too busy - jaden

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Age: 16
Word count: 851


It's Friday afternoon, and i just got home from school. I was in the kitchen making myself some cereal before i had to go pack. I am going to the Walton's for the weekend, since Jessica and Dj are going away for meeting or something. I don't really know. Jayla and Kylee are going to New York.

I was supposed to be at the Walton's either way. But Jess called me a few days ago, asking if i could be there, since she didn't want to put the twins in full responsibility for Daelo. They could be the types to leave him at the mall or something. I wouldn't be so suprised.

Anyway. I walked up to my bedroom grabbing my charger and some other stuff, putting it in a bag. I also grabbed some of Jaden's hoodies since they started to smell less like him, so he needs to wear them for a while to make them smell like him again. I'll just grab some others.

When i was done i took my phone in my hand, walking outside. It was a short walk to their house so decided to walk.

10 minutes later i stood on their porch, knokcing on their door. A few seconds later the door swiflty opened, a smiling Jessica in the doorway.

"Hi sweety." She pulled me into a quick hug.

"Hi Jess. It's good to see you. I haven't been here in a while." I smiled, walking into the house, taking off my shoes.

"It's good to see you too. I've missed you." She rubbed my shoulder.

"I've missed our girl talks." I smiled.

"We have to do that when we get home again." She sweetly said. I nodded as i started to walk upstairs to Jaden's room.

I knocked on his door before opening it, walking inside. I see him laying on his back, on the bed.

"Hey Jay." I placed my bag on the floor before jumping on top of him, making him groan in pain. I laughed at him.

"That hurt." He said, gently placing me beside him, leaving a hand on my waist.

"I'm sorry." I laughed.

"No, your not." He huffed.

"Your right. How was your day?" I rested my head on his chest, since he's laying on his back.

"It was okay. Not too bad subjects at school." He answered, twirling my hair around his finger.

"Same. I only had History." I mumbled, knowing he will get an reaction.

"Are you serious?! That's so unfair!" He slightly yelled, looking at me shocked. I laughed at his expression, lifting my head from his chest, propping myself up on my elbows over him.

Our faces was close as we stared into each others eyes. I get lost in them all the time. Can you blame me tho? They are so beautiful. Honestly it's my favorite body part on him.

He smiles while bringing his hand, that's not resting on my waist, up to the back of my neck. He gently pull my face closer to his, connecting our lips togheter. I immediately kiss back. I pull myself a bit forward, so that i'm in a more comfartable position, with my face right over his. I bring a hand up to his hair and the other one up to cup his face. His hand on my neck makes its way down to my waist, guiding me on top of him. Our kiss not breaking for a second.

Suddenly his door burst open. I pull away from the kiss, facing the door.

"OH MY GOD, I'M SORRY." Javon yells, quickly slammimg the door shut again.

Me and Jaden look at each other before bursting out laughing at Javon's reaction. I roll onto the bed, holding my stomach. After a few minutes of hysterical laughing we calm down. We decide to go ask Javon what he wanted. We find him sitting in his room, watching tiktok on his phone.

"Hey Wanna. What did you want?" I casually ask, sitting next to him on his couch. Jaden flopping down on Javon's bed.

"I was just gonna tell you that mom and dad was leaving." He explained.

"So they have left?" Jaden sat up, asking his brother.

"Well yeah. That's why i came to tell you 15 minutes ago." Javon rolled his eyes, bringing his attention back to his phone.

"Jesus Javon. You could have told us so that we could say goodbye." Jaden walked out of the room, me following him.

"IT'S NOT MY FUALT YOU WERE TOO BUSY MAKING OUT WITH Y/N!" Javon yelled after us. Jaden just scoffed as we walked down the stairs to see if they really left. Which they had.

"Well. That's a shame." I chuckled, trying to lighten the mood.

"Yeah." Jaden mumbled walking to the couch in the living room. He laid down on his back.

I sighed as i went over to him, laying down beside him. He wrapped his arms around me, giving me a hug. I kissed his cheek before nuzzling my head in his neck, slowly falling asleep.


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