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Ye Chuang's throat went dry as he stood in his office, staring out the window with a sense of foreboding he couldn't quite shake. He wasn't sure what exactly had transpired, but it seemed that his younger brother, Ye Ming, had accidentally stirred the waters of a much larger pond, unknowingly attracting the attention of some very big fish.

The report from his secretary had caught him off guard. It wasn't the seizures—or the lack of them—that surprised him. What did was the sudden interest these three powerful figures had taken in Ye Ming. As his secretary spoke, it became increasingly clear that this was not a trivial matter.

Ye Chuang was no stranger to high-stakes politics and business. He had seen it all, from cutthroat deals to underhanded tactics, but this was different. Even though same-sex relationships were becoming more accepted as society evolved, and the legalization of same-sex marriage was making slow but steady progress, the idea that these three powerhouses were circling around his brother made him uneasy.

His secretary's voice broke through his thoughts. "Director Ye, is your baby brother aware that one of his 'fishes' is from the Jian Conglomerate? Those three are no ordinary people. They're powerful, influential big shots."

The words hung in the air, the weight of them settling heavily in Ye Chuang's chest. His little brother had, without even realizing it, caught the attention of some of the most formidable players in the game. Ye Chuang was familiar with their names and the immense power they wielded.

First, there was the LiCon Group, a general contracting giant with deep connections in City A, X, Z, and now, even in the emerging Capital City. Shady or not, LiCon had been instrumental in shaping the very skyline of these cities, contributing significantly to their development. Their influence stretched far beyond construction; they had their hands in nearly every major project that had defined the last decade.

Then there was the Guan family, the political dynamos who practically ran the government. For nearly sixty years, the Guan clan had maintained a stranglehold on the highest positions in the Republic. Their control was so absolute that it felt like fighting against them was akin to fighting the heavens themselves.

Lastly, the Jian Conglomerate—silent yet deadly, a shadow empire that few dared to challenge openly. Their reach was vast, their resources limitless.

If any one of these forces moved against the Ye family, it would be a challenge. But if they cooperated? Ye Chuang didn't even want to think about the damage they could inflict. His brother had inadvertently placed himself at the center of a dangerous storm, a storm that could easily sweep them all away if they weren't careful.

"Let them be for now," Ye Chuang said finally, his voice calm despite the turmoil swirling within him. "I know my brother is capable of taming a koi piranha. But keep a close eye on things. Step in if they start to turn red."

That was all Ye Chuang could offer his brother for now. A safety net. He couldn't intervene directly, not without causing even more complications. Ye Ming, for all his weaknesses, would have to navigate this dangerous game on his own. But if things got out of hand, Ye Chuang would step in. That much was certain.

It wasn't that he didn't care. In fact, he cared deeply. But Ye Ming had always been a mystery to him. Taking care of their sister, Ye Jia, had been easy—she was simple, straightforward, easy to read. But Ye Ming? His youngest brother was an enigma. Trying to understand him was like trying to solve a Rubik's Cube blindfolded. You knew the solution was there, but no matter how hard you tried, you couldn't figure it out.

"Director Ye," the secretary interrupted his thoughts once again, "there's also a girl—Bai Yu'er—who seems to have gotten involved—"

Before the man could finish, Ye Chuang's expression darkened. His brow furrowed, his forehead creasing with irritation. "Let her be," he said, his tone cold and clipped.

The sudden shift in his demeanor was palpable. The warmth that had briefly softened his features when talking about his brother vanished, replaced by an icy edge that made the secretary shrink back slightly. It was clear that Bai Yu'er's involvement was not something Ye Chuang took lightly, and whatever history they had was enough to sour his mood instantly.

The secretary bit his lower lip, sensing that it was best to drop the topic. The tension in the room was thick, and he didn't want to be the one to provoke Ye Chuang further. He nodded curtly and stepped back, leaving his boss to his thoughts.

Meanwhile, Ye Ming, oblivious to the storm brewing around him, had found refuge in a secluded storage room at school. It was Foundation Day, but instead of mingling with the crowd or facing the three people who were undoubtedly looking for him, Ye Ming had chosen to sleep. His body, exhausted and heavy, had given in to his overwhelming need for rest, and he had curled up on a makeshift bed of foam in the cool, dimly lit room.

The small pillow beneath his head, borrowed from the kindhearted canteen aunt, felt rough against his cheek, but the coolness of the marble floor beneath him provided some relief. Despite his outward appearance of calm, something was off. His chest felt tight, his breathing labored, as if there was a weight pressing down on him that he couldn't shake.

His mind, usually a haze of indifference and laziness, felt cluttered and heavy. His thoughts were muddled, emotions he couldn't name swirling inside him. His heart felt constricted, as though something deep within him was being suppressed, but he couldn't understand what it was. He didn't know how to process it, how to unravel the knot that had formed inside him.

As he lay there, his back to the world, Ye Ming felt a strange sense of unease. The usual comfort he found in sleep eluded him, replaced by a vague, unsettling feeling. Something was wrong, but he couldn't put his finger on it.

A/n: Prolly will update two or three chapters later GMT+8/ 2am GMT. I need to sleep because I just got home from school. Please, if you guys find Ye Jia's wrong pronouce, do comment!

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