3: The Human Realm

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Edalyn Clawthorne was much like Luz. She was a criminal. That is, was. She used to commit robberies and steal anything to give to the poor. She never got caught with any crimes, as she was a mastermind at sneaking away. The reason why she gave up her criminal life is because, well, she had her head trauma.

When Eda was little, she fell on to a rock after tripping over a bridge. She was in a coma for 3 weeks before waking up with brain damage. For the rest of her life, her parents paid the most attention to her for most of her life.

Eda's considered to have made a full recovery, but she sometimes will have a headache throbbing in her noggin. So, Eda gave up her old life, and decided to sell goods for the community. Though, her sister is giving her opportunities to join her with the government, who she thinks is actually just going to lock her up. Eda would keep her life like this and hopefully get away from this place.

Eda lives in a secluded area near a hillside by a river. She was coming home for the day after getting cat food for King, her cat, as well as other necessities.

She turned the corner and started her way up a hill to her house. But as she was at the top and about a couple minutes away from her house, a bright light shimmered above her, glistening through her windshield. 

What was it? A shooting star? There weren't any expected this year. A meteor perhaps? Likely, but not as likely. Eda tried to make of the event she just witnessed but was thrown out of trance when something crashed onto her car.

She cursed and almost drove off the guard rail into the ledge below. 

"The hell was that?" Eda parked stepped out of her car and went to the truck where she kept a shotgun, a toolkit, a poncho, and a flashlight. Eda took both the rifle and flashlight and made her way down the hill to look for whatever that was.

Following the patches of mud which were presumably left by the falling thing, Eda can hear the person tumbling.

"Hello? Anyone over there? Are you okay?" She pointed her flashlight at all directions as she got deeper and deeper into the woods.

The sound of raindrops splashing into the dirt flew her ears, she couldn't hear anything but that. 

It was cold out. Eda was just wearing a red blouse. The blistering cold biting into her skin, and her fingers felt like they were just dipped into liquid nitrogen.

"Hey! Anyone? I saw something! You okay?" Eda cried out again.

She saw more patches of mud to which she followed, finger on the trigger, just in case if it was something she wish she wouldn't have to deal with. Then, she found her. Luz was on the floor, some of her body covered in mud.

Eda rushed to her aid.

"Hey kid, wake up!" Eda rolled her over.

She did everything in her power to wake up. Snap in her face. Shout. Slap her. She even a blank round to attempt to wake her but nothing worked.

Eda shook her head. She brushed the hair away from the face to reveal a peaceful resting face. Then took off her hood which revealed her pointy ears. 

"Woah. She's...not normal," Eda dropped her flashlight.

"A witch? Could this be? Nah. No! It has got to be..." Eda tugged on the ear to see if was fake. 

"Ah...erm" Eda replayed how the figure fell onto her car. But she wanted answers. No more questions. She was going to take Luz to her home and interrogate her. So, she put her gun on safety and proceeded to carry her to her car.

Eda threw Luz into the trunk, "I don't know who are what you are. But if you wake up sometime, you're gonna tell me everything. "That is...if you're still alive," Eda cleared her throat.

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