The Death of Peter Parker

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(So this is taken in Endgame, the Avengers know Peter. Technically everyone knows Peter, including Shuri. Aunt May is alive and yeah that's all you readers need to know.)

(Point Of View: Third Person)

(In Titan)

Blood was shed, as the war came to an end. There Thanos was, standing tall and mighty, whilst wearing the gauntlet. Everyone saw what was happening, they were afraid and horrified. Their trials have been stopped and have came to an end. Thanos raised his right arm, showing the battlefield his gauntlet. "I am inevitable.." and there Thanos snapped. But nothing happened, no it did not, in a matter of fact, it made Thanos and the others confused. Why did it not work? How did it not work? The people were left questioning before a shuffle could be heard in the far distance breaking the silence, and there they saw Iron man, Tony Stark the Genius, Billionaire, Ex-playboy,vPhilanthropist, raising his hand, showing the 6 infinity stones. As the stones surged through his veins, making his arm glow painfully, it looked painful, very painful to everyone on the battlefield. 

But Peter saw what was happening, he did not want anyone else he loves to die. He took a deep breath and used all his power and might, to swing over to his father figure and snatch the gauntlet off of him. Peter came tumbling down to the hard and rocky floor. Everyone, including Thanos, gasped at the little boy, the 16-year-old crime-fighting spider, wielding the gauntlet. Peter put on the glove filled with infinity stones, feeling the power surge through him. He felt as if all his intestines were being ripped apart. But he didn't care, at least everyone he loved was safe. He could finally meet his mom, dad, and uncle Ben. He looked at the battlefield, seeing everyone looking at him with wide eyes. He took his final breath and said,
" Spider-man," and there he smirked.
Peter snapped and fell down with a huff. Thanos's army started disintegrating, it was finally over.
Tony was horrified, he just managed to bring his kid, his big doe-eyed kid, back from the soul realm, only to lose him again because of his kid's selflessness. Tony ran up to Peter, trying to detect a pulse. But to no avail, he found none. Tony started crying, convulsing in front of his friends, and family. Everyone on the battlefield bowed down to the hero teen, Their hero.
"we..we won, kid...You saved the world. Y-you did it.." Tony spoke with a raspy whisper.
Tony continued to cry as there were no other words exchanged, and for once...It was quiet throughout the battlefield.
No more jokes, no more puns, just...quiet.

Tony grabbed his kid from the floor, bridal style, walking inside his spaceship. His kid will have a proper funeral. He deserves it. He deserves the world.

(In the above/Heaven cuz yes)

(Point Of View: Peter's)

I was confused, my head was throbbing with pain. I tried to open my eyes but all I saw was a blur, I tried opening my eyes again and saw light. As the view of my eyes cleared, a person with angel wings and a halo came down in front of me. I was scared, afraid, what happened? Did we win? The angel in front of me smiled brightly, giving me an oddly familiar happy vibe. "Where am I?" I asked, hoping for an answer. "You are in heaven." The angel says with a smooth honeydew voice. I looked around me and noticed that in front of me was a golden gateway, while behind me was a deep void that indulges in a red-colored fog. "I am the gatekeeper. I will see in my book to check if you deserve to go to Heaven or to go to...Hell." He said while flipping through his book, possibly trying to find my name.
"Let's are a superhero, Spiderman. Your real name is Peter Parker, you are 16 years old and you died saving the universe. Wow, you definitely deserve to go to heaven! You managed to do all this at such a young age. I will tell God about this, he should see your accomplishments!" The angel says while looking at me, I blushed heavily with embarrassment. "Please go through the gateway, go on top of the cloud and it will bring you up to see God himself, you can ask him questions." He said before opening the gate in front of me, "Well, U-Uhm, okay then?" I said while walking through the gateway and stepping on the cloud. Suddenly the cloud starts moving upwards, while the cloud passed the sky, many angels flew upwards, greeting me with a smile. I noticed all of them bowing to me, I was confused. Why were they doing that? I didn't even notice the cloud coming to a stop. I stepped off the cloud, onto the flooring made of marble. "Uh, I guess I'm supposed to go through this hallway?" I thought to myself, as I walked through the marble floor. Coming to a stop, in front of me was a very, and I mean VERY, big door. I pushed the door open to find a person I knew inside. I was confused, why was aunt Nat here? I walked towards my aunt before hearing the door behind me shut close with a very loud bang. Aunt Nat looked at me with tears slowly flooding her eyes. "What are you doing here Pete? It isn't your time yet." Aunt Nat says with a heavy Russian accent, I give her a comforting smile before saying, "I didn't want to see another person I love die, My parents and Uncle Ben died already, and I can't let that happen to anyone else. So I died in order to save Mr. Stark. " "Well baby Spider, it isn't your time yet. I'm getting you out of here. I need you to jump through this door behind me while I stall him." Aunt Nat says. I was confused, what did she mean by him? "Aunt Nat, what do you mean by "him"?" I ask while looking at Aunt Nat. "I mean God. I can hear him coming, now go!" Aunt Nat says before shoving me behind her. "Peter, don't do this!" God says looking at me with wide eyes. "But I need to see Tony! I haven't even managed to hug him goodbye or live my life to the fullest. I'm only 16 for goodness' sakes!" I screamed, "He's right God, how about you let this slide one time under a condition, being that when Peter dies again, he cannot leave this time at all." Aunt nat says. I looked at God to see him quite hesitant. I decided that maybe this was the time for "Protocol puppy-eyes." And so I used it while looking at God. God seemed to convulse into the idea, still hesitant a bit, but reluctant to accept. "Alright, I will let it slide one time. Good luck Peter." God said while opening the door behind Aunt Nat. "Bye, Aunt Nat. I will see you soon, thank you for everything." I said smiling, with tears running from my eyes, "God, I have one thing to say to you before I leave." I say while looking at God with a smirk. "What is it, child," God said looking at me suspiciously. I could see aunt Nat smirking, I can't believe I'm doing this, but it's going to be so funny. "Jesus take the wheel. FUCK YOU, GOD!" I screeched before running through the door.
I began swirling and falling, my vision started to fade and everything became black while hearing the faint screech of "Did I just get cursed at by a child."
And there I indulged into the spirling darkness, letting it consume me whole.

