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Zach's mother opened the door, and looked very confused to see me. "Derek?" she asked, "shouldn't you be in school? I'm sure Zach is." I chuckled.

"I haven't seen that kid in school in a grip" I confided in my ex best friend's mother, "and I'm sure you can say you haven't seen him period, given the uncertainty in your words just now."

"Anybody ever told you to stay in a child's place?" Ms De Leon asked me, to which I rolled my eyes. "I'm grown" I responded, "must've forgotten that seniors can be eighteen." Ms De Leon scoffed.

"Yeah, because that's real grown alright. Go back to school." She began trying to close the door, put I pushed it open on the opposite end. "Anyways."

"Derek," Ms De Leon said, folding her arms. "Why are you here? What's going on?"

I pulled out a crumbled paper that had been in Zach's driveway. I retrieved it a few days ago, and when I read it, I noticed that it was a doctor's note "clearing" Zach of cancer.

"How'd you get that?" Ms De Leon asked with fear, "did Zach give that to you?"

"No" I answered, yanking my arm back and away from Ms De Leon's anxious, grabbing one. "It was on the ground in your driveway. "Now if you would excuse me, I think it's my turn to ask the questions."

Ms De Leon nodded, though with evident hesitance. "What questions do you have?" she asked.

"Why did you have your kid fake an illness as serious as cancer?" I asked, folding my arms.

"Who said he faked?"

"Be real, Ms De Leon. You don't get 'cleared' of cancer. There's so many phases you have to go through and even after that, there's precautions" I answered. "So should I take this paper to the state fraud department? Or will you start talking?"

"I can't tell you," Ms De Leon cracked a little, "it's a serious offense. You'd be capable of ruining my life."

"I won't" I replied, "as long as you help me."

"What do you need help with?"


"What?" Ms De Leon asked, "like, sleeping with me or something? Derek, are you out of your prepubescent mind? I am not fucking you."

"Then I guess you can get butt fucked by rusty iron in a jail cell instead" I replied with a smile.

"There has to be something else that I can do for you Derek" Ms De Leon sighed, "I don't think I can sleep with you, that's too weird." I didn't say a thing, I just folded my arms and looked deep into Ms De Leon's eyes. I wasn't budging.

"I have craved you for years, Ms De Leon," I finally spoke after a long, awkward silence. "I am finally of age, and you don't have much of a choice. It's either you fuck me, or I tell the police that you prompted your son to fake cancer, which I'm sure was for some kind of monetary gain."

"Just come inside!" Ms De Leon gave in. I smiled because I always get my way, and strutted right in.


"Why do you have a steak knife?" I asked my girlfriend as I watched her do a quick item check of her belongings. "It's not mine, it's Maddie's."

"Okay," I said, "cool. That doesn't explain why you have it though, Hailey." Hailey looked up from her tote bag, "I wanted to be prepared for Rico incase he was secretly a loony" she answered, "that's all."

"Oh," I responded, "well we're in Orlando right now, why don't we stop by Maddie's place so that you can return her knife?" Hailey snickered, "probably not a good idea." I cocked an eyebrow, "uh, why?"

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