11: Operation Thumbtack

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After the Bat Queen incident, Willow and Gus made it back to their homes. Meanwhile, when Luz returned home to Eda, she got the news that she official got into the Farside District Highschool. Luz still had second thoughts on this decision, but nevertheless, she was a little excited because she was going to meet Willow, Gus, and presumably, a bunch of more people. At the same time, a bunch of more people can play a risk at her identity. Ignoring this, Luz mentioned to Eda that she shared her secret with two teenagers, Willow and Gus. Of course, Eda didn't favor this.

"You did WHAT?" Eda's eyes were wide.

"Don't worry, they're trustworthy," Luz said.

"Kid, no! Just because they tell you they won't spread a secret doesn't mean they won't! That's not how it works here! You just met them! Why would you do that, Luz?"

Luz simply shrugged, "They don't know my real identity. Or my fake one. I don't even have one. All I did was show my face. Or not really. I didn't do it under my accord."

Eda sighed, "Kid, I don't care you don't haven't had a second identity or that you haven't told your little friends anything else about you. All I care about is you being responsible enough to not make the same mistake again. Please?"

"I promise I won't. But that last time wasn't my fault, they did it."

Eda just shook her head.

Eda sighed, "Kid. Tomorrow's your first day, promise me you'll be good and won't do anything that draws suspicion or attention toward you?"

Luz instantly and aggressively nodded yes.

"You better. In the meantime, I'll do some spying on my sister's base. I'll see if they have any plans the CIA has for you."

"Wait, did you say tomorrow's my first day?" Luz perked up.


"Oh! Nice!"

"Whoa, that's different," Eda looked a little confused.


"You seem a little excited. Last time you were all gloom and shadows but now, I'm seeing some positivity."

"Well. If this school helps my fake identity, that's a plus. I think. But, I also get to socialize," Luz smiled a smile that looked fake, almost.

"Is that so? Mm. Okay. Get ready kid, I got your stuff in you room. Oh, and also, wash your clothes. I'm giving you the freedom. Now let's see the damage you caused," Eda turned on the TV and went onto the news channel.

"...the United States government announced that all civilians should remain calm and prepare for the worst. So far, only two reported incidents have been seen in the city of Gravesfield, Connecticut. And this mysterious hero of the city always appeared to be there to fight the anomalies. Authorities are yet to discover who this person is, but social media refers to her as 'The Witch'. All US armed forces have been deployed for internal defense in order to combat any rising threats. The best we can do is get ready for an upcoming attack and pray for the best..."

"You proud?" Luz interrupted.

"Of what?" Eda asked.

"That I helped the humans and fought off the Bat Queen."

"Is that what that is?" Eda squinted at the TV as the reporter, Perry Porter, recapped the event while footage of the flying thing fought, "What the hell man? That is freaky!"

"I know! The Bat Queen is actually made of wood. A special type of wood. But she's alive and completely aware of everything," Luz explained.

"That's freaky man. Whatever is going over there is leaking to over here... I just have no words. Everyone from your place is coming to kill you."

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