beach pt.2 - jaden

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your age: 17-18
word count: 1874


It's been a week since we were at the beach. And this whole week, the only thing that has been on my mind is Jaden. I've been hoping that he would text me, but he hasn't. So i've lost hope.


I'm currently at Lisa's house and we are just messing around with makeup. That's something we do quite often actually. We like dressing up for nothing while eating tons of snacks and blasting music. We jump at the sound of my phone vibrating when i got a message. Figuring it was just my mom or something, i didn't bother to check. She know i'm supposed to sleep over at Lisa's.

2 minutes later my phone vibrates again. And once again we jump at the sudden sound.

"I think you should check it. What if something's happened." Lisa says as she finishes her mascara.

I stand up and walk over to my phone on the bedside table. I open it and realises it's not my mom.

"It's an unknown number?" I say to Lisa.

"Well then you HAVE to check it." She excitedly says as she run over towards me.

I open my phone and read the messages.

I open my phone and read the messages

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hey, is this Y/n?


yes, who are you?

oh, hey. it's Jaden.

ohh, hi.

sorry i haven't texted earlier.
i've been a bit busy.

don't worry about it.
how are you tho?

I'm good, and you?

good, yeah.

Well, i was gonna ask if you
wanted to hang out, maybe?

right now?

i mean yeah, if your not
busy of course.

i'm at a friends house rn.
but maybe she can join, if that's
fine with you?

yeah, of course. one of my friends
have a party tonight, we can meet

okay, see you later!

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