(Back at earth)

(Point Of View: Third Person)

Tony decided to invite Peter's close friends and relatives to Peter's funeral. He was sad and depressed, but mostly still horrified at the thought of how painful it must've been for his kid to snap with the gauntlet. Everyone who was invited came, some were weeping, some were sobbing silently, and some were quiet but still had sad looks on their faces. As everyone took their seat, Tony came up to the stand in front of the coffin that held Peter's dead body inside. Tony had already prepared a speech, he loved his kid, and he loved Peter. He blamed himself for the death of Peter Parker. Tony took a deep breath preparing to say his speech but out of a sudden, the coffin behind him started shaking and vibrating. Everyone was confused, they stared at the coffin as well. Suddenly the coffin door burst open to reveal a golden light, Peter then flew out of the coffin as angel wings sprouted from his back. "Sup guys!" Peter said smiling, everyone was confused, and some were mad. They probably thought that it was someone's sick prank that someone pulled. They stared at the so-called Peter once more. "Uhhhh, this is awkward...more awkward than a straight guy in a gay bar-" The so-called Peter joked as he chuckled a little at his joke. Tony was the first one to act, breaking the silence with a sentence. "K-kid?" Tony asks, hoping that the child in front of him would say yes. "Yup! Hi dad, hi aunt May, and hi everyone else!" Peter said while falling to the floor as his angel wings disappeared into thin air. "Uh, what the hell?" Sam said while looking at other people for answers, sadly everyone else was also in a state of confusion. "How are you here? We all saw that you had no more pulse," Bucky asked the teen in front of him, he was confused as ever.
"I guess you all want an explanation on how I managed to escape Heaven," Peter says while standing up.
"Wait what?! You escaped Heaven?! What the hell kid?" Tony screamed while running to hug Peter.
"haha...yeah-" Peter said before he got cut off by everyone engulfing him in a hug. "Oh ALSO! I did this thing, it was funny, very worth it, but probably idiotic and stupid of me." Peter says while looking at the people hugging him. "Go on, continue," Wanda says while looking at Peter. "Well, I said.."Jesus take the wheel! Fuck you God!" before going back to earth, and I regret nothing." Peter says while grinning madly. "AYYYY THERE'S MY BROKEN WHITE BOY!" Shuri screams from behind the crown. "Broken white boy?" Peter asks before getting cut off by his aunt May. "Peter, you are grounded for a week for cursing!" May says while staring at Peter sternly. "Holy Shit! That is awesome dude!" Ned says while running up to Peter and high-fiving him. "Nice job Loser," MJ says while nudging Peter on the shoulder. "What the hell just happened," Clint asked Pepper who was staring intently at Peter. "I don't know," Pepper says. "Hold up, are we just going to ignore the fact that Peter went to heaven?!" Bucky asks. "yes." Peter answered, "Wait, where's Steve? He isn't here?" Peter asks while trying to search in the crowd of people. "Oh yeah, when you were gone, Steve wanted to be the one and put all the stones back in their place. Also, he decided to turn into this really old guy so yeah." Wanda says while filing her nails using her magic. "I mean, at least he doesn't need to yell at receptionists for an elderly discount," Tony says while smirking. Everyone else agreed by nodding to Tony's statement. "Well, I'm hungry. It was hard escaping Heaven ya know? Does anyone have orange slices?" Peter asks with an intent shit-eating grin. "Only you kid, only you," Tony says ruffling Peter's hair before dragging Peter inside Tony's cabin with the rest of the crowd joining. Peter felt happy, spending time with his loved ones before they go up. He could live his life to the fullest at last in peace. He knows that nothing can last forever, so better spend those moments now before it all lasts. 

(God is still offended at Peter btw. Also when I say God, I mean like any God you readers believe in. I don't really mind unless you're gonna get mad about it- Also if you don't believe, Just imagine Peter in a world rather than in Heaven, and instead of God or angels, it's random people who work the place.)

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