Chapter 19

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   I called everyone I knew: Vinnie, Oscar, Nolan, Ben, and even Antonio. Since I didn't know Odin's dad's number, I needed their help to find him. I used Antonio's van, because it was the only thing that could fit all six of us, (including Odin), so I had no choice but to talk him into it. The problem with getting to Vegas is time. It would have to take about twenty whole hours of driving, considering that that's on the other side of the country. I felt like one of those guys from Mission Impossible, planning the rescue mission and all.

   I gathered everyone, and stuffed them all in the van. We all brought our own money, so that way we could buy whatever we needed for the road-trip. I wanted to find Odin, the rest probably just wanted an excuse for missing school. Nolan volunteered to drive, while I called passenger, being the head of the "mission". As we started the car, multiple sneezes came from the trunk. I wasn't sure, but I might have seen a little snot and mucus fly up from the back. I gagged in disgust as some winged it's way up into my mouth. Antonio quickly got up, and pulled some random hobo out from the back, and pushed him out. "I thought my family told you to stay out of our van! How long exactly have you been living back there!?!" Screamed Antonio. The man ran off, and Antonio yelled some stuff at him. "That's right," he exclaimed after him,"Run away! How dare you phlegm into my acquaintance's mouth like that you tramp!" 

  We all watched him as he stepped back into his seat. "What... was.... that?" I said, not knowing what the hell just happened. "I didn't even know that guy could speak!" Ben added in. "Phlegm??? Acquaintance??? You are one strange fellow!" He just winked, and resumed humming his favorite song. Nolan resumed starting the car, and prepared for our very own road-trip.

                                                  20 HOURS, 35 MINUTES LATER... 

 I looked out the window, and breathed in the warm desert air. Oscar wouldn't stop trying to scratch his arm inside his cast. My phone buzzed, and I struggled to pull it out from my pocket. I put it to my ear, and found that it was Odin, probably using some other guy's phone. "Hello? Oh, hey Wesley," He said to me. "I'm at the Cheesecake Factory in the Caesar's Palace Hotel. Come quick, because I think the people caught me stealing their food... oh crap! Here they come right now! Yeah, alright, come now! Bye!" He hung up, and I told Nolan to step on it. He started driving like a maniac, speeding past the traffic like Sonic the Hedgehog on dope. 

    The momentum pushed me back into my chair. "Whoa!" I exclaimed. "Where did you learn to drive like this?!?" He spoke, still looking ahead of him. "Let's just say I'm awesome, and can do some awesome stuff, okay, I'm kinda getting distracted here, so can you please put a sock in it!?!" I zipped my mouth shut, and watched him dart through the street. Just then, I heard sirens coming from behind us. Nolan slowed down, and eventually stopped as a police officer walked up to the window.

  "Hello, do you exactly how fast you were going? I'm gonna have to write you a major t-" Nolan's face collided with the cop's face, knocking the officer over as he followed through with the punch. "SCREW YOU!" Screamed Nolan as he resumed his illegal driving. After a few minutes, we were already within sight range of the massive hotel. Several gunshots were fired as bullet-holes  punctured through the back of the van. "MY CAR!" Yelled Antonio in agony. 

  "Okay, here we are." Said Nolan as he threw me out of the car, and onto the lobby entrance. He sped off, the police car following them as they disappeared into the distance. I turned, and ran into the colossal building. I ran past a whole bunch of talking statues and mall stores, and then finally reached the Cheesecake Factory. I inhaled the sweat scent of cake and cheese, and then found Odin; the the only thing was that some guy was beating him to death. I thrust myself towards him, and got him off. The guy looked pissed, and pushed me to the ground. He was about six feet tall, and  looked strong enough to snap me in half like a toothpick. "I'm Nathaniel Mizrahi, and nobody messes with Nathaniel Mizrahi, you know why you can't mess with Nathaniel Mizrahi? Because Nathaniel Mizrahi kills anyone who makes Nathaniel Mizrahi mad!!!" 

 Jesus Christ! This guy is freaking insane! "Odin," I said, "You really need to stop pissing off people, especially crazy assholes like this one!" He charged toward me like an angry elephant, and right as he pulled back his arm, Vinnie jumped in and spin-kicked him into the counter. 

  "Common Wes, lets get the hell out of here, Nolan can't stay put much longer!" The three of us jumped into the damaged van. "Odin scarfed down a whole foot-long sandwich in hunger while Oscar filled up the tank with gas. I told Ben to go buy some snacks from the Foodmart, considering Odin hadn't eaten in a few days. Ben ran out with three bags of chips and a soda. "Go! Get out! The cop! He's here. We all hopped back inside just as the officer bolted out  and shot the side-view mirror into pieces of broken glass. 

                                     SEVERAL DAYS LATER, BACK AT SCHOOL...

   My friends and I vowed never to tell anyone about what had happened in Las Vegas. 

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