6: Mercenaries

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Pvt. Gary Everett, Phantom Guard Corps, Spike 2

United States, Connecticut

October 12th, 2022

1453 hours 


The alarm sounded in a fast pace. Each blare influenced everyone to pick up the pace. Soldiers. They were soldiers. Everyone was armed with a rifle and running to vehicles. Helicopter flew overhead. Orders were being carried out by the lieutenants. This is the Phantom Guard Corps. A private military company that specializes in internal defense, recon, although, only for the police, and covert direct action, meaning that everything they do is not and will never be known to the public.

The United States government had paid this company to work with them as mercenaries. They needed them to assist in combat when illegal activity was on the rise. Now, they were assigned to work with the Marine Corps and the Army, as well as provide info for the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) and MERA (Matter & Energy Research Administration).

MERA is also another private contractor. Rather than being military, they work for local workforces and help identify and contain dangerous materials from the public. Like radioactive material or explosive ordnance.

Private Gary Everett. He works for the Phantom Guard as a Special Capabilities Operator. That means he goes into combat but with special priorities which he cannot talk about. He also specializes in tactical situation handling. And he was getting deployed to warfare.

He ran with his team to the closest arsenal. Through the tarmac and through the groups of soldiers gearing up. He and his team made it.

"I got it!" He yelled and swiped his ID card through the reader and typed in the passcode. 

They all dashed inside, the alarm still blaring loudly. Everett ran to the gun racks where the doors were open.

"Load up fast! They need us over there. It's code green!" A soldier ushered them inside.

"Copy," Maverick Teemar, the squad staff sergeant nodded, "We're green to go team! Oscar mike and on the double!"

"Yes, ma'am!" Everyone shouted. 

Gary sprinted. He sprinted to the tent to get his balaclava mask on, tactical goggles, his slapped ballistic helmet on and connected it all with his headphones (for ear protection, because we all know guns are loud). Hurriedly, he squeezed into a tactical armor carrier vest for protection where he panickingly hooked on his magazine holsters, radio, grenades, and more heavy duty equipment onto his vest. Gary wiggled his hands into the gloves and hurried to the gun rack.

"Move it, private. We don't have much time here!" Staff Sergeant Maverick loaded a magazine into her rifle.

"Yes, ma'am," Gary said.

He grabbed a modified Glock 19 and stored a couple mags on his side holster. Then forced in six magazine for his rifle. The HK416-G SOPMOD. A tactical rifle with a Geissele rail, equipped with a holographic optic, a vertical grip under the barrel and topped off with a laser sight and flashlight. It was Phantom Guard's favored rifle.

Anyway, Gary was geared up, as well as the rest of his team. 

"Everyone good? All Spike teams, listen up!" SSgt. Maverick whistled, "Remember the briefing! Insert into the city through a helo, regroup with the Marines and take down the threat! Air support will be on standby so let's get this done!"

"Ooh-Yah!" All of the soldiers cried out.

"Let's go Spike teams!" SSgt. Maverick walked out the doors, everyone who was in the Spike team followed. 

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