everything is a lie pt.2 - jaden/javon

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You know how they say when it ends, all your stress and worries goes away...?
Well, that's how it felt like for Y/n. In her last few seconds, she felt her body finally relax.

It's strange, yes. When she actually should feel sad or terrified that it all is about to end. But that's not how it was for her. After fighting her whole life trying to be accepted by everyone she knew, she was kind of glad it all could come to peace.


Javon's pov

"Javon..." Jaden tried but i just put my hand up, signalling him to shut up.

We heard the front door open and close, meaning she left. Really left. As i stared at the floor i felt tears rolling down my cheeks. The one person i actually opened up to completely was just playing me, this whole time. I actually thought she loved me.

After a while of silence i decided to go to my room, so that Jaden and Jayla didn't see me break down. I kept a hard stare at the floor as Jaden still leaned against Jayla's door, blocking the way.

"Move." My voice cracked.

"Javon." Jaden answered, but i lost it. I grabbed the collar of his hoddie, pushing him against the door.

"Shut the fuck up! You knew all this time but what did you do about it huh?! You just watched me fall completely in love with her, knowing that she actually loved you this whole time! You are supposed to be my brother Jaden..." My voice breaking at the end, as i looked into my brother's eyes. I could see tears forming in them, but i didn't care. I let go of his hoddie and stormed into my room, falling on my knees and cried.


After 3 hours of crying i finally calmed down a little. I was laying on the floor, staring at the ceiling. My throat was dry and my eyes hurt from all the tears. I slowly stood up, walked into the bathroom and splashed water in my face.

My throat was still dry so i walked out of my room and down the stairs to the kitchen. I could feel mom and dad's eyes following my every move from the couch, but i didn't look back at them.

After i drank a cup of water i started to make my way to the stairs again. But i stopped when something caught my attention on the tv.

"Latest news has claimed a teenage girl died earlier this evening around 7 pm in Buford, Atlanta. She got hit by a car in high speed. By the slippery road the driver couldn't manage to stop the car before it hit her. When ambulances arrived at the scene, the girl still had a pulse. The police have now reported that the girl died before she reached the hospital. Her identity was unknown, but only 10 minutes ago they found out she's a 15 year old girl named Y/n Y/l/n."

It felt like my whole world stopped. I couldn't believe what i heard but realisation hit me as mom started hysterically crying, running over to me and wrapping me in her arms. I froze as i couldn't wrap my head around it. Mom took my head in her hands as she gave me a sympathetic look. I pulled away from her as i ran out the front door and towards Y/n house.

Two minutes later i saw police cars and ambulances blocking the road. I ran around them as police men tried to stop me by grabbing me by the arm, but i still tried to push trough. Once again tears spilled out of my eyes as i screamed as loud as i could. It felt like i got repeatedly stabbed in my chest, and like it was never gonna stop.

The police men who held me, softened their grip on me once they realised i knew her, but they still held me back. I then fell to my knees, screaming my heart out.


Jayla's pov

I laid in my bed slightly crying as mom came into my room. I slightly looked at her but when i saw she was crying, i sat up. Something is terribly wrong. She was about to speak as Jaden came into the room, asking where dad was.

"He had to go after Javon. But i think you need to sit down Jaden." She slowly said. Jaden gave her a confused look, but he listened and sat down at the end of my bed.

A few more tears rolled down mom's cheeks as she started to speak.

"Um, we were just watching the news." She started, taking a break.

"Y/n's dead." Her voice broke as she buried her face in her hands. I froze as my eyes widened.

"What?" Jaden whispered, not really believing what he was hearing. I don't either. It can't be true.

"I'm so sorry sweetheart's." She cried.

I was shocked. I couldn't move my body, neither say anything. The only thing i felt was my heart breaking into a million pieces. Then Jaden jumped up and ran down the stairs and out the front door.


Jaden's pov

I ran outside. I ran as fast as i could. I need to find Javon. I know he hates me, but i also know that he needs me with him right now. He just lost the love of his life, and he always comes to me when he's down.

As i ran down the street i saw multiple police cars and ambulances blocking the road. Then dad caught my eyes, he was trying to calm Javon who sat on his knees, surrounded by police men. I knew they couldn't calm him down.

I ran over, pushing thru the police men, lifting Javon up so he was standing. He looked horrible. He was pale, puffy eyes, red nose and soaking wet from the pouring rain. He fought against me, since i was holding him, but when he realised it was me he hugged me, crying in my shoulder. I did the same.

Why her?


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