boxing - javon

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I am currently at Javon's boxing tournament in LA. He was about to go in the ring, against one of the best boxers in his weight class. Dj stood beside him, doing whatever a coach does, talking tactics i guess.

I sat between Jaden and Jayla on first row, with Daelo on my lap. Jessica was going to get drinks for us i think, not really sure.

Anyways, Daelo suddenly stopped fiddling with my fingers when the boxers got introduced on the speakers. I looked up at Javon as he looked back at me giving me a nervous smile. I know how nervous he is for this fight. He has talked about it non stop for the last week. I gave him a thumbs up and a reassuring smile as Jaden and Jayla jumped up cheering for their brother. When Javon saw this his body relaxed a bit, knowing we believed in him.

The fight started and it looked very good for Javon. He got in some really good hits, as he also douched many. The bell rang and Jayla was up fast to put the chair in for Javon to sit, she stayed there talking to Dj and Javon. Me and Jaden small talked as a boy our age came up in front of us.

He had training clothes on, so to my guess he is a boxer. He had on a black nike shirt, white training shorts, black tape around his wrists and a white cap.

He just stood there smiling down at me. I looked at Jaden and gave him a questionable look, which he returned. I looked back at the boy and tightened my grip around Daelo, as far as i know he can take him and run.

"You need anything or..?" I asked him, as i raised my eyebrows at him.

"I just wanted to know if you are single?" He said. I laughed as i looked in the ring making eye contact with Javon. He also gave me a questionable look. I looked back at the boy and pointed at Javon. He slowly looked behind him as Javon stood up death glaring the boy. Javon was about to jump out of the ring as Dj grabbed his arm, pulling him back. Javon understood he couldn't take this fight so he looked at Jaden giving him a look as he went back to Dj.

The weird boy looked back at me as the bell rang again, starting the fight.

"You are dating Javon Walton?! Like THE Javon Walton?!" He asked, as his eyes widened. I was about to speak when Jaden budged in.

"Yeah, she is. Now if i were you i would've walked away from here, before my brother comes out of the ring and finishes his fight out here with you." He death glared the boy. The boy quickly nodded as he walked away.


It is now afternoon and we are waiting outside of Javon's wardrobe for him to come out. He ended up winning the tournament so we were going to a restaurant to celebrate. I was talking to Jayla as Javon came out. I ran over to him and jumped into his arms, wrapping my legs around him.

"I am so proud of you, baby." I whispered in his ear as i placed a kiss on his cheek. His arms were wrapped around my waist as he slowly put me down on my feet again.

"I love you." He smiled, as he slowly kissed my lips.

When he pulled away i put my head on his chest with my arms around his stomach.

"I love you too." I whispered. Suddenly his body tensed. I looked up at his face, giving him a look. I followed his eyes until they landed on the boy from earlier, walking out of a different wardrobe. I sighed as i looked over at the other Waltons, only to see them walk out to the car.

I took Javons face in my hands and made him look at me. His eyes softened but his hands fell to the sides of his body.

"He is not worth it Javon. Let's just go the hotel and change so we can go eat food, ok?" I said, looking deep into his eyes.

"I have to talk to him." He said back, shaking my hands off of him. And then he walked down the long white hall, over to the strange boy from earlier. I jogged behind him grabbing his hand.

"Whats up man?" Javon said, as he was close enough to him.

"Um, hello?" The boy answered. Oh no. Please do not act stupid, Javon will get pissed. I think he already is tho, by the way he dropped my hand and made a fist instead.

"I saw you were talking to my girl earlier. Wanna take it with me too?" Javon asked. I could hear the doors open at the end of the empty hall, i looked behind me to see Jaden slowly walking over to us with a suspicious look on his face.

"Thank god." I thought. If Javon loses his shit, i think Jaden is the only one who can stop him from starting a fight with this strange dude.

I went back to the conversation with Javon and the guy.

"Javon, you really don't need to do this." I said as Jaden came up on the other side of Javon.

"I agree with y/n on that one. The others are waiting in the car." Jaden said.

I looked at Jaden and gave him a thankful smile, as he gave a small smile back. Then i felt a arm go around my shoulders, as a hand landed on my left shoulder. At first i thought it was Javons, but if it was him, the hand would be on my right shoulder since i was on the right side of him. Then it clicked. It was the guy.

"Yeah man, no need to start a fight with me." He said as he shaked me pretty harshly.

"Hey, don't touch her." Javon stated as he pushed him away from me, standing in front of me.

"Chill man, no need to be violent." The guy said as he put his hands up in defence.

"I wouldn't try him man." Jaden said to the guy, shaking his head. I took a step to the side, so i could hold Javon's fist in my hands, slowly rubbing my thumb on his fist.

"Come on Javon, lets just go." I said. He hesitated at first, but then his arm went around my waist leading me away, Jaden following behind us.

When we got to the car me and Javon sat in the back alone. I laid my head on his shoulder as Dj drove back to the hotel.

"I'm sorry, i shouldn't have talked to him. Sorry if i scared you." Javon whispered in my ear.

"It's okay. I just didn't want you to get in a fight. What if you got hurt?" I said back.

"I'm sorry love." He said as he slowly lifted my head off his shoulder, leaning down to place a passionate kiss on my lips.


A/n: I don't know what i feel about this lol.

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