Persuasive Peter

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> Yoooo, manipulative evil Peter arc? 

Peter was a demonic piece of shit. Some people, however, didn't know about Peter being the demonic piece of shit he is. Everyone else knew the fact except for the teachers in Midtown high, Ned, May, and Tony Stark Whenever someone would bring up the fact that Peter was a little devil, someone would either get punched 5 times in the shin or on the face, or they will either get sued by Tony Stark. 

Peter was sitting in class, looking at the clock as if it was an ancient relic, waiting for the bell to hit so he could feed his hungry stomach. "DING DING DING DING" the bell rang, and the students began to pack their things, ready to refill their energy, Peter especially. "Hey, dude!" Ned said as he came up next to Peter, walking to the cafeteria. "Hey, Ned," Peter responded, finding a spot near MJ. "Sup Penis Parker!" Eugene yelled as he dunked his cafeteria food on Peter's head, "What the hell?!" Peter screamed in surprise. "Oops, sorry, I tripped!" Flash retorted, snickering at Peter's embarrassment, walking away from the scene he had caused. "Ugh, I hate Flash," Ned said while sending a pity glance at Peter. But Peter didn't respond, he was too caught up listening to the gears turning inside his head. He was done with Eugene's bullshit, Flash has affected him enough, so he mentally prepared his mental plan to bring Eugene to his downfall. Peter spent the whole lunchtime, scrubbing food off his head while making sure that there wasn't anything liquid inside the ruffles of his curls. All the students, except for Ned and MJ, ignored his glances of help. They knew if they were to help, they would be next on the bullied train, and Peter understands that they really wanted to help, except for the fact that they can't bring themselves to do it. Time passed by quickly, as the students cleaned up their messes and got ready for their next class. Peter grinned mentally, this was perfect, it was all going to plan, as they took their seats in the class, the lesson began. "Mr. Jake? Can I go to the bathroom?" Peter asks with an innocent look. "I don't know, can you?" Mr. Jake retorted, laughing at his own joke as the students snickered lightly. "I'm just kidding, have at it kid." that was Peter's cue to start his plan while using the classic old toilet excuse. So the plan was simple, go to the champions' shelf (it was a shelf full of medallions and trophies), take the smallest, and shiniest, trophies or medallions possible, go to Eugene Thompson's locker, shove it all in there, try to make it not that locked so it might fall out of his locker at any moment and so it might be caught by a teacher passing by. And that was the plan, but Peter wanted Flash to suffer much more, so he ran to the bathroom, washed his hands, and walked out of the bathroom, opening the door to his classroom. I bet half of you reading this was wondering, why would Peter need to run to the bathroom when he could just go inside the class to make it faster. Well, Peter isn't new to these sorts of things, not once has he ever been captured with it as well. He knew that if he were to look as if he came back from the toilet with wet hands, no one would suspect a thing. Other than that, he knew that the teachers rarely used CCTV unless it was taken at a crime scene, or to see if any students has cheated on their exams and quizzes. And so, as the clock ticks by slowly, with Mr. Jake prattling on about a song that might help with remembering the digits of Pi, Peter planned his next show. The next class was science, students started to fill up the empty classroom. As their small chats came to a decease, the teacher began her teachings. Peter waited for 30 minutes into the class, getting ready for the question that has been replaying in his mind. "Ms. Kimberlake? Can I go to the bathroom?" Peter asked, "Okay Peter, but be quick." Ms. Kimberlake said with a big smile. It is known to everyone that the teachers in Midtown High loved Peter. Which means that Peter isn't really one to put on a suspect's list if a person was ever to be framed, what reason? Almost everyone is oblivious, and Peter loved that fact. And so, Peter trudged into an empty classroom with no teachers inside, locked the classroom doors, got out a box cutter, started scratching tiny pieces of wood from the table, shoving all those pieces in a small plastic bag that he brought from the cafeteria lady, and shoving it in his pocket. And as his 2nd plan was fulfilled, he ran to the bathroom and ran into class with his hands soaked. As the science talk continues, the more the students fell asleep, and in that area counted Flash. So as Flash and the other students slept, while the teacher continues droning on, Peter yanked Flash's bag from under his table with his webs and shoved the plastic bag inside Eugene's bag. Peter took out Flash's phone, zipped the bag real nicely, and returned it under Eugene's table. Peter hid Eugene's phone inside his pocket as the bell rang to enter their leave. And so, the last class occurred. As the students, trudged through the hallway to get to class, Peter got one last idea to complete his master plan. He unlocked Flash's phone, and sneaked behind a group of girls with skirts, trying to act as sneakily as possible. Peter shoved his hand under the group of girls' skirts and took a picture, stopping once he had an equivalent of 12 pictures, and thus Peter's plan was complete. While Eugene prattled on to his jock friends, Peter used this opportunity to open Flash's bag zipper quietly and shoving Eugene's phone lightly inside the bag, and zipping the bag back up quietly, so no one would notice Peter's action. And once that was complete, Peter smirked to himself, proud of himself for how well he did this all and left to go find Ned and MJ. Finally, the final class ended, and the students happily complied with the bell to pack up. As the rows of students separated to find their lockers, Peter, Ned, and MJ took their sweet time. Peter led his friends near Flash's locker, wanting them to experience Flash's demise. And so, without the 2 said friends knowing, Peter pulled them slowly, making sure to walk extra slow while waiting for Flash to open his goddamn locker already! "BANG" a loud crash echoed through the halls, and many small medallions and trophies came stumbling out of Flash's locker. Flash looked super surprised to the point he was gaping, Peter was trying to hide his smirk inwardly while his 2 friends gaped. MJ knew right away that this was Peter's work, she just knew. teachers started running through the halls, trying to figure out what made such a loud noise. and when they saw Flash's locker, oh boy were they mad. Flash was scolded for stealing the school's trophies and medals by the teachers in front of the hall filled with gaping students, some were snickering though. No matter how much Flash tried to reason with them, they didn't want to hear it. One of the teachers suggested checking inside Flash's bag to see if there were any more stolen. Flash groaned while the rest of the teachers agreed, and so they began shoving their hands inside Flash's bag. Peter couldn't hold his smirk this time, it was all going exactly to plan. Alas, one of the teachers found a bag of wooden particles, which they were sure of to be drugs. Flash tried to reason again with them, but they still didn't want to hear it. "Eugene Thompson! Such behavior is not tolerated in this school! One more strike and you will be expelled from this school!" the teacher said sternly at Flash, more students started snickering, as Flash blushed heavily at his embarrassment. MJ, and Ned started snickering as well, Peter slowly joining in. But before the students could finish their snickers, one of the teachers yelled. And it was directed at Eugene. The students were confused, what could possibly make a teacher this mad? And that was when the teacher pulled Eugene's phone out. the phone showed 12 images of the said phone tilting upwards showing 12 girls down part. Some of the pics involved showing half of their private part (If you don't understand, some girls don't use panties, and some also use those small ones that cover only half of the area it was supposed to cover), it's a good thing that it was mostly covered in panties though. the said girls blushed heavily and started yeeting their things at Eugene while some of the boys and the girls in the hallway inwardly groaned. Peter and his friends snickered heavily, and so did more of the students in the halls. "That is it Eugene! You have taken things too far! You are now hereby expelled, from Midtown High!" And that was the moment Flash started crying, snot came running down his nose, and that made the hallway roar with laughter. Come on, can you blame them? They were traumatized by this bullying piece of shit, and now the said bully was crying in the hallway with snot running down his face. "We will inform your parents of this behavior Eugene, I suggest you clean your things now before you leave this school and never come back." the teacher said with a very intense glare that could possibly rival MJ's. "Y-yes Mr. Morita." Flash whimpered, as his tears started flowing down his face and onto the dirty floor. "Can't believe that happened dude, did you know about this?" Ned asked Peter as Flash continued cleaning his locker, "Nope, if I did then I would've told my best friend wouldn't I?" Peter asked, trying to show his most innocent face possible. "True, well I have to go now, my mom's picking me up! Bye Peter!" Ned said while he trudged himself down the hall and out of the school. "I know you did it loser, don't even try." MJ started, while leaving the conversation completely by walking away from the gaping brunette. "How did she?- Nevermind." Peter said as he walked to his locker to get his homework stored in there before going home. On Peter's way outside the school, he met face to face with Eugene being escorted by 3 security guards out of the school while holding a box full of his things. Eugene gave one glance behind him and saw Peter's evil smirk, and that's how he knew that Peter was the cause of the reason he was leaving. But he can't do anything about it anymore, he wasn't allowed back inside the school. And Peter was happy about this fact. 


