The Surprise field trip part 2

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(point of view: third person)

(Forgot to tell you but Pepper is in a meeting in Spain and won't come back after 2 weeks, all the Avengers except for Tony cuz Tony's sick, were on a mission.)

(Still Thursday)

(Part 2)

Soon the elevator paused at an abrupt stop, as the elevator doors slide open, Peter walked out of the elevator placing his bag inside his room before yelling, "IM HOME!" at the top of his lungs. Peter ran to Tony's lab wanting to have a lab day with his dad as usual but something didn't sit right with Peter. AC/DC was blaring through the speakers inside the room as usual, but his dad didn't respond to him, which was weird, considering how he always responds. Peter carefully placed his hand on the scanner which resulted in the lab door opening. And there sat his dad, Tony, laying his head on the table. Peter panicked, his dad isn't dead right??? "D-dad?? Are you okay?" Peter stuttered as tears threatened to fall out of his eyes, Tony immediately draped his head up and twirled around on his chair. "Oh, Pete! Sorry for scaring you kid, I just feel a little dizzy. That's all," Tony said with a forced smile, putting his head on his hands. Peter rushed towards his father, dropping his hand on his dad's forehead gently, feeling the temperature "Holy crap, you're head is literally sizzling, You are most definitely sick dad" Peter said to his father, "Geez, no shit sherlock" Tony teased grinning in response. "You are going to rest okay dad? And no, I won't be taking 'no' as an answer. I'll handle everything now so go rest and get better, if you need anything just tell Friday and she'll inform me." Peter said smiling at his dad. "You're a nice kid Pete, thanks for doing this for me," Tony responded before lifting his legs, slowly walking towards his room, and closing the door craving sleep. "Friday, when is the probability for Dad to heal from his sickness?" Peter asked Friday waiting for an answer, "He will be 63% cured on Friday" Friday responded. "Hm, I should probably tell my school that I have something to deal with for the internship," Peter thought to himself, making an email to the school in his dad's account. "Friday what are the estimate times for each meeting today and tomorrow?" Peter asked while changing into a Tuxedo, preparing himself for the meetings. "There will be 2 meetings today and 3 meetings tomorrow. At 5:03 pm there will be Mr. Allan, and the final at 7:02 pm with Mr. Osborn MiniBoss." Friday responded with a hint of happiness in her voice. Well, time to get ready Peter thought as he slid his way inside the elevator deciding to help with interns before 5:03. There were many questions aimed at Peter but he managed to help them all, as his timer went off; he ran towards the elevator racing to the meeting room preparing himself for the given meeting. "- So that's why we decided that maybe deliberately there might be a chance that these new Stark recliners work, we just need a little more time in adjusting the different possibilities including to fix the cables. So what do you say, Mr. Stark?" Mr. Allan said with a nervous look in his eyes. "Well Mr. Allan, this might just as well work! But I suggest coming back soon to register a meeting once you're done with the circuits and possibilities therefore we can review it and test it to see if there is anything wrong with it. But other than that, Stark Industries welcomes your work in open arms!" Peter said with glee painted on his face, "Thank you Mr. Stark" Mr. Allan praised, "Please, just call me Peter! Mr. Stark is my old man." Peter responded with a grin, "I will be off to help other interns now, good day Mr. Allan!" Peter said before walking out of the meeting room to the Biochemics lab, as usual many questions were fired, and some questions parts with experiments. They were planning to make, something about bombs that can react to living organisms during the explosion but it does not cause non-living things to react. but Peter managed to answer them all before his next meeting. "Ah greetings Mr. Osborn, right on time!" Peter said as he shook hands with Mr. Osborn, "Greetings sir, I must say that you are quite young! How old are you exactly?" Mr. Osborn questioned, "Well Mr. Osborn, I am 15!" Peter responded giving a small smile which Mr. Osborn responded with another. "I am Peter Benjamin Stark, I am here on my father's behalf. So please take a seat and we can begin." Peter said. They both took their seats as Mr. Osborn starts to explain why he scheduled this meeting. "So we have this idea in Oscorp where it can regenerate any body part that is harmed. Hands, legs anything, by using reptile DNA. We are hoping that we can send a group of scientists over to work with your company to bring this idea to life. We wouldn't normally need help, however, our equipment is not up to higher standards as Stark Industries' own equipment." Peter nods as he considers the positives and the negatives. "I am sorry Mr. Osborn but there is too high of a possibility where the experimental process might go severely wrong and it might injure if not kill many people. We will not be helping you with your project but it is highly recommended by me that you should stop with your project as it might be too dangerous to continue. I will leave my recommendations to you, Mr. Osborn." Peter said before standing up, "It was nice meeting you Mr. Osborn, Stark Industries will hope to hear from you again." Peter said as he shook hands with Mr. Osborn. " Very well Mr. Stark. Thank you for listening." Mr. Osborn responded collecting his charts and leaving the meeting room. "That was tiring" Peter sighed as he left the meeting room going inside the elevator to go to the penthouse. "Might as well eat now" As the elevator doors opened, Peter walked out and ate dinner, no one was there except for his Dad of course, as he finished dinner he washed his plate and came inside his Dad's room to check on him, only to be greeted by his Dad's snores. Peter walked out of his Dad's room with a smile, as he prepared for the night. Getting himself washed up to go to bed. It will be a long day tomorrow. 

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