everything is a lie - jaden/javon

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You and Javon have been dating for over 3 months now. Even tho you must admit, it's kind of messed up.

You see, for as long as you can remember you've had the biggest crush on Jaden, Javon's twin brother. Like a massive crush. Not anymore tho! You have grown pretty big feelings for Javon over these past months, but of course your feelings for Jaden never went away.


I walked into the Walton's house, to hang out with Jayla. It was 7 pm and it was already dark outside.

I have never felt more guilty in my whole life, than i have over the past week. Something just clicked in me after me and Jaden went to get food last week. I couldn't keep it in anymore. I feel so shitty because me and Javon's relationship has been a big lie without him knowing. No one knows about this, not even Jayla. I have lied to everyone for years, and just now i feel guilty about it.

I quickly said hi to Jess and Dj before i ran up the stairs to Jayla's room. Javon is working out and Jaden is at baseball so i didn't need to worry about them right now. I am just worried sick to my stomach of how Jayla is going to react. So sick that tears are already treating to spill. I knew i should've told her everything from the beginning.

I pulled myself together before i gently knocked on her door. A couple of seconds later i heard a silent "come in". I slowly opened the door meeting her eyes as she sat on the floor, her phone pointing directly at the door.

"Oh hey Y/n. What are you doing here? I'm live by the way." She said, as her perfect smile showed from ear to ear.

"I just wanted to hang out with you. It's been a while." I said as i gently closed the door behind me, before walking over to her bed, lying down on my back. I let out a sigh, preparing myself for what's about to happen.

"Um, yeah i think that's it for today guys. Byee." I heard her say before she stood up and sat on the bed beside me.

"Are you okay Y/n?" She asked me.

I sat up crossing my legs. I looked into her eyes, who looked at me softly, waiting for an answer. This is it. I have to tell her.

"Actually no. I have to tell you something, but i know it will sound completely fucked up. Honestly it is pretty fucked up. I just don't want you to leave me." I started, already a tear escaping my eye, rolling down my chin as i was quick to wipe it away.

"You know i would never leave you. You can tell me anything. There is nothing in this world you could do to make me love you less. And you know that." She smiled at me. But i could see right thru her. She was nervous too.

"I love you Jayla." I said. I want her to know i truly love her before i fuck up everything.

"I love you too. Now tell me."

I sighed as i fiddled with my fingers.

"Okay, so i've had a massive crush on Jaden since we were kids. In January i decided to tell him that, but i got rejected. So at the time i thought it was a good idea to go for Javon, since i couldn't get Jaden. I also did it to see Jaden's reaction. To see if he would care, and obviously he didn't.
When i realised Jaden didn't like me at i all, i was gonna break up with Javon and tell him that i kind of used him, before it got to far. But the day i was supposed to tell him, he told me he loved me. And i just couldn't get myself to tell him." I slowly said, tears falling down.

I just did it. I told the whole truth. I was staring at my hands, i didn't dare to look up at Jayla's disappointed face. I mean she just found out i have used her brother and lied to her all these years. I don't blame her to hate me.

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