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April 1, 2023

The heat of the room woke me up, and I had realized that I fell asleep on Lewis' couch. Actually, let me rephrase that: I fell asleep on Lewis. Shirtless, skin to skin. It made me wonder what might've happened last night. I tried to backtrack but I literally couldn't.

Ever since that Cassidy incident, I've been what I'd like to call "hard of remembering." I kind of tried to just compile everything that went on, because the idea of thinking back on things wasn't so settling at the time. Now I struggle with remembering if I ate earlier in the day. It's unhealthy and I probably need help, but I'm working on unlearning that tactic and eventually moving on to therapy.

"Somebody's awake" Lewis' raspy morning voice let out as I tried to carefully lift myself off his body.

I giggled, "back at ya. How'd you sleep love?"

"Great, given the fact that you slept on me" Lewis said with a smile. "I hope the feelings mutual."

"It is!" I spoke, "it really is. What's the plan for today looking like?" Lewis shrugged, "seeing Latrell."

"But that's way later" Lewis insisted, "like, 5pm type shit." I'm sure he said that because he saw how bummed I looked immediately after he stated that he had football today. "We can watch a movie."

"Or make one?" I muttered.

"Don't threaten me with a good time" Lewis added to the joke, and I clasped my hands together. "I'm being serious Lewis" I insisted, "let's make one."

"Are you sure?" Lewis asked, "because May if this is about football, I'm still going no matter what we do. I have to, I'm obligated given my circumstances."

"It's not about no stupid football" I guaranteed Lewis, "I just..."

"You just..."

"I think I'm ready." Lewis smiled.

"Come here," he whispered.



"It has been brought to my attention that the way I carried on with kicking you boys off the team, was inappropriate" Latrell said as Jason, Lewis, and I sat before him. "Given Lewis was a different circumstance, I still should've added him back when he was cleared of the charges that were up against him. For that, I apologize. To all three of you."

"It's April fools day you know" Jason said as soon as Latrell finished speaking. "Not saying you aren't serious, but." He shrugged.

Latrell folded his arms, "Jason, I am a fully grown man. What do I look like pulling some olden time middle school prank on y'all?"

"I wouldn't put it past you" Jason retorted, "you aren't the typical 'grown, mature adult' per-say."

Latrell shook his head at Jason's words and went back to the main topic. "I didn't want to postpone this any further" he said, "which is why I called you boys in today. I've already been unfair enough."

"What made you change your mind?" I asked, to which Latrell gave me a look.

"Nicholas," he began, "I truly, truly, believe you already know. So let's not go there. I'm being nice enough to let y'all back on the team, can you be nice enough to keep certain topics at bay?"

I smirked, "sure."

"I have a question myself" Lewis, who had seemed out of it and not really into whatever Latrell was selling, said. Everybody looked over at him. He clasped his two hands together, rested his forearms on his thighs, and leaned forward. "Do you really believe that I raped that girl Latrell?" It was silent for a moment, and all eyes were now on our coach.

"No" Latrell finally got out. "No, I don't."

Lewis didn't look content with that answer. "So why did you allow me to be taken off the team? And in that type of public, embarrassing way?"

Latrell sighed, "it wasn't exactly my call Lewis" he informed me. "Trust me, I advocated for you at first. I couldn't even believe the things I was hearing about you. But the principle, vice principal, athletic director, and chair of parental committee among dozens of other people wanted you gone."

"Oh" Lewis replied, "so what, they were too pussy to sit in that room with us that day and tell me to my face that they think I'm a rapist?"

Latrell shrugged, "I guess so kid" he said, "but they can't say shit now, can they?"

Lewis stiffened his jaw, "can they?" he asked, "you tell me coach. If I come back is there gonna be some type of riot? Town meeting?"

"No" Latrell promised, "there isn't. A lot of people came forward and said they made a mistake in judging you oh so quickly Lewis. Though I had wandering thoughts myself, I never believed you were a rapist. I don't think anybody did, but that's also a big and random accusation for anybody to make. Most people were thinking from a parent and adult perspective. You hear about something in your neighborhood, an alleged sex offender for example, you're not gonna take that risk. You'll do anything you can to keep your kid away, whether it's keeping them inside, or moving away."

"That's a terrible example" Lewis argued, "because they moved me away."

Latrell nodded, "because this is a much bigger thing then a small family of four Lewis" he stated. "We can't move this whole university, or the 89 out of 150 board members that voted you off the team, away."

"Alright" Lewis gave in, seeming to be over the conversation. "Just wanted to see where your head was at I guess. Thanks for the info."

Latrell gave Lewis a dim smile, "I have never doubted you" he said, "and I never will. I'm sorry if you felt like I let you down kid. So, sorry."

Lewis leaned back and slouched in his chair a little bit. "It's whatever" he responded, "I'm not at this school to create relationships with people anyways. I'm here to go to school and play football."

I nodded, "facts."

"It's still good to form relationships with people" Latrell said, "seriously Lewis don't let this change your whole perception of this school. It could've been anybody."

Lewis shrugged, "oh well" he said, "it's too late on the perception part. Any school that values image over the innocence of one of their students is a shitty school. But anyways, I'll be at the next practice." Without another word, Lewis got up and left the room.

"Same here" Jason replied as he copied Lewis, leaving me no choice but to follow suit.

"See ya Latrell."

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