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The clock had just passed 4 PM, and most students were preparing to leave the school, though they were so engrossed in the preparations for the upcoming foundation celebration that they almost lost track of time. Despite the flurry of activity, Ye Ming was still fast asleep, unmoved since his earlier encounter with Li Wei.

Bai Yuer, quietly packing up her things, couldn't help but glance over at her classmate, who remained oblivious to the world around him. It puzzled her—how could someone sleep through the entire afternoon, unfazed by hunger or the need for a bathroom break? Ye Ming hadn't joined in any discussions or made any effort to contribute to the celebration. He was like a ginger cat, lazily curled up and indifferent to everything, as if his energy had been completely drained.

She thought back to the moment earlier that day when she saw him walking into class, barely awake. His posture was slouched, his eyes half-closed, and his steps sluggish, as though every ounce of energy had been sucked from him. Although Bai Yuer had become accustomed to this school, she couldn't quite figure out Ye Ming, the so-called "sleeping prince." His existence in this world felt distant, as though he was living on the edge of reality, refusing to fully engage.

Unbeknownst to her, Ye Ming was aware of her gaze even in his half-conscious state, and it annoyed him. If this kept up, he might inadvertently draw the attention of the male leads, which would spell trouble. As much as he wanted to shoo Bai Yuer away and tell her to mind her own business, interacting with her could trigger the story's original plotline. And that was a path that only led to one place: disaster. He had no desire to be caught up in the dangerous web of possessive and obsessed male leads fighting over her.

Though it wasn't exactly his responsibility to worry about such things, Ye Ming couldn't shake the possibility that one of these days, he might find himself facing an untimely and ugly end. The male leads were known to be fiercely protective, and their capacity for violence was no secret.

Over the past three days of attending school, Ye Ming found himself quietly amused by the female lead. Bai Yuer wasn't what he had expected. She was stubborn, prone to getting herself into trouble, and even had a foul mouth that was at odds with her delicate appearance. He couldn't help but smile at her antics, finding her contradictions oddly entertaining.

However, Ye Ming wasn't keen on meeting Li Wei or the second male lead anytime soon. The second lead, Guang Kai, who would inevitably cross paths with him, was particularly someone he wanted to avoid. Unlike the expressive and often scheming Li Wei, Guang Kai was cold, distant, and as unyielding as ice. His disgust and disappointment were always plain to see, and Ye Ming knew that an encounter with him would not be pleasant.

Ye Ming stirred from his sleep, his thoughts drifting toward the inevitable arrival of the third male lead. Based on his calculations, and the way the story seemed to be accelerating, tomorrow would mark the transfer of yet another lead to their class.

His blue eyes, deep like a turbulent ocean but with a strange, detached blankness, flicked toward the window. The white curtains billowed in the late afternoon breeze, and Ye Ming chuckled softly. It was all so confusing and yet so amusing. The chaos he had inadvertently caused in this world was almost too entertaining to resist.

Why were all the male leads transferring to this school, each with their impossible good looks and wealth? And why was the female lead so unexpectedly strange? They were different from what he had read, but he couldn't be sure if it was just his imagination or something more.Everyone in the room noticed his soft chuckle, and a sense of unease spread among the students. Ye Ming might have looked angelic in his half-smile, but something about him made them suspicious.

Feeling his usual laziness slip away, Ye Ming decided it was time to leave. He didn't want to linger any longer, and the idea of waiting for Uncle Mu at the bus stop outside the school seemed appealing. Standing up, he slung his bag over his shoulder. His earlier slouched posture had transformed into something more poised, giving him the appearance of a model. His slim build and messy, tousled hair only added to his laid-back, effortlessly cool vibe."Brother Ming, you look... fine," one of the students commented, breaking the lingering silence as they finished gathering their belongings.

Ye Ming glanced at the boy. He didn't remember his name—he rarely bothered to learn them. The boy was bald and had a similar physique to his own, but that was all Ye Ming could recall."Yeah, it's confusing... and also amusing," Ye Ming replied, a cryptic smile playing on his lips. "They don't know what's coming. Tomorrow, it all starts, just like in the original."

The students exchanged confused looks, not understanding what Ye Ming was referring to. His words felt ominous, especially the part about "tomorrow, it all starts."

Noticing their bewilderment, Ye Ming's grin widened. Their expressions of confusion only added to his amusement. "I wonder," he mused aloud, "if you'd all do me a small favor."

Mei Fang, a quiet girl who had been nervously fidgeting with her hands, asked hesitantly, "What is it?"

"Don't let the new transfer student sit next to me," Ye Ming said casually. "Thanks in advance." And with that, he left the classroom, heading toward the bus stop with his usual sluggish steps.His energy felt momentarily replenished, though he knew it wouldn't last long. It was as if the sudden amusement and confusion had charged him briefly, giving him a second wind, but it wouldn't take long for the exhaustion to creep back in.

As he made his way to the bus stop, he suddenly bumped into something—or rather, someone. The impact sent a sharp pain through his forehead, and he immediately apologized, bowing his head slightly. "I'm sorry."

The man he had bumped into, however, didn't seem interested in his apology. When Ye Ming looked up, he flinched internally but kept his expression neutral. He recognized that cold, disgusted gaze instantly—it was Guang Kai, the second male lead.

Guang Kai's face was twisted in visible disdain as he stared down at Ye Ming. Everything about him screamed control, from his immaculate uniform to his gloved hands and pristine shoes. He was a perfectionist, and bumping into someone was likely the last thing he wanted.Ye Ming sighed inwardly. Great. Just what I needed—an encounter with the second male lead. This is going to be troublesome.

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