Don't Mess With MJ

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It was a normal day for the decathlon members of Midtown High, in fact, they were going on a field trip to the museum! And they couldn't be happier, sadly some of them couldn't make it, like Abe for example. Either they aren't allowed by their parents, or they have homework. Decathlon members started filling inside the bus, as the bus piled up with the champions of Midtown High. "Alright, that is everyone. We're set to go!" Mr. Harrington announces to the class, as the decathlon team cheers loudly. Peter, MJ, and Ned sat together behind the bus. Ned and Peter were talking about Star Wars and Legos, as usual. MJ was reading a book, how she isn't sick for reading it while being inside a moving vehicle? I don't know. Each of the team members came up with strategies to refrain any one of them from being bored on their way there. So, as a team, they decided to play truth or dare. "Peter, truth or dare?" Betty said, looking intently at Peter while showing her camera face. "Uh, truth?" Peter answers, "Of course, you choose truth, you fucking wimp." Flash said while snickering a little. "Who's your crush, Peter?" Betty continued, and Peter blushed deeply, with red heavily spreading from his face to his ears. Everyone laughed at his reaction but was quiet enough to hear his response, "W-Wade.." Peter admits shyly while scratching the back of his neck. "AWWWWWW" Cindy coos while covering her happy smile with her hands. "Straight pick right there Parker, well gay but whatever," Flash said while doing a thumbs-up. "We already know by the way you look at him loser," MJ said while Ned confirms her answer by nodding along. "That's so cute!" betty says with a smile. "Okay, Eugene, truth or dare?" MJ asked, "Dare! I ain't no wimp!" Flash said, trying to act tough. "I dare you and Peter to have an arm wrestle. No holding back, I'm aiming this at you, Parker." MJ said while glaring at both boys. Flash smirks widely while Peter grimaces a smile. As both boys got in position, Ned started counting down. "This is gonna be easy!" Flash retorts, right before the arm wrestle could even begin. "3, 2, 1!" Ned says, looking intensely with the girls at the 2 figures. Flash started sweating, Peter wasn't even trying! How is Puny Parker defeating him with ease? Flash started pushing his body weight forward, but Peter's hand didn't budge. "Screw it, this is taking too long." And with that sentence coming out of Peter's mouth, the game ends with Peter breaking the table by pushing Eugene's hand roughly onto the table. "Oh shoot! Sorry Flash, I'm so sorry I did that,  I put too much power, I'm so sorry, is your hand ok??" Peter rambled, staring worriedly at Flash's hand, not paying attention to the gaping members of the decathlon, except for Ned and MJ. "Peter, you just defeated Flash in an arm wrestle. And you broke the table along, with it." Betty says confused and shocked. "U-uh yeah?" Peter answers, "That was so cool dude! You should do that again when Flash makes fun of you again." Ned says. "Nice" MJ says, continuing to read her book. Flash was gaping, I bet the things that are going on in his mind is something like this:


And I don't blame Flash for thinking those things. And so they continued playing truth or dare, but Flash didn't retort to Peter that much, still in fear of what just happened. As the ride went on, the sooner their destination came. At last, they were at the museum! Slowly, each member tripled down the bus, glorifying their presence in the building that stood tall and mighty. Mr. Harrington finally finished his counting session and led the group inside. The trip was a blast for them, they learned about the iron age, the late bronze age, some drawings that famous artists made, and many more. Suddenly, a loudspeaker rang, Everyone in the museum stood still, waiting for the announcer. "Attention people, the museum is under attack! Please keep calm while security handles this. Find a place to hide and be safe." And at that announcement, everyone panicked. The people started parting like the red sea and hiding in various rooms. The Decathlon was being led by Mr. Harrington down the hall, to the right, and inside a room. Suddenly, footsteps echoed. Sadly, these footsteps belong to a criminal group. The echoes continued loudly, coming in closer to the room the decathlon members were in. "fuckfuckfuckfuck we're gonna die!" Ned whispered quickly to his friend. "Uh-Uh s-stay calm students, we can make it out of here alive." Mr. Harrington said, trying to reassure his students but mostly himself. "shit." Flash said wide-eyed. Betty was silently crying while Cindy was ranting a goddamn list of prayers, MJ on the other hand, looked quite bored surprisingly. "Damnit, that's the end to my secret I guess," Peter whispers at Ned, getting his web shooters ready. BAM! The door crashed open, and multiple armed men rushed inside, aiming their guns and knives at the team. Peter prepared to jump and make his entrance but saw MJ holding his hand, gesturing him to stay. Peter was confused but obliged because he trusted MJ. MJ stood up with a proud stance, still holding her book in one hand. The team stared at her, the teacher tried to whisper to MJ to get down, but MJ ignored them. "You know, It's not really nice to aim a gun or a knife at a group of teens with a teacher," MJ said, still looking bored. "Ah, what a brave little girl! Sadly this is your doom, you stupid little child." One of them said as he led his men toward MJ. MJ clutched her book and changed her stance. "Game on, bitches." She screamed while smirking before throwing her book through the air, hitting 3 armed men, and making them unconscious. "That was easy, I thought it would be harder honestly. And don't fucking call me a little child you bozos!" MJ retorted while Judo kicked a man unconscious and propelled herself into the air by using the unconscious falling man as a ramp. "You will pay for that you brat!" One of them screamed, trying to shoot MJ. MJ locked her thigh onto one of the armed men's necks and twisted it, making a loud cracking sound. The decathlon members stared at their team leader, even the teacher was shocked. "HEY LOSERS! A LITTLE HELP?!" MJ questioned while trying to lift one of the men over her to slam him onto the hard concrete floor. "Welp, that's our cue," Ned said as he stood up and ran over to help MJ. "Sorry guys, this will be quick! Promise!" Peter said to the gaping team as he ran over to help his 2 best friends. The team was transfixed at how well the 3 fought together. MJ takes on the left, Peter takes on the front and back, and Ned takes on the right. They were punching, kicking, and judo flipping each armed man to their demise. and finally, all the men were down. "Good job guys! That was the fastest one in our record." Ned said as he high-fived his 2 besties. Flash, Betty, Cindy, and the teacher were gaping wide at what they thought to be 3 fucking ninja teens they never knew much of except as a classmate or a student."What the fu-

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