The ruined dinner

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Today was the day when Peter's boyfriend joins dinner.
And Jesus Christ was the SpideyPool duo psyched. 
Peter was super excited for his boyfriend to meet his dads, but Wade on the other hand....didn't look so hot.
He looked as if he was about to barf rainbows or some shit

*I'm writing this with only 3 hours of sleep btw so fuck me if this is bad (author)*

They both stood at the entrance of Stark Tower, looking at the glimmering tower full of bright lights.
"Welp, let's go, Wade," Peter smiled, running inside the tower. 
Wade huffed a bit, fixing his bow tie a little before running after Peter inside the tower.
"Hey, Sam!" Peter said with a grin to the desk person (I forgot what they're called).
"Sup Pete, I see you brought your boyfriend ay?" Sam responded, laughing at the look Wade gave him.
"He did, now if you excuse us, we're gonna go," Wade said with a hint of jealousy laced in his tone, pushing Peter to the elevator.
"Sorry, Sam! Talk to you later!" Peter shouted before walking to the elevator with Wade.
"F.R.I.D.A.Y, floor 24 please!" Peter said with a smile, looking at the ceiling.
"You got it miniboss." F.R.I.D.A.Y chirped back as the elevator clanked open.
Both of them walked inside the elevator before it closed, no going back Wade.
"Hey Wade, are you alright? You seem quite......scared?" Peter asked with curiosity,
"I-uh....OKAy I'm scared, I'm scared what your dads might think about me.." Wade said with a small tensed laugh, rubbing his bald head with his hand.
"It's fine Wade, I'm sure they're going to be okay with it." Peter grinned before the elevator stopped with a ding.
Wade thought to himself a little before stepping out of the elevator and into the large penthouse.
Y'know, maybe it isn't going to be so bad. 
Even if they don't accept me as Peter's boyfriend, who's going to stop me from visiting him every once in a while?
Wade thought to himself before sliding his hand on Peter's hips,
"Wade..." Peter looked at Wade with a stern gaze
"Can't help myself webs," Wade said right back, chuckling a bit.
"Kid! I missed you!" Tony ran at Peter, hugging his child with a strong hug.
"Hey Pete," Steve said while Bucky stayed quiet with a smile as usual, 
"Oh, right... Dad, Pops, Papa, Wade!" Peter smiled, doing jazz hands.
"Err, nice to meet you Mr. Stark, Mr. Rogers, and Mr. Barnes-" Wade shakilly grinned, lifting his hand.
Tony gave Wade a look before shaking his hand, "Pleasure meeting you Mr. Wade," Tony said with the most sarcasm he could produce.
Steve shared a look with Bucky before patting Wade on the back, "It's nice to meet you aswell, Wade." Steve smiled before hugging Tony from the back, 
Bucky just gave a look and stayed silent as usual.
Peter could sense some tension between Wade and Tony so he decided to break it up,
"Let's eat now yeah?" Peter grinned a little before skipping towards the dinner table.
"So, how are ya son?" Barnes said to Peter as he seated himself near Tony, "I'm doing fine Papa, no need to worry." Peter chirped back, holding Wade's hand from under the table once Wade was seated next to him. 
"Anyways, so Wade...What's your status with my son?" Tony asked with a little anger in his tone.
Peter looked expectantly at Wade, urging him to say it already. 
"I'm Peter's boyfriend, sir," Wade grinned,
And at that, all of Peter's dad went rigid. 
They started questioning Wade, then Peter, then Wade again.
Though their interrogation got cut off when the food was announced ready by the hired chef. 
And so they ate, deciding to continue the conversation after they finished eating.
"Daddy, can you pass the salt?" Peter said to Tony, 
But apparently, Wade got an idea.
An evil one at most.
He's gonna be causing sum chaos,
"Sure kid," Tony said, reaching for the salt.
And that's when Wade striked his move,
he immediately grabbed the salt with such speed, and gave it to Peter. 
"Anything else sweetheart?" Wade smirked devilishly at Peter, giving a bit of his suggesting eyebrow raise.
Peter flushed deeply, grabbing his face with his hands as he groaned loudly. 
"You just had to ruin it Wade.." Peter mumbled into his hands, unable to see his fathers right now.
Steve and Bucky absolutely lost it, roaring with laughter.
Tony stood up from his seat and grabbed his blaster that he keeps there in case of emergencies, and this surely looked like an emergency to tony.
Peter groaned as he slid down his chair, descending under the table out of pure embarrassment,
this is surely the last time he invites Wade to these sorts of things as he blocks out the sound of Tony's blasters as they aim at Wade's chest.

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