Flash explained to his parents in tears on what happened, and they were mad, very VERY mad at Peter. They made calls to several lawyers and threatened to sue the Parker residence, but Peter's got that part covered. Peter used his persuasive skills to show as much innocence and tears as possible to Tony, whimpering while trying to guilt trip Tony into helping him. Tony obviously fell for it, I mean he is such a dad for Peter after all. Right at that moment when Peter came trudging into his lab with tears rolling down his face, Tony asked what happened and said that he will try to help Peter on whatever happened. And that's when Peter knew that he would surely manipulate his father, he started by explaining how this kid named Flash Eugene Thompson accused him of framing him to get expelled from school, and now his parents were trying to sue him and May. After Tony heard that little half truth half lie sob story, boy was he mad. The next day he invited 46 lawyers and sued the Thompson family right back up their asshole. Flash tried to tell Tony that Peter was a fucking devil twat, but was met with an angry glare that could rival the Black Widow's, and pointed an Iron man gauntlet at him. Flash was traumatized from that day on and left with his family by his side with tears streaming down their filthy faces like the little asshats they are. Peter tried to hide the smirk that showed but smiled in replacement. He showed his smile to his aunt May, his best friend Ned, and Mr. Stark, and boy did he love to have an oblivious little family by his side, no matter what the cost.

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