Attack Of The Phantom Lord

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"Mara? Hello? Anyone home?" I heard someone ask as they started pounding on the door. I sighed while getting up from the chair I was sitting on in the kitchen. I opened the door and saw Erza, Gray, Happy, Natsu and a really depressed looking Lucy. I tilted my head to the side slightly.

"What is it?" I asked as they all suddenly came in. I stared wide eyed as they started heading towards the table in the back. I jogged to catch up and quickly grabbed the letter I was working on before any of them could see, trying to act casual.

"Well, Lucy picked out a job for all of us!" Natsu exclaimed happily.
"Yeah, and what's that got to do with me?" I asked more confused than rude.
"Don't you remember? You're a part of the group!" Happy yelled excitedly. I looked down, guilt hitting me in the gut.
"Oh, uh I wish I could go but I have things I need to do today." I dodge somewhat convincing.
"Oh, c'mon please? It wouldn't feel right if our newest member wasn't with us." Natsu whined.
"I wish I could, but I really can't. Besides I'm not feeling all to good, anyways." I tried once more. Lies. All of this was lies. I'm getting too comfy here. I need to leave. I thought just maybe I could start a new life here, but I can't. I looked down, wondering why I was feeling so bad about thinking about leaving. 

"Oh, are you feeling, okay? If you want, I could stay an-" Lucy started to offer. I shook my head, cutting her off.
"I'll be fine. Thank you, Lucy. I'll be better after some rest." I said cutting her off towards the end, some of them either sharing a look or giving me a weird one.
"Um, okay. Just stop by if you need anything, okay?" She offered with a smile. I nodded my head walking them all to the door. We all said bye to each other, and I watched them leave down the hall. I sighed again before pulling the now crinkled letter. What the hell.. I don't know why I'm stalling, it's just making it worse. I'll head to the guild for one last get a drink before I leave. I thought before putting on my shoes and walking out of my apartment. 

    I sighed while walking down the streets of Magnolia, taking my time to get to the guild. I can't just leave, I just put a whole month down on the apartment. I actually made friends here.. You knew this was gonna happen, you have no one to blame but yourself.. I sighed deeply, stopping mid stroll. I looked down shamefully, the guilt weighing me down heavily. It's time to leave.. before I just make it worst by staying longer. I raised a brow as I looked up the hill seeing that the guild was in shambles, my previous depression gone and replaced with panic. I gasped slightly before running the rest of the way to the guild, dodging and weaving around people in a hurry. 
"Mirajane! Levy! Gramps?!" I yelled running there the doors, seeing that there was barely any one inside.
"What the hell happened?!" I yelled as Levy, Droy, and Jet slowly approached me, their faces full of sadness and despair.
"It was Lord Phantom." Levy said disappointed, trying not to cry. Jet and Droy comforting her quietly.
"Who's that?" I demanded before following them down some stairs. There was an underground basement of some sort. There I found everyone sitting around, the look of sadness forecasted on everyone's face. The sense of despair thick in the air.

"So, they did it after everyone left for the night?" I confirmed, Mirajane and Levi having explained. Another guild attacking our own, destroying it. Not only seeing it, but hearing it as well sending me into a rage.
"Yes, after everyone left. That's when they attacked." Mirajane summarized.
"Those cowards!! And why are you guys just sitting here and drinking? You should be getting even, make them pay for what they did!" I yelled, slamming my fist on the table. The rage stirring up quickly inside, boiling over.
"I wish we could." Mirajane spoke sadly, looking down. I growled, seeing Levy slump down in a chair nearby. I sighed, trying to calm myself while walking up behind her, leaning against a post next to her.
"Look, I know I've only been here for a short time, clearly not as long as you guys, so it might seem like it's not as hard on me as it is on you guys.. But it is. Honestly, I was thinking about leaving... because I realized just how much I quickly I grew so fond of all of you. To this place. Mirajane, you were the first one that showed me kindness. Gramps let me join without even knowing who I was. Levy, Droy, Jet you guys are just awesome. Levy, you helped me get back to my body when Natsu read that stupid spell that changed us all. All of you, I've never felt so... accepted in my life so quickly before. So as payment I'm going to get back at whoever did this to you. To all of you." I declared glaring at the ground in determination. I heard someone sniff, turning to see it was Levy as she threw herself at me. I stiffened some, still not used to the closeness of this place. I lightly hugged her back before she pulled away and wiped her tears away.
"Just so you know, I'm smiling." She chuckled, some of the others in the guild laugh at this as well.
"Thank you." She cried hugging me again. I nodded before looking at Mirajane.
"Hehe, can I get three glasses of whiskey, please?" I smiled at her as she giggled slightly.

       I sighed pulling a chair up next to Levy's. Soon Mirajane came back over with my drinks, setting them in front of me. I paid her before turning back to my drinks.

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