1: The Quest

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Luz Noceda. A 16 year old witch who's name is well known around the Boiling Isles. It's because Luz is the most wanted criminal there. She's considered "wild". 

Emperor Belos of the Boiling Isles is going after her head for an event called The Day of Unity. He wants to get rid of Luz for this moment for everyone to relax without having to worry about terrorism from these "wild witches". Luz is a disbeliever of this event.

Luz thinks the emperor is just a fraud. He's not special at all. But how did Belos even get his throne?

Belos said to people that he can speak with the Titan, who is the thing that everyone in Bonesburrow is living on. Though, it's been dead for centuries, Belos said that he can still make contact with it spiritually but not physically. 

He says that the way magic is being used is incorrect and actually needs to be more organized and set into factions so that "wild" magic cannot cause any damage or harm. He also reports of the Day of Unity to take place at the Human realm. (If you didn't watch the series, this takes place at the Demon realm, i. e, mostly everything here is the exact opposite than the Human realm).

Covens are also a way to organize magic. However, if you join a coven, all of your magic is taken away and only that form of magic is allowed. 

Now since people can go rogue and not join any coven, the Emperor will come after you and make go through a petrification process.

Luz is the last wild witch of the Boiling Isles. And this is her story.


"Step right up to get your fresh meat. Fresh meat on sale!" a shop stand clerk yelled.

Luz, who has the invisibility spell on her right now, looked from on top of the stand and looked for an opportunity to get the meat. The clerk was in front of the all meat crates which were facing his direction. Luz calculated that if she were to cause some sort of distraction near him, she will have an open window to get the meat.

Wasting no time, she shot a wind spell to cause a little dust tornado near the clerk which startled him. He yelped and ran away. Everyone looked for the cause of his distress. Luz grabbed 4 large pieces (for visual reference, it's 16 inches wide and 5 inches tall) of meat and flew away, but her invisibility spell wore off. 

Everyone pointed to her. 

"It's the witch! Someone call the Emperors Coven!" Someone yelled. 

But it was too late, Luz was already gone.

With the quick and successful swipe, Luz was returning to the suburban parts of the  Boiling Isles. Barely any one ventures here.

Luz went  put the large pieces meat down on a plate. 

"Alright, Valco! I got you the food!" Luz shouted.

Valco, a large bird like beast came limping over toward the food and within 2 minutes he was finished.

With a satisfied sigh, Valco said, "Thank you for the meal, Luz. I will give you your reward."

He then grabbed 2 packs of the currency and plopped it onto the ground in front of Luz.

"I know that may not seem enough for now, but I am once again asking for another mission," Valco said.

"I'm listening," Luz said as she hauled the bags.

"As you may know, I can't move very well and the age is catching up to me. I need you to finish one last quest. The quest that I have never been able to accomplish, thus, having me disabled."

Luz gasped with excitement, "I will be doing that for you?!" 

"Don't flatter over it. It's very dangerous. That void almost cut me in half!" Valco exclaimed.

"You know that I like missions like those. Now, tell me about it again. I'm a different species than you, maybe give me some tactics. Your the "wisest" of all," Luz put her hands on her hips.

Valco closed his eyes, "You have to use your heart. All the magic you know is enough to take it. And I mean all of it. However, you need to control it. If you don't, your magic will turn against you. This core isn't like the rest of your bounties. You can't just perform special moves and use any magic you want. If anything else, neutralizing this can wear you out of all your magic. or even send you to a place you can't survive in!"

"So...basically, are you saying that I have to use...what? All my magic? And I will be sent to a realm which I will presumably die in."

Valco nodded. "If you complete it for me, all your problems are solved, even ones you didn't even knew existed. But don't say I didn't warn you that the core is a corruption of the Titan's blood.

"I'm in." Luz said without hesitation, "Even if it's worth dying for."

Valco nodded but with doubt. "I am getting old. My life is soon coming to an end. I don't want to know that mentee has failed and suffered grave consequences by the time I am done for."

"Come on, Valco," Luz pleaded, "I'll make it back. Safe  and sound, no marks on me."

"You are severely underestimating this quest! Don't you know how stupid that sounds?" Valco yelled.

Luz threw her hands up. "Hey, I become most wanted for a reason."

"What? To have the freedom of rebellion?"

"To show everyone that you can be yourselves without having to be forced to be only one thing. I have access to all magic and I'm going to use it all to get a reward. A good one. I'll fix you, the Boiling Isles."

Valco just had a skeptical look, which Luz could sense immediately.

"I had a mom who taught me all forms of magic," Luz said. "I am going to try my best to make it up to her, if it's the last thing I do. I will show everyone that using wild magic can give you the things you need. As long as you can control it. Or as you said. My mom always showed me that life is impossible. But bit by bit you can complete it. That's why she put me with you. I can get this done. I promise."

Valco just went silent.

Luz just sighed and sat down.

He then quietly spoke, "You may go."

Luz perked up, "Wait what?"

Valco shook his head, "I don't know why I'm saying this, but you can go."

Luz shot up with excitement, "REALLY? YOU MEAN IT?"

Valco sighed deeply. "Tomorrow night, the core will be under a full moon. Go south and find the ruins on the Knee. The glowing blue light is the core."

"OH MY TITAN, I'M GONNA GO ON A DANGEROUS QUEST!!!" Luz twirled around in joy.

"Do not make me regret this decision, I'm already starting too," Valco said.

"Oh you won't! You won't at all!!" 

With that, Luz jumped on her staff and flew away.

Valco sighed and rested on the cold floor. "What have I done. I am not a good guardian if I send my child away."

 He chuckled. "Oh, Titan, what will I do with her? I am already regretting my choice."

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