9: Another Anomaly

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Marines ran through the streets, providing security for the CIA and doing patrols around their area of operation. The Marines drove in MRAPs and Humvees while Phantom Guard Corps. also have been deployed to watch civilians and to keep them from interfering. It was a coup. A coup for the government because they wanted answers. 

What happened that Tuesday afternoon? Who was the superhuman?

An MSOT (Marine Special Operations Team) had fourteen marines. This is usually the teams that are commanded under MARSOC, a Marine Raiders special forces regiment. One of those teams, Delta team, had a specialist marine. His name was Markus Garvin. Sergeant Markus Garvin. He was third in command and deployed with the rest of his team to patrol the area around the south of the hole while the other two in command patrol the restricted area. That was where the vines came out three days ago. 

"Delta 5-3, how copy? We need sitrep on the AO," the radio clicked.

"Rog. No issues so far. AO's looking clear. Our boys are still in the grind, Colonel."

"Roger. Be advised, seismic activity is picking up. Expect contact. We've already on standby for CAS" the radio said.

Sergeant Garvin answered the radio, "Copy Overwatch Actual. Delta 5 teams on the double. We're moving to site Sierra Romeo. Stand by."

"Copy, 5-3."

The marine switched channels back to his team's radio channel, "All Delta! We've got contact. Seismic activities picking up, we're Oscar Mike."

"Copy, sarge," a marine said.

"We've gotta tell CIA," Another marine suggested. 

"Affirm. On me, let's move. Close air support is on standby," Sergeant Garvin said.

"Rog. Let's hit the road," a fellow marine said.

Then the sergeant heard someone yelling. He turned over to see a phantom shouting threats to a laughing civilian. She had her phone out. Presumably recording them. 

"Put the fucking phone away! This is a confidentially restricted area!" the soldier yelled. 

"Spike teams, I've got eyes on a civvie. What's going on over there?" Another marine, Delta 5-4 radioed to the phantoms.

"This fucker ain't leaving. We need her to get her ass out of here," the phantom complained.

On the radio, you could hear the young woman say, "Aw. You calling for backup? Is that what you're doing? That's cute."

"Copy, get 'em out of here. We're moving to site Sierra Romeo for an exfil. We're expecting contact. Overwatch reports seismic activity picking up," Delta 2-3 said.

"Copy. We'll be here. Call evac."

"Roger, standby."

Sergeant Garvin checked the ammo in his rifle and loaded into a Humvee. The rest of the of the teams loaded into a MRAP with a machine gun. Then they pulled out and drove through the checkpoint into the area where the military blocked off. 

"Hold here," Sergeant Garvin said, "You guys call in the Lt. and staff sergeant. I'll go talk to CIA."

"Copy," said one of the marines. 

Sergeant Garvin got out of the vehicle and walked over to the CIA station chief. He went inside through the tent.

"Station Chief Rymer! We've got a hit," he said.

"I've heard. Contact coming seven klicks from here. Seismic activity coming up. We're pulling our men out," Jack Rymer said.

"What about the civilians?" Sergeant Garvin asked.

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