towel - jaden

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Age: 16-17
Word count: 694

Requested by AnoukNiemeijer


Today i'm with the Walton's at the beach. Kylee is also here, so we are almost everyone. Dj is at a meeting, but he will join us soon. We have been here for about 20 minutes.

Me, Jayla, Kylee and Jess have been tanning the whole time, while the twins and Daelo have been playing American football by the water. We could barely see them from where we laid because of the crowd of people. I might admit i have been spending a good 5 minutes just staring at Jaden while they have been playing. He is so fine, especially when he only has swimming trunks on.

Just as i was about to fall asleep in the sun i felt a body on top of mine. I open my eyes only to be met with Jaden's eyes and a big smile on his face.

"Do you want to go in the water with me?" He said with excitement.

"Like right now?" I questioned, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Mhm." He answered, falling to the side, so we were laying on our sides, facing each other. He also pulled me closer to him by wrapping his arms around my body.

"Can we wait a few minutes, my sun lotion haven't dried yet." I asked him, nuzzling my face in his neck, he did the same.

"Only if you promise me." He kissed my neck softly. I rubbed his bare back, tangling our legs.

"I promise." I kissed his shoulder a few times.

Jaden pulled his head out of my neck and looked me in the eyes. I smiled at him cutely while bringing my hand up to his hair, playing with it.

He smiled back before we heard whistling behind me. I quickly turned my head in that direction, seeing a group of boys staring at me. More specific my ass, since i was laying on my side. I could feel Jaden tense and tightening his grip on me. I felt Jaden's hand leave my back searching for something behind me. Suddenly i felt a towel being laid over my body. I looked at Jaden and laughed.

"Did you really just cover my body with a towel?" I chuckled at him, trying to ignore the boys that asked me to give them a blowjob.

"HEY, BACK THE FUCK UP!" Jaden yelled back at them. Surprisingly they walked away without looking back.

"Wow, i'm impressed." I smirked at him. He looked at me with a questionable look.

"Why are you laughing and smirking when 6 guys asked you to give them a blowjob, just a few seconds ago?" He angrily said.

"Because i know it won't ever happen. Plus they're just assholes who wanted to get an reaction out of us, which we won't give them. So no need to be jealous." I said honestly. "Now can you remove the towel? Cause i'm almost passing out because of the heat already." I looked at him, but he just smirked.

He then pulled the towel over both of us, even our heads. He pulled me closer to him, so i almost was on top of him.

"What are you doing Jaden?" I laughed.

"Just shut up already." He mumbled before smashing his lips onto mine hungrily. I was surprised but kissed back after a few seconds. He deepened the kiss by pulling me fully on top of him, tightly holding my waist. He slightly bit my bottom lip, trying to slip his tongue in my mouth, but i pulled away. He tried to lean in again, but i pulled further away.

"What are you doing?" He pouted.

"Not here Jaden. We're in public." I said as got off of him.

"Jesus Y/n." He rolled his eyes. I just smirked as i stood up. Now everyone was down by the water.

"Come on. We'll join them." I smiled, holding out my hand for him to take it.


Dj soon came and we spend the whole day at the beach swimming, tanning, playing different sports and eating.


A/N: I don't know if this is what you meant, but i tried <3

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