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To any outsider passing by, it might have seemed like the two "male gods" of the school were sharing a friendly moment, as if locked in a conversation of mutual admiration. But that couldn't have been further from the truth. Ye Ming and Guang Kai weren't exchanging pleasantries; they were locked in a mental battle, silently clashing with one another.

Ye Ming found the whole situation incredibly draining. This is too much trouble, he thought, resisting the urge to roll his eyes. If I keep glaring at this iceberg, I'm going to die young. Despite Guang Kai being around the same age, Ye Ming knew this cold, calculating figure probably had tricks up his sleeve that could crush anyone who dared challenge him. And frankly, Ye Ming had no desire to test that theory.

There was also another worry gnawing at him. Ye Ming wasn't sure if Guang Kai had already crossed paths with the female lead, but he could feel the story's momentum accelerating because of Li Wei's presence. And when the leads started colliding, any innocent bystander could easily be swept into the mess—likely with deadly consequences.

Sighing internally, Ye Ming bowed his head, trying to avoid any more eye contact. He could feel the energy that had been keeping him upright, fueled by amusement and confusion, slowly ebbing away. Uncle Mu was supposed to pick him up, but who knew when that would be? His legs were giving out, and his eyelids felt as if they were made of lead.

Suddenly, Guang Kai noticed something off. The boy in front of him seemed to slump, his back arching, and his breathing becoming noticeably heavier. The cold, calculated expression on Guang Kai's face faltered for a moment as confusion flickered in his eyes.

"Are... you okay?"

Ye Ming was taken aback by the question, though he kept his face carefully neutral, still bowing his head in submission. His thoughts, however, were racing. Did Guang Kai just ask if I'm okay?Wow, so this is what anxiety feels like. His insides felt cold. An odd wave of nervousness washed over him, and he couldn't figure out why. After all, he wasn't living a normal life—far from it. But this laid-back existence of his, where he could coast through life unnoticed, would vanish if he kept drawing attention from key characters like Guang Kai. He couldn't afford to let the supporting roles, extras, and leads drag him into their chaos.

Before he could figure out how to escape this predicament, heavy footsteps approached. Ye Ming lifted his head slightly, relief flooding through him as Uncle Mu's familiar figure came into view. His body began to relax even further, surrendering to the exhaustion.

"Little Ye!" Uncle Mu called out as he hurried over. Ye Ming's body gave up entirely, and he slumped forward, letting his weight fall into Uncle Mu's arms.

Uncle Mu glanced at Guang Kai, his brow furrowed with mild confusion. "Mister, is he okay?"Ye Ming's eyes widened slightly at the question, his face twisting with frustration. Please, Guang Kai, just leave me alone. Forget you ever saw me. That would be the best gift you could ever give me. He wanted to scream those words out loud but managed to keep them in.

"Oh, I think Little Ye is just tired. Poor kid's stamina isn't great," Uncle Mu explained, offering the truth as a casual excuse.

Guang Kai's eyes narrowed as he observed Ye Ming more closely. His expression remained impassive, but his mind was racing. Is this guy the infamous third son of the Ye family? There were plenty of students with the surname Ye at the school, but none as important as the one his father had ordered him to befriend.

Guang Kai's father had been clear: Make nice with Ye Ming, no matter what. Yet, despite nearly a month at this school, Guang Kai hadn't even laid eyes on the boy—until now.

He had planned everything meticulously, but the mysterious Ye Ming had remained elusive. It irritated Guang Kai to no end. All the information he had collected—right down to the young heir's shoe size—was now useless. The third son of the Ye family, who should've been within Guang Kai's grasp, had remained a complete mystery.

Everyone in the upper echelons of society wanted to meet Ye Ming. Was it fate that made him so hard to find, or something else? Guang Kai knew that if he wanted more information, he would have to speak to Bai Yuer. That irritating girl with the sharp tongue, he thought with distaste.

He brushed at his uniform where Ye Ming had bumped into him earlier, his face twisted in disgust. Every movement spoke of his intense mysophobia—he hated filth, and people lower in status than him were little more than trash in his eyes.

Uncle Mu, oblivious to the silent tension, scooped Ye Ming up and carried him toward the car, leaving Guang Kai standing there.

As Guang Kai turned to continue his walk, heading toward the teachers' office to pry for information about Ye Ming, he spotted Bai Yuer and another girl, laughing and chatting as they walked.

"Oh! Guang Kai, didn't see ya," Bai Yuer called out, stopping in front of him with a casual grin.He barely acknowledged her. To him, Bai Yuer was insignificant, but he couldn't ignore the nagging feeling that she might know something about Ye Ming. If he could tolerate her presence, perhaps she could be useful in his quest to locate the elusive third son.

"Yuer," he said flatly, "do you know Ye Ming?"

Both girls raised their eyebrows at the sudden question. Bai Yuer clicked her tongue in irritation while the other girl, Mei Fang, remained stoic but clearly displeased.

"Yeah, we know him. Why do you ask?" Mei Fang inquired with suspicion. She had seen more than her share of transfers stalking Ye Ming, desperate for connections. As class president, she wasn't about to let anyone exploit her classmates.

Guang Kai's expression remained cold as he lied, "I'm his friend."

Both girls gave him incredulous looks, their faces now mirroring his earlier disdain.

"Really?" Mei Fang's voice dripped with sarcasm, her eyes narrowing. She didn't believe him for a second.

"I'm serious," Guang Kai insisted, though the disgust still lingered on his face.

Mei Fang crossed her arms, her expression hardening. "Well, I'm serious too."

The tension in the air thickened, and Guang Kai's temper flared. How dare she? He wanted nothing more than to grab her by the collar and silence her forever. But he held back, clenching his fists as he glared at her.

Before the situation could escalate further, Bai Yuer intervened, her casual demeanor masking the unease she felt. "The guy with the bodyguard earlier... that's Ye Ming." She grabbed Mei Fang's arm and dragged her away, not waiting for Guang Kai's response.

Left standing alone, Guang Kai watched as the students filed out of the school. His eyes locked onto the sight of Ye Ming being carried away like a sack of rice."So... that's him.

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