waking up - jaden

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age: 16
word count: 321


My eyes slowly open, before i shut them again. Something rapidly touching my neck makes my eyes open again. For a few seconds i can't see anything, but then i see the morning sun from my window shine into my room.

I move my head slightly so i won't get blinded and my face gets buried in Jaden's hair.

I then figure out the poking in my neck is Jaden placing small kisses. I chuckle as it slowly starts to tickle. His head snaps up from my neck and a big smile beams on his face.

"Hi." I smile at him, kissing his cheek.

He then place a passionate kiss in my lips. I smile into the kiss before he pulls away.

"I can get used to you waking me up like that." I chuckle, my hand playing with his morning hair, which looks like a bird nest. But that's the hair style i like best to be honest.

"Too bad you always wake up before me." He raise his eyebrows in a joking matter, before he lays his head down on my chest again, like we use to sleep.

Somehow, no matter how we cuddle up before we fall asleep, he always ends up lying on top of me in the morning. I honestly think he's doing it while he's awake, but he always tells me that he doesn't remember laying himself on top of me.

I draw circles on his bare back while staring up in the ceiling for a few minutes. Feeling myself get tired again, as my eyes start to close.

"You want to sleep a little longer?" Jaden mumble, clearly tired.

Humming in response, i move a little downwards so i'm laying beside Jaden. I hug him, my arms around his neck and his around my waist. I kiss his cheek before we both nuzzle our faces in each other's necks, falling asleep soon after.


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