4: Mail

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It has been exactly two days since Eda has taken her in hospitality. Two days after the incident, which seemed like a fever dream to Luz. But the truth settled in, and now Luz seemed to be little frightened about everything. She couldn't believe that she somehow ended up at the Human Realm, let alone being alive. Eda gave Luz her clothes back too including her staff, named Owlbert, who Eda introduced to Hooty, who was a owl who often showed up at Eda's place and was fed there. Eda and Luz would exchanging their life moments and talking about Luz. But Eda had plans today.

"So, you're Eda. Right? And you found me on the ground of a forest after I landed on your car, whatever that is. And you took me here?" Luz paced around the room nervously.

"Hold on, kid, let me take my meds first, I just woke up," Eda rummaged through the cabinet.

"I thought it was a dream! I-I. Dang...this is really happening, huh?"

"Kid, who are you again?"

"Luz Noceda? Why don't you remember me?" Luz asked.

"It's not that easy to remember stranger's names. Let alone..." Eda trailed off.

"A witch?" Luz finished.

"Ah, yeah! Plus, my head is a little fogged up. This ol' noggin still working but not as it used to."

"I still just can't believe I am in the Human Realm! Like a day ago-"

"Two, actually. The first day, you were out cold, thought you were dead," Eda corrected as she sipped tea and took her pills.

"Well, two days, I was fighting. Then the core sent me here?" Luz looked out the window.

"Luz, I don't know what else to do for you. You stuck here and I'm with you. So today, I've got to show you around the 'human realm'." Eda put her cup down.

"What? I'm going out to the human world?" Luz was a little nervous.

"Listen kid, you need to blend in.  I don't know how dangerous it is for you there, but here it is still ain't safe. Make some friends, but most importantly, do not draw any attention to yourself. At all. If you act 'normal' here, your chances of survivability will be raised. Especially because of our government."

"Government? What's that?"

"It's basically an organization of important people. The president, government officials and government workers."

"Like an Emperor's Coven?" Luz asked.

"Huh? Er, sure."

"Duly noted," Luz said.

Then, came a meow coming from upstairs.

"What was that?" Luz grabbed her staff, Owlbert, prepared to throw a spike of ice directly to wherever the sound came from.

Eda shouted, "Hey! It's nothing. Just my pet. My cat. He's King."

King emerged from the stairway, walking pridefully, as if he was actually a king.

"There you are! Been up there for days! Come down for some more food?" Eda kneeled and rubbed the cat's head.

Luz dropped the staff, "Oh. My. Gosh! It's so cute!"

Luz jumped over the couch and wrapped King into a death squeezing hug. The cat resisted but it failed and succumbed to the inevitable squeeze from Luz. Eda just chuckled.

"Really like him, huh? King doesn't seem to like it,"

"Aw," Luz stopped hugging King who physically showed relief. "That's okay. This wittle thing still is something that I can hug!" 

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