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April 5, 2023

I had been back in Orlando because Maddie asked to see me. Aside from that though, my parents resided here, and being here on my own was refreshing. Sure, things were okay with Nova, but I was not only reeling from the fact that I had been cheated on, I was also recovering from the whole idea of a baby.

"Hey sweetheart," my father greeted me as I struggled to drag my luggage through the front door. "I haven't seen you in forever! How are you guys all holding up in Tallahassee? I heard the news about Lewis." I smiled faintly, "better, given that he's no longer guilty of anything, but he has yet to forgive himself." My father nodded.

"He's a good kid," my mom joined in, placing a cup of what I assume was coffee on the living room table. "I doubt he was guilty, but I'm sure the embarrassment of the nation knowing he cheated on May is playing with him." I scoffed, "yeah," I agreed, "and on top of that, some people do think he's guilty. Like Naya, Jason's girlfriend I told y'all about a while back? She left Jason because he was friends with Lewis." My parents both dramatically hung their mouths. "That's horrible!"

I shrugged, "it seems like relationships just aren't really...our group's forte." My mom took my heavy suitcase and placed it off to the side. "Well I mean, you and Nova are still going strong?" she asked, "right baby girl?" I made a face.

"Oh no," my dad groaned, "what happened?"

Before I spoke on Nova again, I looked around. "Is, um, grandma here?" My father shook his head.

"You know how she feels about those Friday night bingo games," my dad joked, she's at the Bentley Hills Rehab center with some of her friends. I smiled, "glad to see she's making friends."

"Aubrey," my mom said sternly, sitting down. "What's going on with you and Nova baby?"

"Drama, I guess," I managed to get out after a moment of silence. "I don't know, maybe we'll be as good as new one day." My mom didn't look sure of my words, "why would drama cause a big issue?" she questioned, "unless this was some serious drama?"

"You guys were together since you were like, seventeen right?" I asked, to which both my parents nodded. "Okay," I said, "cool. Did you two ever separate, or see anybody else during these last two and a half decades. Maybe have an open relationship?" My mom's scrunched up face told me that she and my dad have definitely been loyal to one another, and only one another.

"Are you and Nova thinking about going separate ways?" my dad asked, and I shrugged. "The ball is kind of like, in my court," I informed them, "if you're catching my drift." It was silent for a moment, but I could tell that mom and dad were just thinking.

"I didn't know you two played basketball!" my dad exclaimed, and my mom looked at him like he had two heads. "No, Nathaniel," mom corrected him, "it means Nova did something, and now lost her right to handling the situation. So Aubrey gets to choose what she wants to do now."

"Oh," my dad said, understanding. "Well, what did Nova do?" I folded my arms and leaned against the front door. "I don't know if I wanna say it."

"Why?" my parents asked in unison.

"Because I might forgive Nova," I began, "but you two won't. While I will have moved on in our relationship, you guys might be stuck on this. I guess I just don't wanna really announce it unless our divorce is finalized." My mom stood up.

"Divorce?" she asked, "Aubrey did Nova cheat on you?" I could feel the tears coming on, and I decided to let them flow. I figured that if I did this, I wouldn't have to explain what happened, nor would I feel the guilt of explaining what happened say my parents do end up hating Nova in the future.

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