Hawaii for reasons I don't understand, but I've suspended my suspension of you finding someone to marry on such short notice to stop the wedding that was planned. However, I've agreed with your father that pressuring you to marry someone is wrong, and as we can see from your actions, you're desperate not to agree to this type of arrangement. As a result, I'd like to tell you that if you don't really want to marry him, we won't pursue; instead, just live with him for a few days to really set your mind on what you really want."

As Darryl walked away from the cottage, he took one last look at the cottage and smiled in sadness before going to the resort's exit. The memories of Zak and him does makes it hard to have made his decision on leaving, however Zak had become pushy and quite hopeful. So ending it early seemed the right decision in Darryl's head.

" Is this really the best, Idea? Well no however atleast I won't raise Zak's hopes anymore. I could only think about him at times, with the occasional tingly feeling seeing him, nothing more and nothing less." Darryl thought ordering an Uber, quite convient to still have Uber at this time.

It took a few minutes for the Uber to arrive, with so when it held to a stop infront of Darryl, he put his suitcase in the trunk and got in. He told the driver to bring him to the airport and the driver then drove off.

Darryl already brought tickets online, it was quite rush as he only had bought it around 2 hours ago. Luckily there was a plane leaving to their city in 6 am, which is his flight. He needed to get business class as it's the only one having available seats wasn't a problem though.

Darryl sat in the back seat leaning his head in the window, looking outside, his mind is just blank. He sighed a little seeing the houses and trees he sees that they passed by and after 32 minutes they arrived at the airport. The driver took out Darryl suitcase and handed it to Darryl who just got out the car, he thanked and paid him and the driver left immediately.

Darryl stood there infront of the airport " When I walk in there, it means I've made up my mind and I'm not turning back" Darryl muttered as he swallowed a lump in his throat. He took in deep breaths before closing his eyes and rushed walked to the entrance.

His now getting inspected by the securities, meaning he indeed had his mind fixed. After checking in his luggage, he was escorted to the private lounge where he sat and waited for his flight. He actually felt sleepy, so Darryl set an alarm for 5:58 am and slept on the couch he was sitting on.

During his sleep he always felt uneasy, twisting and groaning quietly. Non the less he slept for a few hours, he actually woke up a few minutes before his alarm, a good 15 minutes to be exact. He sighed as he sat up straight, just looking to the corner of the lounge. Is he really making the right decision, or another mistake?

A few minutes have passed, and a flight attendant went up to him saying that his plane is now boarding, of course his business class so their the second one to board. As Darryl was walking to the plane he thought what would really happen if he doesn't leave. " Would me and Zak really get together, or would we just figth if ever Zak gets impatient, I guess it's better not to know" Darryl thought sitting in his separated seat.

" There you are sir, just say anything if you need something, and hope you enjoy the flight." The female flight attendant smiled. Darryl only nodded saying a small thank you, and with that she left.

Darryl tried relaxing on his seat, closing his eyes even. And a few minutes later his alarm ringed. He turned it off and decided to text Zak a final goodbye, just to remove a bit of guiltiness.

" Zak sorry for doing this caz I'm leaving, I've been having second thoughts for a few days now and I've thought about it for a few hours and this is for the best. Bye Zak" Darryl sent the message

Darryl put his phone on his chest, can't believing he've just sent that. He closed his eyes, and seconds later absurd of amount of text came in.

" What do you mean by that?"



"Where are you? Let's talk about this."

Darryl almost teared up seeing those text, that's until he received a call from Zak. Darryl hovered over the accept call button and he clicked it.

" Hello Darryl, I know I've been pushy and quite grumpy when you say just to wait, however what your doing isn't the best thing" Zak said through the phone.

Darryl replied " well I've already thought about it, my parents think I should come home and we'll just talk".

" No, no don't do that, tell me where you are I'll go meet you there" Zak said, Darryl could hear Zak at the verge of crying through the other line.

Darryl was about to reply however the flight attendant showed up " hello sir, we'll be taking off now, so please put your devices on flight mode".

Darryl just nodded. " YOUR IN A PLANE? wait wait don't go-" Darryl ended the call.

Afterwards Darryl blocked Zak number and put his phone on airplane mode, he closed his eyes having a tear drip down his cheek. The plane has now taken off, Darryl got a window seat so his just staring at the window blankly.


Word count...1134

I hope you enjoyed the chapter, and please don't forget to vote if you did.

I wasn't sure about this chapter, not that I'm sure about any of my chapters. But hopefully everything is fine and you have a good day.

Don't forget to eat, sleep, and drink water; you deserve it. [I said you deserve it]

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