Chapter 20

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   I strolled over to Evan, who was busy making out with the hottest girl in school, Ashley Fisher, who had long brown hair. I was amazed on how a person could move on so quickly, and just start making out with someone else, but that was just my opinion. They kissed for about another ten minutes, which was sort of strange because I wanted to look away, but couldn't get my eyes off of them. When they were finally done, she went to her next class, while Evan confronted me.

  "So, Wesley, how was the road trip?" he said in a dark sort of tone. "Umm, uh... good?" He walked closer to me. "It must of been fun, going on a road trip, and not inviting me to come along," 

  "I'm sorry Evan, I just needed to give you some space, besides, if I had brought you with me, you and Oscar would be trying to kill each other. But hey, at least you got a girlfriend though, congrats on that!" I tried to cheer him up, but he looked pretty serious. "Do you know, how long I followed you and your friends-" He opened his eyes wide, and cupped his hand over his mouth. "Wait," I said, "You were following us?" He nodded his head in silence.

  "I'm sorry Wes, don't blame me. I was upset and Oscar, and well... I kinda followed you to Nevada-" 

  "WHAT!" I exclaimed, cutting him off. "You followed us to Nevada!?! Do you know what kind of trouble I could have gotten in?!?" He just stood there, waiting for me to say something else. After a good long minute, he ran off. 

   On my way to class, I bumped into Jake Gannon, who was like the jock of the school. He was also really popular, so the girls were always following him, (and Evan, but mostly Jake). "Hey Jake," I said to him.

   He just turned around and pulled down my pants, like he was the major prankster, and as if he could get away with anything. The only thing was that I was going commando today, considering that I had went all my clean underwear while we were being chased by the Las Vegas Police Department. Everyone stopped what they were doing, and looked in my direction. I felt as if time had just slowed down, and that the whole world was staring at my junk. 

  But nobody laughed freaked out, they just... glared. I looked down, and saw a light from heaven coming from my lower area. I pulled up my pants as fast as I could, and the beam of light went away. Everyone just resumed their walking, and I was just freaking confused on what the hell just happened. I turned and saw Jake, standing there, and still gaping at my pants. I slowly backed off as several girls jumped on him and kissed him all at once. He pushed them off, and walked over to me. 

  "Did you see what just happened?" He asked me. "No, actually I don't. First, you pulled down my pants, then you think you're so funny, and then time stops. At least, that's how I saw what happened." He agreed, and we agreed not to talk to each other again, and forget about everything.

                                     AFTER SCHOOL, MY HOUSE...

  I rushed through my homework, and called Odin to check in on him, since he had been reunited with his dad. Just then, several knocks came from the door. I opened it, only to find the mentally insane guy from the Cheesecake Factory. 

  "Hey kid, remember me?" he said in his devilish grin. Holy Crap!  Did this man follow me from Vegas? I quickly slammed the door in his face. "OWW! SHIT!" He yelled as he clutched his nose in pain. I opened the door, and then shut it again, only this time closing in on his foot. "AAHHH! WHAT THE HELL!" I opened the door once more, and repeatedly kicked him in his side. 

  "What do you want from me?" I yelled at him. "I like you kid, your attitude is good for a job, a job that I can offer you. "You see my car," He pointed to a yellow Lamborghini parked sideways in the street. "That's the kind of stuff that you get steal if you work for Nathaniel Mizrahi." 

  He smiled, but I just took the vase of flowers and smashed it against his evil-looking face. This time, I knew for sure that he was out cold. I picked him up, and dragged him to his stolen car. As I walked over to it, It drove off into the road. I peered into the car, only to see the crazy, car-jacking homeless man, pushed the petal to the metal and speeding off. CRAP!  What was I supposed to do know? I'm stuck, carrying a mental insane thief who followed me to Des Moines and attempted to kill m friend over a sandwich. I threw him into the trunk of my mom's car, and drove him far, far away, where I'd never see his face again. "See you never," I said to his unconscious body as I left him in a cornfield.

  It is official; I am a crazy person magnet. I called Evan, who was too busy making out with Ashley, his new girlfriend, just to make sure he was okay. I slumped in my chair, and resumed my homework.

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