hit - javon

4K 20 9

Age: 16-17
Word count: 1,7K


I remember the way he used to look at me every time we walked past each other, his eyes filled with love and happiness. His eyes burning into mine, like they were meant to be together. Making my stomach erupt in butterflies every time.

I miss his eyes following my every move, making me feel safe at all times. The soft brown eyes also known as my safe place, suddenly avoiding me like they never knew i existed.

I remember the way he used to smile at me like i was the only girl in the world. The bright smile who lighted up my whole day. The smile i would see every time he looked at me, or when i looked at him.

I miss his bright loving smile. The smile i used to make everyday by the smallest things i did. The smile everyone but me get to make or even see anymore, because his whole body turns cold when i'm near. The smile i used to feel against my cheek as he kissed it. The only smile in the room i used to see when i made the worst jokes. The only smile i will ever care about...

I remember the late night talks where we would open ourselves fully, everything on our minds being put onto the table, only for us to know. No one other, only us and our secrets. The secrets i promised myself not to share with any one. Yet he was like some kind of drug, making me break every rule i had made to myself, making him enter my mind.

Looking back at it, it isn't the best choice i've made.

But either way, i don't regret it. After everything i know he ain't the person to spread my deepest, darkest secrets. I know him and he wouldn't do that to anyone, even how bad the situation is. But knowing he has the power to ruin my life completely is scary.

He broke my heart.

And i still love him more than anything...



I walked into school on a monday morning, tired and in a bad mood. Like every monday. But looking around, it looked like everyone just woke up from a 12 hour nap. Eyes staring into the floor with tired eyes, body's about to collapse to the ground, falling into a deep sleep again.

It's almost completely quiet as i walk down the hall, deciding if i want to spend another week behind a desk. Sadly i have to.

Only a few people were talking about some drama from the weekend, about who hooked up with who, i really couldn't care less. The only thing that has been on my mind for the last week is what's wrong with my boyfriend. I can't figure it out and it's driving me crazy.

It started last weekend when he started to ignore my calls and texts. Then on monday he answred me, but it was just dry texting from his side. Of course i got frustrated that he acted like that and went over to his house, only for it to end in a big argument. We yelled at each other, he started to throw things around his room, hitting me in the face at the same time. By accident, of course. I ended up falling to the foor with a bleeding nose and a back eye. Which has now turned into an purple one. I have tried to cover it up with makeup, but it backfired.

He hasn't been at school since our fight. I have tried calling and texting him, but he doesn't even read my texts. I don't know why he's angry at me, when he literally hit me. I mean, i won't use it against him. I forgave him because he didn't do it on purpose. But you know, It shouldt have happened in the first place.

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