beach - jaden

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your age: 17-18
word count: 1126


School ended yesterday and i couldn't be happier. When i woke up today i actually wanted to get up and start my day. So that's what i did.

First i took a shower, brushed my teeth, found an cute outfit, brushed my hair and ate breakfast. While i was doing this some of my friends invited me to a beach in Atlanta. Of course i said yes, and that's where i am currently. I was wearing an orange triangle bikini, with an oversized white tee over it. And lastly i styled it with a bucket hat and some sun glasses.

 And lastly i styled it with a bucket hat and some sun glasses

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When i jumped out of the car i took my bag with me and walked down to the sand. But before i stepped onto it i took off my shoes and socks. The feeling when my bare feet touched the warm, soft sand i let myself relax. Slowly sinking into the soft ground.

I stood there for a second, trying to look for my friends in the big crowd of people. Kids running from their parents while they tried to keep up with them, old people reading a book in the hot summer air, teenagers watching their phone completely in another world. Different kinds of sports being played both in the water and in the sand, all of them living life. Then my friend group caught my eyes. Tanning in the big crowd of people.

I walked over to them with my bag resting on my right shoulder, an ice tea in my other hand. When i reached them Lisa, my best friend noticed me, jumping up in excitement. She then jumped onto me, almost making me fall backwards. I sat my bag down onto the sand as i hugged her back. When she pulled away, a big smile crept onto her face.

"Y/n, guess who's here?!" She slightly yells as she shakes me out of excitement. I could already guess who it was, it's Lisa we're talking about here.

"Omg, who?!" I widened my eyes as i brought my hands up to her shoulders, shaking her, trying to match her energy, even tho i didn't actually care if they were here. I heard the girls chuckle, as they knew i acted.

"The Walton's!!!" She whisper yelled at me.

"Seriously?!" I gasped, still playing along.

"Yes! Look!" She smiled widely as she bent down to grab her phone from the ground. Soon her phone was pressed into my face, showing an insta story.

 Soon her phone was pressed into my face, showing an insta story

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"Damn Lisa. Maybe you will meet Jack then." I said to her as i sat down next to the girls.

"His name is Javon." She huffed as she also sat down.

"Oh, sorry." I chuckled. Soon joining my friends conversation.


2 hours later we were still laying in the same spot, tanning. The sun was still as hot, it feels like it's gonna burn me alive. And i ran out of water half an hour ago, so my throat was dry, craving some kind of liquid. I sat up opening my eyes, the sun blinding me, so i quickly looked away.

"Do you guys want any drinks? I can go buy some." I said to my friends, but they all declined. I then stood up and walked for two minutes before i got to the small bar stand on the beach. I ordered a lemonade and also asked for a cup of water. While i was waiting for my lemonade someone stood beside me, ordering four lemonades. In my side reflection i could see it was a guy my age, and let's just say he was a bit handsome. But that would be a lie. He was extremely attractive.

With my luck, the man who worked in the bar decided to take a break, WITHOUT GIVING ME MY ORDER! Like what the fuck?! As he walked out the back door i decided to ask him, i stood up and took a few steps, so he could see me.

"Um, excuse me? Can you give me my order before you take a break?" I kindly asked.

"No. My break starts now, i don't work more than i have to." He answered me, before he walked up to his car on the beach parking lot, driving away.

"Bro, what the actual fuck?" I mumbled to myself.

"What a dick." I heard from behind me. I had totally forgot about the handsome boy. I turned to look at him as we locked eyes.

"Totally." I said back, looking out at the sea, sitting back down on the bar stool. I leaned back against the bar and sighed. It was a minute of silence before he turned towards me and said "I'm Jaden."

He reached out his hand.

"Y/n." I smiled, shaking his hand.

"So, how old are you?" He asked me, slightly turning his stool, so he sat facing me. I did the same.

"I turn 18 in September. You?" I smiled.

"I turn 18 in July." He chuckled.

"Really?" I laughed. He just nodded.

"Where do you live then? Maybe we're neighbours." I continued.

"I live in Buford, half an hour from here."

"Your kidding right?!" I laughed, trying to see if he was lying.

"You live in Buford too?" He chuckled.

"Yeah, i moved there a year ago." I smiled at him.

"Damn. Well, bad thing we didn't meet before." He smirked as i slightly blushed, trying to hide it by looking down at the ground. When he noticed i blushed he just laughed at me.


After talking to Jaden for what felt like hours, which was actually just 20 minutes, the man came back from his break and finally gave us our orders. As i stood up from my seat, about to walk to my friends Jaden asked me something.

"Um, i know we just met but i was wondering if i maybe could get your number? So like we can meet up again, maybe?" He nervously asked, his hands holding onto four glasses of lemonade.

"Yeah, of course." I smiled at him, i could see him instantly relax. Somehow he managed to pull out his phone and hand it over to me as i put my number in, double checking i put in the right number before i gave back his phone.

"Thanks. I'll see you soon then." He smiled at me.

"I hope so. Bye." I smiled back, before i turned my heel, walking back over to my friends.

"Omg, there you are! We were getting worried." Emma sighed.

"What were you doing? You were gone for almost an hour!" Amanda continued.

"Sorry, i just met someone and the time fled." I chuckled, thinking about his sweet personality and beautiful smile.



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