12: The Raid

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Sergeant Markus Garvin loaded his M4A1 rifle. It was equipped with a holographic optic and a flip hybrid, a vertical foregrip, a suppressor at the muzzle, and a SOPMOD crane stock. He was fully loaded out too with armor carrier vest equipped with spare mags, a radio, one tourniquet, and two holsters for flash grenades. He wore a balaclava with a tactical ballistic helmet and headphones, and, just in case, wore anti-flash goggles. 

Markus cracked his knuckles and rubbed his gloves together, then grabbed his M4A1 and checked the chamber. He was all loaded up. 

"Alright, men. Let's get it! Check gear!" Sergeant Garvin ordered.

Everyone loaded up their rifles and checked their helmets and other equipment. 

"Remember the briefing! We get through the house and take down the target! Any hostiles in the area weapons free on them,"  Lieutenant Carson said.

"Good luck!" Private Leuhrs tapped his helmet.

"Where's the CIA?" Corporal Patrice asked.

Staff Sergeant Vance radioed in, "Saber 1 this is Delta 5-2, what's your 20? We're wheels up in 9!"

"5-2, Saber 1, copy that. I'm moving in on you," Lilith radioed back.

Not long after, Lilith came in with her rifle and body armor, "Alright, Delta, let's move!" 

Lt. Carson radioed to the helicopter pilots, "Vulture 6-1, all Delta and Saber loaded up. Let's move."

Sergeant Garvin closed the helicopter door and soon they lifted off. The helicopter flew over the base. Markus reviewed the briefing in his head.

"Be advised, our ETA is ten mikes. Get a visual," Vulture 6-1 radioed.

"Ten minutes!" a private notified.

"Saber 1," Pvt. Burrows radioed.

"Talk to me, private," Lilith said.

"Is your sister the contractor for the target? Why does she have the witch?" 

"That's a question I'm wondering too. Once we reach the LZ, let's hope this raid will give us answers," Lilith replied.

"Or more questions," another marine said.

Markus fidgeted with his gun, checking his magazines and chamber once in a while. He reflected on the events that happened. A large growth of sentient vines, then a flying bat human head. Now they're raiding a civilian area housing an HVI (High Value Individual). And this individual is very powerful, literally breaking every rule of physics and logic known to man. And they're going to fight her? 

Nine minutes passed, now they're approaching the landing zone. Everyone prepared themselves for the raid. 

"All Delta and Saber, ready up, we're one mike out," the pilots notified.

"LZ's in sight. I've got eyes on," Sergeant Garvin said whilst looking out the window. All he could see is trees. 

The leaves left in a red orange tint. And as the staff sergeant opened the door, underneath the mask, Markus could feel the cool air. 

The helicopter got to a stop and two marines clipped in ropes. 

"Good hunting teams. Let's get this done," Markus said before roping down. 

He landed, crunching leaves. He checked the chamber of his M4A1 one more time before moving up. He kept sights on and flipped the hybrid sight off so it won't get it in the way. 

"All Delta, 5-3, moving up to man station now," Sergeant Garvin radioed to his team.

Saber 1, Lilith, roped down and converged with the rest of Delta. The ropes dropped and the helicopter flew away. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2023 ⏰

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