10: New Friends For Luz

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Scrambling across roads were terrified people and armed police. The Bat Queen used a special spell to protect herself from the bullets. However, she was a bit distracted by a pair of kids. Willow and Gus.

"Just. Keep. Running!" Willow panted.

"Haven't ran like this since track in P.E. man! My legs are twigs!" Gus screamed as a trashcan (that was intended to hit them) clashed against a wall.

"Gus this isn't the time to joke around!" Willow yelled.

The Bat Queen summoned a fireball and threw it at them. Willow grabbed Gus's hand and threw both of them onto the ground. The fireball hit a vacant car.

"Why is it chasing us of all people?" Gus screamed.

"We're easy targets. Go!" Willow got up and continued their sprint.

The Bat Queen squeezed her way through the tight space between the alley. Willow had a plan to lose the demon chasing them, which was to go into every claustrophobia-inducing alleyway she could find. Once the Queen saw them run into another one, she followed.

"Don't look back Gus! Keep running!" Willow almost tripped.

But then, three soldiers jumped over a wall and aimed their rifles at them.

"Get back kiddos. Mark, handle them," One soldier said.

"Copy," The soldier complied and cuffed both of the teens.

"Hey!" Gus resisted a little.

"We didn't do anything!" Willow's voice cracked from the screaming and the adrenaline.

"Take them to the evac zone, we'll move to engage the target," the other soldier ordered.\

"Rog. Good hunting boys."

"Leave us alone!" Willow screamed.

But the soldier didn't listen. He radioed something to his commanders and simply lit a cigarette despite the tragedy going on. He pulled down his mask and put the cigarette in, the little dim light reflecting off his tactical goggles. He grabbed his rifle and marched both the teens out of the alley.

"Move," he said sternly.

"Get off us! We're just kids!" Gus screamed.

They resisted but soon, the gave up and walked with the soldier as chaos erupted around them.


"Radar 2-2, Spike teams engaging target," a phantom said.

The radio feedbacked, "Copy 2-1, you're green to go."

Private Gary Everett grabbed his HK416-G and loaded it. He ran and fired at the thing. The flying bat head. Gary took cover to avoid a beam of energy burning away debris. Gary kept firing. 

Once his gun clicked empty, he dropped the magazine and sloppy inserted a new one, then hit the bolt release. He continued to lay suppression on the target.

Then a Special Skills Operator slide next to Gary. Code name, Shadow. He whipped out his special weapon, a melee. More specifically, a machete.

Gary looked at him confused, "Where's your rifle?"

"No questions, give me covering fire!" the operator said.

"Copy sir," Gary continued shooting and reloading.

Casings dropped around him, magazine after magazine. The flying thing saw Gary behind the wall. 

"'Z'here you are! You human prick!" She flew towards him. 

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