The Reason Behind It All

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 Mara P.O.V

      Some of the others murmured as the metal face landed not too far from me. Erza seeming to know who he was, also stating the fact that he was a dragon slayer. This only amping me to fight him all the more. By now, I've even gathered that Natsu was a fire dragon slayer from the others as well. Man, won't they be in for a surprise sometime. 

     I grunted slightly, just about to attack him when someone from our guild beat me two it. He went to attack, Gajeel flinging him back like he was a mere fly, his arm stretched out, completely made of metal. The guy landed and continued to slide back from the force of Gajeel still shoving him back with his arm still extending out. Finally, Gajeel stopped and jumped down from a fallen beam he was on before, retracting his outstretched metal arm.

"Show me what you got, unless you scum are too scared." He said cockily. Yet again my attempt to go after him is cut off.
"TO SCARED?!?" Elfman yelled launching himself at Gajeel. Elfman switched his arm into a different beast mode, his arm transforming into a metal one of his own.  But Gajeel just deflected it with his own.
"You're Elfman, right?" Gajeel asked as they continued to go at it. Everyone else watched, me silently waiting for my turn. Gajeel kicked his leg out in the metal form, but luckily Elfman caught it.
"Ahh not bad big guy." Gajeel praised amusingly.
"That's because I'm a real man." Elfman said back. What's up with the 'real' man thing? I sweat dropped.
"Oh yeah, then let's see how a real man handles this!" Gajeel started as littler metal rods flung out from his already metal leg. It hit some by standers, including his own guild members.
"You'd attack your own men!!" A lot of us yelled out, Gajeel's fighting was dirty and low.
"Cause I knew it would distract ya!" Gajeel mused wickedly, lunging a punch at Elfman. It hit him and he was sent hurtling back and that's when I went for my turn before anybody else could cut me off again. I guess Natsu thought the same thing cause that's when we both lunged at Gajeel. Natsu using Elfman as a catapult, while I ran full speed at him. I used my arm, focusing my magic energy into it before punching him square in the gut, Natsu landing his hit on him also. 

     We sent Gajeel flying back, too much force for him to stop himself, so he was force to crash land. He crashed back harshly into their bar, smashing the whole counter stand and everything that was behind him. I glared at him as he slowly stood up from where he landed. Natsu's hand went up in flames.

"Let me introduce myself, I'm Fairy Tail's dragon slayer. And this here is Mara and boy did you really piss her off. She really packs a punch, huh?... Elfman, leave this guy to me." Natsu introduced, his hand still a blazed. 
"C'mon first you use me as a springboard, and now you want to steal my man-to-man fight?!" Elfman argued back, me stomping a foot out angrily towards him.
"And what about me? You don't get him, I do!" I yelled at Natsu pouting heavily.

       Gajeel was inpatient to fight and yelled out an attack before ramming Natsu in the gut with his dragon iron claw. I heard some gasp in shock, as Erza yelled out Natsu's name. I growled out taking a step forward, before stopping myself.

"You destroyed our guild hall, and then you attacked Levy, her team, and even Mara! I'll make you pay!!" Natsu yelled in anger, flinging Gajeel behind him quickly. I watched Natsu, trying to focus on the fight but Natsu's rage for Gajeel was almost enticing. The way he was so adamant on getting back at who hurt his guild.

     Gajeel landed on a beam above everyone, before using it as momentum, giving him an extra boost as he went to punch Natsu. Natsu's hand, in flames, was ready to punch back. Natsu stopped Gajeel with one arm as he punched Gajeel with his other hand that was still in flames. He was sent back, slamming into a wall in heavy force.

"That kid is seriously pissed off now." Wakaba spoke out.
"Yeah I'd hate to be that other guy!" Macao mused.
"He's quite a wizard." Erza praised with a small proud smile. 

       I huffed out slumping to the ground. I sat criss cross and crossed my arms over my chest. I closed my eyes with my head down slightly.

"Alright fine your manlier than I thought. I'll let you have this one. But you gotta pro-" Elfman started.
"You bet." Natsu said smiling holding his arm up. I felt someone put their hand on my shoulder, causing me to look up at them.
"Hey, what's wrong, Mara?" Natsu asked sincerely.
"I wanted to beat him up." I grumbled out childishly, turning away to look in the other direction, a few of the other's nearby laughing quietly at my childishness.
"Maybe next time, sorry!" He laughed out before Gajeel's arm shot up from the rubble he was buried in.
"Nice try but I'm still standing." He said standing up from the pile. I jumped up swiftly, ready to move if I had to.
"True but you won't be for much longer." Natsu grinned at him as Gajeel ran forward at him. He kicked Natsu with his metal foot, sending him flying backwards. But then he did the unexpected. After Natsu was sent flying back Gajeel grabbed me. He put his arm around my neck while his other hand grabbed both of my wrists. I heard Gajeel laugh evilly as I stood there unfazed. Natsu got up from his landing and went to go attack before realizing Gajeel got a hold of me.

"Mara! Urh, let her go!" Natsu yelled at him. I just sighed.
"Am I allowed to fight him now, or is it still your turn?" I asked in a bored expression, putting playful mock on it as I asked Natsu.
"Ha! You can try girly, but there's no way you're getting out of my grip." Gajeel taunted threateningly. Natsu seethed in his spot, Gajeel's smirk increasing at his anger.
"You really think so?" I questioned back darkly.

     I focused my magic energy to my arms, twisting one of my wrists around and grabbed a hold of his wrist instead. I grasped it tightly and ducked out from under the choke hold twisting his arm behind his back as I twirled around behind him quickly and stealthily. Illusion blast. I placed my other hand on his back. The attack sending him forward, grinding his face into the ground as he skidded to a brutal stop.

"Just to let you know.. I'm smiling." I beamed smiling while looking over at Natsu. He looked slightly shocked, impressed, but shocked as well as some of the other guild members.
"H-w... Okay where does your attacks come from!?" Natsu exclaimed. I shrugged looking away from them as the sound of Gaeel's pained and angered grunts sounded out.  He recovered, straightening himself.
"That actually hurt a little." He grins manically, wiping a bit of blood from the corner of his mouth.
"Good. I'm glad it did, becau-" I started, but Natsu put his arm out in front of me.
"This is my fight. I already told you, you can have the next guy." He dismissed looking back slightly over his shoulder.
"Oh, really you pyro? Your girlfriend has a better chance of beating me than you do." He grinned wickedly. I heard some of the guild members on both sides laugh at his comment, even if they were on our side they just couldn't help themselves. Both of us quick to fluster.
"I'm not his/her girlfriend/boyfriend!" Both Natsu and I yelled at him. Natsu's checks were ever so slightly tinted with pink, glad he couldn't see mine because I'm sure they were much more noticeable than his.
"Oh, and all this time I thought you two were dating.... Guess it was just a mutual feeling, huh pal?." Gajeel tried to also attack Natsu's pride, mocking mercilessly. He let out a wicked laugh before lunging at me, Natsu fire blasting him out of the way before he could even get really far. I sighed; their previous fight quick to resume. 

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