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March 19, 2023

I heard a knock on the guest door, so I sat up.

"Who is it?" I asked, before realizing that people on the outside of the rooms actually cannot hear a damn thing. I groaned and forced myself up off the bed, damn near waddling towards the wooden door.

"Good morning," I said with a smile upon seeing Aubrey's face. She didn't match my energy whatsoever, instead she kind of just stood there, limp and as if somebody were forcing her to do this.

"Somebody's in the living room, waiting for you," she stated in a low tone, "don't ask me shit."

I waited for my wife to turn the corner and disappear from my eyesight, before I headed downstairs. I wondered if it were my mom, or maybe Aubrey's mom given all that's happened. Or, maybe Nick decided that it's finally a good time for us to speak?

"No," I groaned as I entered the living room and was met with Rico, whom Aubrey was sitting beside. "Yes," Aubrey replied, her arms and legs folded in their own retrospects. "Don't think you have a choice Nova," Aubrey continued, "I'm calling the shots right now, unless you want this divorce to for sure happen? That is." I sighed dramatically.

I sat across from both Rico and Aubrey, on the other side in the other couch. I refused to look up, because this was fucking awkward, but Rico started to speak anyways. "Hi Nova," he said, "how are you?"

"I'd be better if you weren't here," I mumbled, but I'm not sure what Rico did because I was still looking down. I could however, see Aubrey's feet move from on the couch and begin coming towards me. I then felt a hand cup under my chin and lift my face up, meeting my eyes with Rico's.

"You're talking to Rico," Aubrey reminded me. "Not the floor. He's looking at you, so give him the same respect." I folded my arms, "okay mom."

"I wanted to apologize," Rico began, but I scorned. "Is this some type of joke?" I asked, looking over at Aubrey who was just standing at a middle point between Rico and I. "What's he apologizing for? Helping you? Hurting me?"

"He's talking to you Nova, not me," Aubrey said, but I huffed. "Yeah I know," I said with a full blown attitude, "which is stupid. You don't slip up twice and be sorry. Once is a mistake, twice is a decision."

Aubrey cocked and eyebrow, and folded her arms like how they'd been when she was on the couch. "Is that what you're telling yourself?" she asked.

I could feel my eyes squint involuntarily. "What on God's green earth does that fucking mean?" I asked my wife as I stood up, and was level with her. Aubrey shrugged, "well to my knowledge," she replied, "you cheated once. So, it was a mistake I guess?"

"Yes!" I damn near screeched, "yes Aubrey it was a fucking mistake! I wasn't thinking. It's obviously not something I enjoyed doing or I'd be fucking Nick every single day!" Aubrey chuckled.

"Only reason that didn't happen is probably because he already has a rotation of bitches, and you would've just been another burning hoe on his list."

"Oh," I said, "just like how you're just another statistic? You know 24% of lesbian women get cheated on within the first year of their marriage?"

Before I could finish that sentence, Aubrey smacked the actual shit out of me. I could hear Rico gasp, and I could feel the hot tears coming out of my eyes very fast. Likewise though, Aubrey was already crying.

"You're proud of that?" Aubrey asked, inching closer to me. I backed up, and looked over at Rico. "What were you here to say?" I asked, with tears rolling down my face. "Nah," Aubrey said, "you didn't wanna talk to him before, you're not talking to him now. It can wait, since you're proud of cheating."

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