tired - jaden

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age: 16
word count: 1087

This chapter will have family problems. If you're not comfortable with that than i recommend skipping this chapter.


Life recently has been shit.

First of all i had the flu for over a month. Then i got my period, which was horrible, since i had extreme cramps. My parents have been fighting a lot. I miss my brother, who lives in LA. And me and my boyfriend have a toxic relationship.

Life's just great.

The worst thing is that i can't do shit about it.

I mean i can fly out to LA, but i don't have enough money, and i'm positive that my parents won't pay for it. So basically i can't.

And my toxic relationship, i can do something that. But each time we try to talk about it, it turns out into an argument, like every conversation does. All we do is fight. And i'm so tired of it.

I'm tired of feeling like i have no one.

I'm tired of feeling like my life is just going downwards.

I'm tired of trying to fix it, but always failing.

I'm tired of having no one to talk to.

I'm tired of everything.

I'm just so exhausted.


Jaden invited me over to his house today. I haven't talked to him in over a week, so this came out of the blue. First i didn't feel like going, because i don't want another fight. I use all my energy on it, and i don't know how much longer i can live with it.

As i was about to decline the offer i heard my parents yell at each other louder than ever before, and i knew it wasn't going to end soon.

I agreed with Jaden just to get away from the house. Hoping it won't be a fight at his house.
I can't deal with that today.


I dragged myself out of my bed, my body heavy and exhausted. I got into my bathroom jumping in the shower.

When i was done i found an outfit and applying a little bit if makeup, not mascara, knowing i will probably cry. I then quietly walked downstairs, so i won't be involved in the argument still going on in the kitchen.

I got outside of the house successfully, making my way towards the Walton's house.


I got to their house and walked inside, being met with total silence. I made my way upstairs, checking Javon and Jayla's room's first, not ready to face Jaden yet, but they're not there.

"They're in the city with mom, dad and Daelo." I heard a voice behind me. Jaden's voice to be exact. I turn around to see him down the hall, leaning against the wall. I just nod at him.

There's an awkward silence, just us staring at each other. I don't know what to say.

I don't want it to be like this.

I don't want to think over everything i want to say, in case he will take it the wrong way, and it will start an argument.

I want it to be like it was before. When we stayed up all night, talking about everything that crossed our minds. Laughing and totally forgetting the time.

I want to talk about my worries and problems to him, without having the fear of being judged or ignored. Not that i think Jaden would ever judge anyone because of their problems, but i can't lie and say that the fear isn't there.

My mind wanders to my parents. How they probably feel the same as me. I remember how they were before, just a year ago. Happy. They were always happy when they were together. I can't think of one time they fought. And if they had an disagreement, they would take a few minutes to themselves, so they could calm down, avoiding a fight.

I think of all the memories we have as an happy family, hiking, game nights, beach days, road trips, vacations etc. I even think of eating dinner as a memory. I don't eat with them anymore, it's just silence. So i eat in my room. That's where i spend my days anyway. I actually don't leave it unless i'm going to school.

A few months ago i went out everyday, to meet up with friends or going to Jaden. When i think about it i almost always was at his house. But considering our relationship the last months i haven't been here more than an hour at once, i always leave when our fights gets too heated for my liking.

I also don't hang out with friends anymore, since me and Jaden are in the same friend group. I don't really feel like fighting in front of them. They know our relationship is difficult right now, but they have no idea how bad it really is. I don't think anyone knows actually. Maybe Javon and Jayla, they have probably heard us yelling at each other, more than once.

I snap back to reality when i feel my eyes water. I quickly pull myself together before Jaden can notice. But after everything that's happened, he can still easily notice when i'm sad.

I see his face softens as he slowly makes his way closer to me. I look down at the floor, avoiding eye contact as he wraps me in his arms.

Part of me wants to pull away, knowing we will probably fight later today, and that this only is a one time thing. But after holding my emotions in for months i break down as soon as he touch me.

My arms goes around his torso, crying in his chest, since he's a head taller than me. When i start to cry hysterically he holds me tighter, while rubbing my back.

I can't make out clearly what he's saying to me, but i can hear a lot of i'm sorry's and i love you's. At some point i hear his voice break followed by a few tears hitting my head.

When i realised he was crying i look up at him, still hysterically crying. His eyes are red, watery and full of regret and worry.

I bring my hands up to his face, wiping the tears on his cheeks, staring into his beautiful eyes. Tears are still running down both of our faces as i smash my lips onto his. He quickly kiss back, the salty taste from our tears making the kiss more meaningful. I pull away after a minute, pulling him into a hug instead.

"Y/n. Why do i feel like this isn't just about us?" He ask, his voice breaking.


A/N: Pretty proud of this one.

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