Special: Instrument of emotion²

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Cello; its heavy use in the score sets this show apart from other fantasy works, elevating it to a league of its own. The cello's capacity to convey intricate emotions is unparalleled, its deep, resonant tones capturing the essence of both the fantastical and the real. By drawing the bow close to the instrument's bridge—a technique known as sul ponticello—one can produce a "glassy" or "nasally" sound that evokes the icy desolation of the land north of the Wall. This technique contrasts sharply with sul tasto, where the bow is drawn gently over the fingerboard to create a sound that is warm, rich, and honeyed, reminiscent of summer's embrace. The cello's versatility allows it to not only convey profound emotional depth but also paint vivid auditory pictures of Westeros' diverse landscapes.

In this context, 'he' refers to Guang Kai. For him, love is not just an abstract concept but a realm of fantasy, and the cello, with its profound tonal capabilities, becomes a conduit through which he explores and expresses this fantasy. The instrument's ability to evoke and amplify the emotions he associates with love deeply resonates with him, providing a means to delve into the complexities of his feelings.

Guang Kai's world is profoundly influenced by the sublime composition of Franz Liszt's "Lieberstraum," a piece that epitomizes the passion and intensity of Liszt's work for the piano. This composition, the last in a series of three "Lieberstraum" pieces, draws inspiration from poetry by Uhland and Freiligrath. Originally intended as songs, Liszt adapted these pieces into solo and four-hand piano works, with the final "Lieberstraum" standing as a tribute to the theme of unconditional love. For Guang Kai, Liszt's adaptation of Freiligrath's poetry transcends its original form, elevating it to an entirely new level of emotional and artistic expression.

Without the youth who occupies his thoughts—Ye Ming, with his sunny smiles that seem to rival the brilliance of the sun itself—Guang Kai feels a profound sense of emptiness. Ye Ming represents the epitome of purity and innocence in Guang Kai's eyes, a beacon of untainted grace in a world that often feels harsh and unforgiving. To Guang Kai, Ye Ming is a rare and precious gem, unmarred by the world's imperfections. The idea of contaminating such purity is abhorrent to him. If anyone dared to tarnish Ye Ming's essence, Guang Kai would not hesitate to dirty his own hands in his defense.

In his darker moments, Guang Kai's imagination runs wild with violent imagery. He envisions wielding his cello bow as a weapon of vengeance, using the strings of his instrument to sever the heads of those who threaten Ye Ming's purity. The end pin of his cello becomes an instrument of brutality, imagined as a tool to crush the skulls of his enemies. These violent fantasies starkly contrast with the serene beauty of his music, reflecting the intensity of his obsession and the extent of his desire to protect what he holds dear.

Yet, despite these vivid imaginings, Guang Kai's reality remains starkly different. The yellow-haired youth, who frolics freely under the summer sun, is a dream that exists only in the realm of fantasy. Ye Ming's unblemished smiles and carefree spirit are a distant ideal, a vision that eludes Guang Kai's grasp. The real world, with all its harsh realities and limitations, stands in stark contrast to the perfect, unblemished vision he harbors in his heart.

Guang Kai's greatest love is embodied in the music of the cello, a love that serves as both a refuge and a reflection of his deepest desires. The instrument allows him to create a world where his emotions and fantasies can be expressed in their purest form. In this world, the cello becomes a symbol of his longing and his love, a way to channel his deepest feelings into something beautiful and transcendent.

As he plays, Guang Kai loses himself in the music, each note a testament to his passion and his struggles. The cello's melodies become a canvas upon which he projects his desires, fears, and dreams. Through his music, he attempts to bridge the gap between his idealized vision of love and the stark reality of his existence.

In the quiet moments between compositions, Guang Kai reflects on the disparity between his fantasy and reality. The cello, while a source of profound emotional expression, cannot fully bridge the gap between his idealized love and the reality he faces. The music becomes a bittersweet reminder of what is unattainable, a reflection of a love that exists primarily in the realm of imagination.

Despite this, Guang Kai remains captivated by the dream of Ye Ming, whose presence in his thoughts and music continues to inspire and haunt him. The yellow-haired youth, with his radiant smiles and untainted spirit, remains an elusive ideal, a vision of purity and freedom that Guang Kai yearns for but cannot fully possess. The fantasy of Ye Ming, though beautiful, remains a distant dream, a testament to the complexities of love and desire in Guang Kai's world.

For now, Guang Kai's greatest solace lies in his music. The cello serves as a vessel for his deepest emotions, allowing him to navigate the intricate landscape of his feelings. Through his playing, he finds a semblance of peace, a way to reconcile the conflict between his idealized vision of love and the reality that surrounds him. The music becomes a bridge between his dreams and his reality, a testament to the enduring power of art to express the inexpressible.

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