clingy - jaden

4.1K 42 4

Age: 16
Word count: 771

Requested by AnoukNiemeijer


Today i'm hanging out with some friends at the skate park. We're 4 boys and 3 girls. And before you ask. No, i do not skate. Out of all 7 of us, only two skate. Jack and Alex. They're pretty good at it actually.

Mostly me, Kylen and Maddy watch the two boys skate, and the twins trying to skate. They can do some simple tricks. Well not simple, i could never.

So that's what we're currently doing, watching the boys while making TikTok's and eating candy.

The girls were laughing at something as i was looking at Jaden. Admiring him. He was laughing at Javon because he almost ran down a little kid. His dimples were showing and his
smile was absolutely perfect.

I didn't realise i was brightly smiling before i felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned around and saw Kaylen. She smiled at me.

"Wanna join this dance?" She asked, showing me a video of three people dancing.

"Sure, learn me." I stood up, walking over to where Maddy was standing on the other side of the bench.

As we danced i could feel eyes on me. When we were done i looked at the boys to find Jaden staring, while the three other boys were watching something on Alex's phone. I smiled at him while i sat down on the table of the bench.

He walked over to me sitting between my legs, hugging my stomach. I play with his hair for a few minutes before he speaks up, still with his face nuzzled in my stomach.

"Can we go home? I want to cuddle."

"We can go home soon, i wanna be here a little bit longer." I tell him, kissing his head.

"Please?" He whine.

"Sorry babe. I promise we will go home soon." I grab his face in my hands, making him look at me. "Is that ok?" I ask.

"Fine." He sigh. I chuckle placing a passionate kiss on his lips.


It's been 30 minutes and we have just been talking. Also Jaden has been asking me every five minutes if we could go home, just because he wants to cuddle.

"Guys, why don't we go to Target?" Maddy excitedly asks us, suddenly getting the idea.

"Why?" Javon laughs confused.

"I don't know. Just come." She stands up in a hurry, making her way towards Target.

We all share a confused look before standing up to. Running, to catch up with Maddy. Target is a ten minute walk i think. Not too bad.

As i was talking to Alex i felt a hand on my waist, pulling me closer to their body. I look up to see Jaden smiling at me. I shook my head while chuckling at his clingy behaviour today. It's really cute.

I continue talking to Alex and Jaden until we reach Target. We go inside and Javon immediately runs to the candy section. We all laugh before splitting up, going to different sections to look for stuff. I go with Jaden. Or more like he goes with me, since he's still holding onto my waist.

I make my way towards the school stuff, to grab some highlights and pencil's. I look for the right ones when i feel a hot breath on my neck. Followed by Jaden's voice.

"Why are you in this section?" He silently asks, kissing my neck once before lifting his head to look at my face.

"Because i need stuff for school." I explain to him, grabbing the right colours i need.

"Boring." He sigh, his arms going around my waist, giving me a hug from behind.

"Well you can join your brother in the candy section, if that's more fun."


"Then what do you want you want to do?" I turn around in his arms. His hands resting on my lower back, mine around his neck.

"I want to go home." He whine again, placing kisses on my cheeks.

"We are going home after this, ok?" I laugh at him.

"Why are you laughing?"

"Because your cute when your clingy." I kiss his lips before walking to the rest of our friends. Jaden grab my hand, trailing behind me like a lost puppy.

"I'm not clingy." He defend himself.

"Oh really? Then it isn't a problem if i do this then?" I playfully ask, bringing my hand to myself.

He thinks for a moment before grabbing it again, proving my point.

"I love you." I laugh.

"I love you too. Now please, can we go home?"


A/N: Don't know what i feel about this one.

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