An Eventful Day Part 1

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(In this universe, Peter is Tony Stank's adopted child. Aunt May died due to a plane crash and so Peter moved in with Tony Stark and Pepper after being obligated by their adoption. The civil war happened as well and today is the day the rouges are conjured. Peter is known with Rhodey, Bruce, Tony, Pepper, the interns in SI, Black Widow, Happy, and Vision. Peter dispises Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes currently due to their actions when he almost killed his dad. Peter forgave Black Widow's betrayal because her action was to help a friend.)

(Point of view: Third)

Peter Parker was most often known for his kindness, patience, innocence and especially counting his puppy-like or kitten-like face. Many people who have met Peter Parker tend to fall in love with this precious child(not in a romantic way). Every day Peter Parker would be the light of their day with his humor, kindness, patience, and innocence, including his looks. But today, he lost it. He was tired of being bullied, tired of keeping his emotions away which causes him to have trouble controlling his actions causing an inconvenience at an awkward moment because of his so-called Parker luck.

 He was tired of being bullied, tired of keeping his emotions away which causes him to have trouble controlling his actions causing an inconvenience at an awkward moment because of his so-called Parker luck

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"Mr. Parker, may I have your attention please?" Mr. Jacob said as he stared at Peter expecting a response. "S-Sorry Mr. Jacob, I-uh.. was just feeling a bit drowsy t-today," Peter said with a sad glare blinding his eyes. He was shot fifteen times and has been stabbed twice yesterday, though the bullets that indulged him involved some kind of chemical, putting the so-called chemical inside him. It was already checked by Bruce Banner to be known as not deadly. The wounds were still there and let him tell you that it was very hecking painful but other than that, today was May's birthday, which also turns out to be May's death day as she died on her birthday trying to buy groceries for their cooking party. Peter was feeling quite sad, missing Aunt May's presence. Sure he loved his life now, but that doesn't mean he didn't like it before. Peter continued staring at the board filled with different literature written on it, as Ned gave his glares of sympathy each minute. Even MJ who always seems to not care about any circumstances, seemed as if she felt bad for her friend. "Alright class, it's times up! Don't forget your homework due on Friday!" Mr. Jacob said before sitting back down in his own seat. Many kids inside the classroom start packing up, some are done and are already leaving class for their final subject, and others are still packing their things. Ned, MJ, and Peter were leaving class as they separated to find their own lockers, Peter walked towards his locker, getting his book and his finished homework to submit it to their next class, Peter closed his locker door waiting for Ned so they could go in class together, but trouble came before they could leave. "Sup Penis! Are you happy today? After all, it's your Aunt's birthday, right? OH WAIT she's dead! Probably staged the car accident to get away from you." Flash said with an arrogant tone. "Go away Flash, I just can't deal with this crap today."  Peter responded, sending a mad glare toward Flash. "You got balls to respond Penis, no wonder your family left you. Your just a charity case to anyone who adopts you, you are nothing." Flash responded with a jerky smile showing a few of his teeth. "Flash, acting like a dick will not make yours any bigger," MJ said coming to the rescue causing Flash to scoff in response, leaving to go to his next class. "I'm so sorry dude, just don't listen to him," Ned says, trying to make the situation better as MJ, Peter, and Ned walked through the hall to get to their next class. "That is all class, don't forget to submit your homework by putting it on my desk." Ms. Morale said letting the kids leave. Peter and Ned ran outside the class they were in and went over to their lockers, putting back their school items. MJ came running to them to say goodbye and left the school, as Peter and Ned slowly walked through the hallway, Peter bumped into Flash as he wasn't paying attention to where he was going. "Watch it Penis! I can't believe you ruined my clothes!" Flash said with anger slowly rising in his tone. "No wonder your family left you, they probably couldn't teach a stupid idiot about manners." Flash retained, still having anger laced in his tone. "Shut up Flash, Peter said it already. He is not capable to compete with your utter bullshit today." Ned said trying to drag Peter away from this scene. But Peter did not budge. All he saw was red, he was furious that Flash could even muster a word about his family, during his very own, Aunt May's death day. "Shut the hell up Flash, you stupid idiot! Why the hell do you think bringing my dead family into this so-called shit-calling manner, is a good idea?! No wonder you are such a bully, your parents probably neglect you until the only point you can feel better is to annoy other people with your stupid idiotic behavior. You only do this stupid idiotic bullying shit for attention, so I'll tell you now Flash, that you should back the fuck off and leave everyone alone from your bullying!" Peter screamed angrily, causing every student to stop their bickering and focus on the upcoming fight between Parker and Thompson. "You shouldn't have fucking said that Parker." Flash said getting ready to punch Peter square on the face, mad that Puny Fucking Parker just talked back to him. But due to Peter's tingle, he managed to dodge the punch, only to punch back straight onto Flash's face with medium power, knowing if he punched harder, Flash would die. This certain punch causes Flash to be sent flying backward through the long hallway only to be stopped by the lockers, causing Flash to go unconscious leaving a dent in the metal. Everyone was staring, Ned and MJ included, which causes much more anger towards Peter, Peter walked away mad towards the long hallway outside the school. Being greeted by a black SUV. "So kid, anything happened today?" Happy asked. Happy cares about Peter but just doesn't want to show it. So he puts on a gruff attitude towards the boy but deep down, Happy cares very much about Peter's safety. "it's fine Happy." Peter said without sparing a glance looking down at his lap and leaving a deep sigh. Happy tried to interpret more questions but Peter did not respond to them. Finally reaching his house Stark Industries, he walks towards the scanner, scanning his card which alerted Friday. "Hello, MiniBoss!" Friday said with happiness. "Hello, Friday." Peter said, walking inside the private elevator hoping to rest his eyes inside his room, but boy did Peter know what his Parker luck had in store for him today.

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