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April 17, 2023

Nova was up and at it especially early today. Breakfast was made, she was out of her pajamas, and she was reading a magazine like some old lady. It was usual, yet unusual, of her. But then again, I assume that she was still on this whole "trying to save her marriage" mission, so fair enough.

"Morning" I said cheerfully as I grabbed bacon, "someone slept good I see." Nova looked up at me.

"I did" she said with glee, "I assume you did too, Mrs 'best kept secret'." I raised an eyebrow, "huh?"

"Oh nothing!" Nova said as she went back to looking through her magazine. I didn't stop looking at her though, which she could probably sense because she looked up at me. "I almost forgot!" she said with an overwhelming amount of sarcasm, "have fun!"

"Nova" I said, "what are you talking about?"

"Rico's house! I see you didn't wanna tell me apparently, even though I thought we were done with keeping secrets. Thank God Nick did though."

I chuckled, "babe I didn't think that was a secret" I responded. "I mean, yeah it's random, but we did talk about Nick and how he felt towards Rico being his brother, right?" Nova nodded.

"I get that" she said, closing her magazine, "but I don't get why you, are going."

"Because Hailey and I caught Nick on the phone telling his mom that he was going through with it" I answered, "that's it. He's nervous and didn't wanna do it alone. I figured with Hailey going, you'd be okay with me going as well." Nova nodded, "I would've been either way."

I smiled, "okay" I said, "great. I'll be back soon babe, and I promise to tell you how it went." Nova smiled, "Hailey's at May's dorm?" she asked, "because I didn't see her here last night.

I nodded, "May needed help with some project, and you know I'm over that school shit, especially after you admitted that you were." Nova giggled.

"Bye babe" she said as I leaned in and gave her a quick peck. "You be safe."

"Yes ma'am!" I chirped.


"Nick?" Rico asked as he opened his front door, peaking his head out and looking left to right. "Why are you alone? Where are the girls?"

"They're coming, I promise" I assured Rico, "but I wanted to have a serious conversation with you before they came. I don't know how much time I have until then." Rico nodded and stepped outside.

"Okay" he said, "shoot."

"This is gonna sound crazy, far fetched I don't know, but you're...my brother." Rico didn't move a muscle. He didn't drop his jaw wide open like I had imagined, and his pupils didn't dilate.

"Welcome to the family" he said after a moment of silence, smiling ear to ear.

"W-what, you're not surprised?" I asked my half brother, and he chuckled. "Nick, I am twenty years old. Kids start getting curious about the life they're living around seven years old." I nodded, "right" I said, "so you did your own research?"

"My own research, my own calculations, my own everything. I knew who you were before you even thought of coming to FSU, Nick. And trust me, I wanted to reach out to you, I really did. But I couldn't due to the terms and conditions that your mom-...our mom, put in place."

I could feel my face getting hot, and I didn't know why. Why the hell was the moment emotional?

"Nick?" Rico asked.

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