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Saved by the bell.

Before Guang Kai could ask Uncle Mucheng what he had been planning to—much like Ye Ming—he was cut off by the loud, nasal buzz of the cafeteria bell, echoing from every corner of the room.

Uncle Mu, ever attentive to his young master's needs, carefully lifted Ye Ming and carried him towards the restroom. Don't worry—Ye Ming can handle the number one or two on his own while Uncle Mucheng dutifully guards the cubicle door from the outside.

Ye Ming, who has mild mysophobia, didn't really care at the moment. His laziness outweighed any discomfort. Once Uncle Mu gently placed him down, Ye Ming entered the empty cubicle to relieve himself, letting out the uncomfortable liquid that had been building up inside him. 

After finishing, he washed his hands 'thoroughly', raising them afterward to signal Uncle Mu to carry him again in a "sack of rice" position.

Though Ye Ming was wide awake, his lazy nature persisted. As Uncle Mu carried him, Ye Ming's mind wandered, thinking about the characters in the novel.

He wasn't clueless. There was something off about the male leads, and it didn't take a genius to figure that out. Everyone already knew that Li Wei was pursuing—or rather, blackmailing—Bai Yuer. What Li Wei was holding over her remained a mystery to Ye Ming, but honestly, he didn't care. Whatever it was, it had Bai Yuer fuming at him.

Ye Ming felt like he was walking a tightrope, teetering on the edge of their sharp knives. At any moment, he could be cut down.

Was he overthinking things? There wasn't anything particularly remarkable about him. His traits were unremarkable, and his looks? Well, he didn't know. Too lazy to look in the mirror, Ye Ming had no idea what he even looked like anymore. And he was proud of his laziness.

As for Guang Kai, Ye Ming couldn't quite figure him out. There was something... but what? He had a vague awareness of things but was also somewhat oblivious. Maybe it had to do with Guang Kai's father, a politician aiming for a higher position in the upcoming election. The Ye family's reputation might help him climb to the top.

Ye Ming knew his parents well—they had no interest in getting tied up in political games or even the industrial business sector, despite being one of the wealthiest families around. Thinking about them only made him more uneasy.

Had it really been just one or two weeks? He had lost track of time, thanks to his chronic laziness.

Then there was the matter of the male leads. Why were they all chasing after him now? Bai Yuer should be their target, not him. He was no innocent bystander, but even he could see something was seriously off.

Two days—two days was all it took for them to start following him around, always sticking close.

"Uncle Mu, I wanna walk," Ye Ming finally said, needing some space to think.

Avoiding them was impossible. They each had their reasons, but the motives were different. One was unclear, another was painfully obvious, and the last seemed to be doing it purely for amusement.

Should he try to play their game? Any plan he concocted would probably backfire anyway, likely due to their "male lead halo."

Ugh. Why was this so frustrating?

Uncle Mu, perhaps sensing Ye Ming's desire to sort things out for himself, gently set him down. This was the first time Ye Ming had willingly chosen to walk, without being forced or dragged.

Uncle Mu, unaware of what was going through Ye Ming's head, thought back to when the three students from Ye Ming's class had approached the young master, introducing themselves as his "friends." It was a claim that couldn't be further from the truth.

The two of them—Uncle Mu and Ye Ming—were on different wavelengths. While Ye Ming was planning ways to escape from the male leads' grasp, Uncle Mu was thinking about how wonderful it would be for his young master to have friends at last.

Satisfied that Ye Ming was walking straight, Uncle Mu told him he was heading back to the Guard House, leaving Ye Ming alone in the now quiet corridor.

Ye Ming chuckled to himself. Where had he gone wrong? He had been 'lowkey'—at least, in his opinion. He wasn't even popular (because, of course, he didn't know). In fact, he was just an average guy, too lazy even to bother with simple things like breathing.

Class would start soon, yet there he was, walking down the corridor with his hands behind his head, lips moving in barely audible murmurs. Even dogs wouldn't be able to make sense of the words slipping out as little more than breath.

"Bai Yuer," Ye Ming muttered, almost cursing the female lead under his breath for not doing her job. Then again, could he really blame her? He had no right to.

He puffed out his cheeks and closed his eyes, still walking forward. But his steps halted when he felt a hand—an arm, actually—rest on his shoulder.

Startled, Ye Ming let out the air he had been holding in, his puffed cheeks deflating as his eyes snapped open. His blue orbs, normally icy and unreadable, betrayed a flash of emotion—shock.

He turned to see where the arm had come from. His heart raced, beating loud and fast. It was as if he was caught between two conflicting scientific theories: was this the rush of love, or was it just nerves? In Ye Ming's case, it was definitely the latter. He was absolutely 'nervous'.

Because the person standing next to him was the worst of all the male leads.

"Ye Ming~ We're classmates, so I should accompany you," Jing Jian said with a sickeningly sweet smile, his eyes full of contradiction.

Ye Ming faced forward again, stunned. Was the universe really forcing him to endure Bai Yuer's nightmare?

Ahead of him stood the white-haired Li Wei, his sneer as sharp as the blade of a hunter. He looked at Ye Ming as if he were nothing more than prey. Beside him, the dark-haired male lead stretched out a hand for a handshake, no gloves in sight. And there, with fiery red hair, stood the third young man, his smile masking an unreadable emotion.

Ye Ming's heart sank. Could things get any worse?

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