Flash's bullcrap

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> This is gonna involve sum bad words cuz yeh >:D and dis also gon involve SpideyChelle and stuckonnyyyyyyy my beloved WOOOOOo my brain is slowly dissolving.----.

Peter continuously glanced at the clock, drumming his fingers on the table.
The bell finally rang. The teacher smiled at the students, allowing them to leave with a short goodbye and a reminder for homework. Peter strolled along the hallway, not being able to wait for the plan to commence.
You see, Peter, Ned, and MJ (his beloved smart girlfriend) came up with a plan to stop Flash's bullying nonsense. It will start off with a simple fight to prove Peter's dominance. It will surely be effective enough to stop Flash's bullcrap. Peter stood tall, smiling widely at his soon-to-have freedom self. He reached for his locker, waiting for his bully to arrive like always; getting ready for the harassment to commence. 
"Yo Penis Parker!" an annoying soundwave echoed throughout the hallway, letting announced upon his arrival. 
"Hello Eugene," Peter responded with a glare, trying to hide his laughter.
Flash gaped widely, "Yo what the fuck is this shit?? Jit tripppin-" Flash gasped, pointing his pointer finger at Peter like a dramatic ass bitch that could rival Tony's dramatic-ness.
"Ur mom lol" Peter responded,
Flash got so mad, his face turned a shade of red as bad as a sussy red imposter from among us. He quickly aimed a gutful punch toward the wall-crawling menace, only for it to get dodged by the nerd. 
"UR HACKER!!! YOU USING AIMBOT YOU CHEATER!!" Flash cried, continuing his punches which were all dodged evidently. Peter smirked, this was his chance. Peter waited for Flash to combust a strike, getting his stance ready. Flash reached out his punch, only for it to get stopped by Peter. "You see this Flash?" Peter said, yanking Flash's hand carefully toward the bully's face. 
"Bro obviously, I'm not dumb-" Flash responded, looking closer at his hand; only to get bamboozled by the nerd. Getting punched square in the face and getting sent backward, crashing onto a metal escapade of lockers. 
"Hah lol, L + Ratio + U fell off" Peter laughed, as he sashayed sassily that could rival his father's sass out of the gaping hallway to meet up with his girlfriend and bestie; ready to tell the outcome of the plan.

Tony looked at the CCTV footage from inside Peter's school, grinning intensely. 
"That's mah boy." Tony smiled widely as he continued replaying the video footage on repeat.
"Buttercup, could you please for goddamn sake stop staring at your laptop like a fockin' creep," Bucky calls out from the side of the room, showing a stern face.
Tony gasped audibly, "I would never!" the engineer proclaimed huffing as he showed a pout.
"It's true love, you've been doing that for the past week."
"Shut up, Steve no one cares," 

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