5: EAS Alert

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Eda was still at home. She already took care of the dishes and watered her garden, but in the time she completed those Luz was still out in the city. And Eda began to worry. Meanwhile, Luz made it through traffic miraculously without getting hit by a car since didn't understand pedestrian rules.  She also had trouble blending in with society since she didn't know how tot operate the phone, so all the while, Luz fumbled with it, talked to it, tickled it. But now she was finally going to go back to Eda's place. Then it happened.

The ground shook violently, trees swaying wildly, cars started started to go off, buildings chipping away while the ground shook. People screamed. Luz didn't know what was going on, but at the same time, wasn't surprised. Back at the Boiling Isles, lots of crazy stuff happened. Luz grew to expect things that she won't be expecting.

"Earthquake! It's an earthquake!" A woman screamed. 

People now started to panic and crammed their ways into their cars. Some people ran aimlessly in a random direction. Luz didn't know what to do. As the ground finally stopped shaking, Luz saw it. She saw the vines. A devilish green glow emitting from them too. It was now chaos. Luz was trapped between a sea of people. She stared at the vines coming out of the ground, creating a crater where it was.

"Ohhh, no," Luz recognized that these vines came only from her realm. Which means that something sent it here. Possibly through a Titan core.

People ran like ants in all directions, someone almost knocked Luz down. Her beanie fell. The young woman looked at her ears while Luz scrambled to get the beanie back on.

"Wait, what? You're. Wha-" Then the woman got swooped up.

The vine found its way to her and picked her up. Simultaneously, the vines started to consume everything around it. Buildings, cars. People.

The woman screamed.

Luz, then, without thinking about Eda's words to not draw attention, spawned in her original clothes over her disguise. The cloak, her pants, and of course, her staff. She wanted these things to be gone. And she knew who sent these. 

At this point, police sirens can be heard. Mixing in with the screams and, the growing vines, and the buildings crumbling. The vines grew and grew, and it grabbed anything out of its path. Cars, people.

When Luz had dressed up, people looked at Luz in astonishment. Clothes on a person appears out of thin air is something from a superhero movie. All the while, they ran in panic as the vines continued to consume everything around it. One of the vines threw a car at a person. Luz saw it. She dashed over with swift movement and then, with her staff, blasted out a wave of energy, strong enough to deflect the car away.

The man didn't even look back at Luz. He just ran off, screaming.

Luz pulled up a bandana from her clothing to cover her face and shook her head at the man, "You're welcome."

The vines continued to sprout out of the ground. Luz flew up with her staff. Now people really had their eyes on. 

The same woman that Luz saw get picked up was now squirming around in the tangle of vines. She made every attempt to free herself. 

Luz raised her staff and cut through the vine with a wave of light. The vines that held the lady cut off, burning at the same time. Luz caught the lady with a platform of physical energy. She fell onto the ground and looked up. She was confused and scared. Just as everyone else. They wanted to keep watching Luz but but had to keep running.

Luz continued to fight the vines. She through beams of light at it, wounding it. She flew down and burned the vine's large stem. 

It retaliated. Swinging large vines and shooting them directly at Luz. She dodged them. Flew over and struck more light beams at the vines. People had their phones out. Police were at the scene too, telling people to back off. Some of them fired their handguns at the vines. Backup was called in to identify this person. This unnatural person. Not too long after, Luz still throwing beams of light at the vines, which started to grab cars and throw them at Luz. She used her staff to levitate one and send the car back. The one of the vines' largest limbs got hit which seemed to have stun it in a way. But the vines stayed ambitious. Fighting Luz. It grabbed a chunk of a building and chucked it at her, Luz forced the building into sharp blades, debris falling everywhere. Then she forced the blades into the vines. The vines retracted a little more into the hole.

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